Better Call Saul tonight

I like Nacho, love the sarcastic punk film student, didn't realize Francesca was Saul's secretary in BB until the flash forward. I am halfway through season 4 in Netflix, what is my season 5 solution!?!
The Francesca story arc is great. She comes in as the perfect employee but turns on a dime once she realizes that Kim and Jimmy are pretty lax. Then you realize that she goes right down the corruption rabbit hole with Jimmy, but becomes way more cynical than Jimmy. By late in Breaking Bad she’s got no moral center left - she’s just counting the days and facilitating Saul’s scams. The beaten looks of her looking at his waiting room full of derelicts are great
about how long after the season concludes does it take for said season to show up on Netflix? I just watched the first 4 seasons & thought it was very good.
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It took a while for Season 4 to pop up on Netflix. IIRC, it was just before Season 5 premiered on AMC that Netflix got Season 4 up.

Your best bet is probably to set your DVR to record new and repeat episodes of BCS. AMC is likely to show a BCS marathon sometime over the summer before they release BCS Season 5 on Netflix. That was how I caught up with Breaking Bad, as I didn't start to watch BB when it first came out.
Your best bet is probably to set your DVR to record new and repeat episodes of BCS. AMC is likely to show a BCS marathon sometime over the summer before they release BCS Season 5 on Netflix. That was how I caught up with Breaking Bad, as I didn't start to watch BB when it first came out.
Good advice, AMC does tend to run marathons of lots of their programs, particularly Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead.
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Finished Season 5 by purchasing on Amazon Prime. Nacho was hoping not to have to look over his shoulder, guess that is out the window now.
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Nacho doesn't know that Lalo is still alive yet, right?
No, he doesn’t. I guess it means that I had not been looking at the scenario through Nacho’s eyes, but I hadn’t considered the possibility that Nacho might think Lalo is dead. Still, Nacho knows how tough Lalo is and I suspect that, being smart himself, he would operate under the assumption that Lalo made it out.
No, he doesn’t. I guess it means that I had not been looking at the scenario through Nacho’s eyes, but I hadn’t considered the possibility that Nacho might think Lalo is dead. Still, Nacho knows how tough Lalo is and I suspect that, being smart himself, he would operate under the assumption that Lalo made it out.
I don't know LJ, pretty sure he thought Lalo would be a sitting duck in the kitchen when he saw the "swat" team after opening the gate. The strong assumption is that Nacho thinks Lalo is dead as will Fring, Michael, etc, especially after Lalo forced the one hitman to call in on the sat phone that the op was hard but successful.
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Do we think we will come across Walter White and/or Jesse during Season 6? I would say yes, definitely expecting a Walter White cameo toward the end or at the very end dovetailing right in to Breaking Bad. I also think one of the fast forwards ultimately shows Slippin' Jimmy's demise as his fast talking and luck runs out in getting out of one last jam. Of the big three antihero characters, I believe Jessie is the only one allowed to ride off into the sunset.
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I don't know LJ, pretty sure he thought Lalo would be a sitting duck in the kitchen when he saw the "swat" team after opening the gate. The strong assumption is that Nacho thinks Lalo is dead as will Fring, Michael, etc, especially after Lalo forced the one hitman to call in on the sat phone that the op was hard but successful.
Point well taken. But that duplicity will last only so long.

Actually, Lalo could milk this awhile and not have the cousins on Nacho right away.
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