Game Thread: PSU - Maryland

No doubt, double digit UMd players could have been flagged for shoving & Unsportsmanlike Penalty because they didn't like Scott's clean hit - no flags from Shizholian crew, go figure....LMFAO.
Yeah, they can't open any room for Barkley as the football genius troll said earlier...I guess thats why he has 150 yards rushing in the first half??? LMFAO at you moron trolls - could you just STFU morons and go crawl back into the cesspool you crawled out of????
have I just not been paying attention... when did we start kicking XP's from the 11 instead of the 10? or have i missed a trend that's been ongoing for decades and I'm still locked in the past?
I hope nick Scott learns the safety position. Looks like an athlete....and he tackles well
What a call! It looked like Moorhead got that in right at the end after watching the d alignment. Incredible.
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This game might come down to whether PSU can stop UMd on their first possession. Tom Bradley and Ron Vanderlinden are probably "cringing" at the piss poor tackling.
On that TD run by Barkley, Paris Palmer did get beat by his man.

I know it did not matter since the play mostly went away from him but I am just worried about Palmer in the 2nd half.

Well there's a reason Palmer doesn't start anymore. Least of it being that he can't bench his weight.
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Trace has more yards running (73) than passing (63) in the half
Well there's a reason Palmer doesn't start anymore. Least of it being that he can't bench his weight.

People that don't know shouldn't post this kind of crap. Unless Palmer weighs over 385 pounds he most certainly can bench his weight.
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1st half rushing stats

Barkley 148 yards and a td on 19 carries
McSorley 73 yards and a td on 14 carries

Maryland as a team 84 yards and a td on 17 carries