2021 Olympic Trials Results and discussion thread

Starocci Nickal coming up soon on mat 2, probably the same time as AB and Nate Jackson on mat 3.
*** NOTE -

If two matches are up at the same time you want to watch - you can rewind these Peacock video feeds to watch the matches you missed !! Awesome !!
I tried on my ipad and couldn't figure out how. Maybe if I was on my DVR?
Starocci shoots, NIckal stuffs it. Nick warned for passivity.
Nickal on clock, gives up a point.
Nickal goes cross ankle, gets four and a gut for two more.
(and that's how it ended, 6-1)

Switching to Brooks Jackson
Brooks up 1-0 with a clock point.
Second period
Jackson put on clock again under two minutes remaining. Gets the point, then gets a leg, settles for a step out point. 3-0, a minute left.
That's how it'll end here too, Brooks will wrestle Zahid next.
Have to figure Starocci heads up to 184 after Brooks leaves to minimize time in no man’s land between 74kg and 86kg.
Thanks for the posts....can't watch today.
Does anybody know the secret to rewinding the matches on individual mats? I wanted to watch AB but can't rewind.
Gilman will be next up on Mat 3, but I think they're waiting on this prior round to end, which is on its last match.
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