
Nice comeback there from Shields. Nice to be able to hear Mark Perry coach him the whole match.
AndEEss, I will defer to you for posting results for the remaining matches. Thanks, Gaylon
Bizhoev got a takedown with 20-30 left after running out the 30s for a point right before that.
Now 4-0. Looked to me like Shields was grounded but the ref disagreed.
That Russian is crazy good! Baited Nolf into that failed chest wrap.
Jason didn't need to go for that chest wrap with a minute still to go. All he needed was a takedown and he would have been leading on criteria, but I think Valiev's defense was so good up to that point that Jason felt he needed to force something there. Jason is very close to being up there with the top guys. I believe he needs to rely less on shots from space and work on his shots from ties.
Jason didn't need to go for that chest wrap with a minute still to go. All he needed was a takedown and he would have been leading on criteria, but I think Valiev's defense was so good up to that point that Jason felt he needed to force something there. Jason is very close to being up there with the top guys. I believe he needs to rely less on shots from space and work on his shots from ties.
I agree. Valiev is way to quick for those shots from distance. And Nolf took a lot of shots
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