2017 NCAAs Session 6 Thread

And you know this about Hall how, exactly? I'm inclined to believe the "myth" until better info is provided.

He had a weigh-in from 3 years ago in the 180s. He also mentioned his weight got up to high 180s on ASU recruiting trip.

Edit: Just checked. It was actually 178.3 pounds 3 years ago.
I just like trolling.

Tonight's matches, in the order in which they will be wrestled:

197: #1 seed J'den Cox (Mizzou) vs. #2 seed Brett Pfarr (Minn)

285: #1 seed Kyle Snyder (Ohio St) vs. #2 seed Connor Medbery

125: #4 seed Darian Cruz (Lehigh) vs. #6 seed Ethan Lizak (Minny)

133: #4 seed Cory Clark (Iowa) vs. #2 seed Seth Gross (S. Dakota St)

141: #1 seed Dean Heil (Ok. St) vs. #6 seed George DiCamilio (UVA)

149: #1 seed ZPain vs. #3 seed Lavion Mayes (Mizzou)

157: #1 seed Nolf vs. #3 seed Joey Lavallee (Mizzou)

165: #3 seed Joseph vs. #1 seed Isaiah Martinez (Illini)

174: #5 seed Hall vs. #3 seed Bo Jordan (Ohio St)

184: #2 seed Nickal vs. #1 Gabe Dean (Cornell)
Guns Predictions:

Lizak 7 Cruz 2
Clark 4 Gross 3
Heil 6 DiCamillo 4
Retherford 8 Mayes 4
Nolf 14 LeVallee 6
Martinez 3 Joseph 2
Hall 6 Jordan 5
Nickal fall over Dean, 6:32
Cox 6 Pfarr 2
Snyder 11 Medbery 4
At end if clup, Head Tanner says that daO$U beat PSU last year and two weeks yeah, sure, we can definitely beat them... Really Tom? You beat PSU last year? Sure you did Tom, in your wet dream.

I think he corrected himself with the 2 weeks ago vs last year comment (2 weeks ago does seem like last year with how our guys have performed this weekend).

I'll give credit to Ryan about the hornets nest. Great quote. Good stuff about Snyder too.
anyone know where cox projects position wise for football?
that was a crazy high elevation of the leg by Cox. Don't see a 197er's leg that high, too often.
This "Off the Mat" on ESPN3 is pretty decent ....

I suggest you guys give it a try in the early matches to see if you like it for the PSU matches.
A bond that can't be broken. Nice of Seth to wear the shirt to support his brother, and a shame he will never wear the singlet.

Did I miss his brother's commitment to wrestle for another program? Where's he going?
With his win, does Mizzou pass Iowa for fourth (since that will be their only win tonight!)?