

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001

Really excited to see Facundo this season. A lot of people are sleeping on him, IMO. It might be because 165 is the most brutal weight class this year. It might be because of his perceived “lack of offense”. Either way, I think he’ll surprise some folks. Here he is beating #6 Hamiti.

I totally agree! Absolutely brutal weight but I think he is an AA. I also think he has more offense than people give him credit for. SVN and Facundo are the 2 guys I’m most excited for this season. I feel like they are the next 2 PSU greats
Yeah - don’t forget that we also beat the Buckeyes twice in 2018 by a razor thin margin, but we won nonetheless!

And I suppose the same can be said for RBY, Nick Lee and CStar in the 2021 NCAA finals, but they still won nonetheless! 😁
As the late Pittsburgh Pirates broadcaster Bob Prince used to say, "We had em all the way!"
We didn’t get to see how much he improved since he wrestled nobody notable to make the team in the US and went 0-1 at worlds against a solid Iranian. Regardless, I’m very optimistic for Alex this coming year. He worked extensively with Casey and Carter this summer and the kid wants it bad and isn’t short on confidence. There will be some lumps and to be honest, I think he’ll always be a defense first wrestler but I certainly won’t be surprised when he launches up the rankings.
Yeah - don’t forget that we also beat the Buckeyes twice in 2018 by a razor thin margin, but we won nonetheless!

And I suppose the same can be said for RBY, Nick Lee and CStar in the 2021 NCAA finals, but they still won nonetheless! 😁
And don’t forget Patrick Kennedy at Who’s #1 in 2019. He won nonetheless.
And don’t forget Patrick Kennedy at Who’s #1 in 2019. He won nonetheless.

Don’t forget Kemerer beat Starocci at Big Tens even worse than Kennedy beat Facundo at WNO. If our coaches can figure out how to reverse a 2 week old result I like their chances to reverse a 3 year old one.
Part 3. Me in the red shirt

Looking at that slap, has anyone seen this new league Dana White is starting called power slap?!?! It’s crazy and super dangerous. You line up like in an arm wrestling match, standing with a padded barrier between you and then you take turns open hand slapping each other one after the next. So many straight knockouts where guys go OUT! So bad for your brain but if you are doing this “sport” you probably didn’t have much of one to begin with
Looking at that slap, has anyone seen this new league Dana White is starting called power slap?!?! It’s crazy and super dangerous. You line up like in an arm wrestling match, standing with a padded barrier between you and then you take turns open hand slapping each other one after the next. So many straight knockouts where guys go OUT! So bad for your brain but if you are doing this “sport” you probably didn’t have much of one to begin with
It's been going on in Russia for years. And yes, horrible idea. Hard to see it lasting beyond the novelty stage.
"BY a gnat's eyelash."
"A Giant Can of Golden Bantam" About Bob Veale: "He could Throw a Grape Through a Locomotive". He had some really strange but awesome sayings :)
One of my favorite memories was as a youngster...listening late at night on my transistor radio to a Pirates game. It was in the later innings when a Pirate hit the ball and I heard: "There is a Long Drive to Deep Left Field. Back Back and you can K.......and the Shortstop hauls it in.". I later learned that fans would often hand Bob and his crew beers through the open Broadcasters booth...often Pitchers of beer. Prince would thank them, toast them and drink it down. Also alleged to be having the harder stuff on the side. The fans LOVED him. Sometimes his late game calls were a bit off :) Memories :)
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"A Giant Can of Golden Bantam" About Bob Veale: "He could Throw a Grape Through a Locomotive". He had some really strange but awesome sayings :)
One of my favorite memories was as a youngster...listening late at night on my transistor radio to a Pirates game. It was in the later innings when a Pirate hit the ball and I heard: "There is a Long Drive to Deep Left Field. Back Back and you can K.......and the Shortstop hauls it in.". I later learned that fans would often hand Bob and his crew beers through the open Broadcasters booth...often Pitchers of beer. Prince would thank them, toast them and drink it down. Also alleged to be having the harder stuff on the side. The fans LOVED him. Sometimes his late game calls were a bit off :) Memories :)
I think he doesn't get the claim to fame that he deserves. He was a 'homer' though. I listened for many years in the early 70s as a kid. Nellie King was OK as well. Still have the 71 Pirates line-up memorized... Ever play Strat-o-matic baseball?
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