2018 NCAAs -- Session 2 Thread

My God, ESPN now showing a constant inset of Tom Ryan during Snyder's match. Enough already. :oops:
174: Hall vs Lydy (Purdue)

Missed most of the 1st period, but Bo had a 6-point move (2 TD and 4 NF early off the bat). Lydy got an esc, so the period ended 6-1. RT @ 52 sec for Hall

Per 2
Hall takes bottom. Hall up and out in 11 sec, 7-1. Hall gets a single, and gets the TD, 9-1. He's working a 2-on-1. now he traps the right arm. He gives that up. Stall warning on Lydy. Hall turns him and gets swipes. He gets 4 NF, 13-1. End. RT @ 2:??

Per 3
Lydy takes bottom. Lydy is out in about 8 sec, 13-2. Hall reaches for an ankle, nothing. 1 min left. Hall on a counter gets a TD, 15-2. OOB with 53 sec left. RT @ 2:16 for Hall. Hall with an optional start so it becomes 15-3. Hall with a throw and takes Lydy to his back. With 4 NF it's a 21-3 TF!
Mark Hall's evaluation of this match:

"Started quick, got him right to his back and ended just the same way, but there, I want to pin him there. I had him two times where I had him pretty deep on his back and I have to get the job done. All in all, I've been wrestling really well, getting to my attacks. Every time I get on a leg I want to finish."​
Man, Sorenson and Stoll losing late. Not how you want your last NCAA tournament to go. Two top notch kids, though. I've always really liked Sorenson.
ESPN love fest for Tan Tom and tOSU. :rolleyes:
So they really want Cael too, but he's not as willing. For Bo's match ended, Quint and the ESPN crew stood right behind his chair, had the lights on and all for the camera. Cael just patted him on the back, in a friendly way, but also in a get the hell out of my way, way

It's not how he does it
Nevills hasn't taken a shot the entire match and then gets blasted for a takedown in OT2. He escapes, however, and then he rides out. Nevills escapes with the victory. That's big
285: Nick Nevills vs. Michael Boykin ( NC State)

Nevills was 252.6 lbs. this morning

Per 1
Nevills reaches, nothing, then Boykin reaches, nothing. Gone thru 1 min with no real action. Nothing thru 1:30. Boykin nearly gets a leg, nothing. Under 1 min, and nothing close to a TD. 30 sec left. End.

Per 2
Boykin takes bottom. HJe's out in about 8 sec, 0-1. And they are back ear-to-ear. 1 min left. Nick reaches, nothing. Then Boykin reaches, nothing. End.

Per 3
Nevills takes bottom. Nick to his base, and to his feet, and out in 7 sec, 1-1. Somebody is going to have to shoot. Boyklin reaches, nothing. 1 min left. Boykin nearly shot, nothing. 30 sec left. End

Boykin reaches at 45 sec, nothing. End

Boykin takes down. He's up quickly, and out in 5 sec, 1-2. End

Nevills now down. Nick up and out in 4 sec, 2-2. End

This is kind of funny. Neither of them are confident enough to shoot. Boykin nearly does, but he's blocked. End

Nevills takes bottom. He's to his base, and out in 4 sec, 3-2. Boykin in on a shot and gets a TD as they go OOB. Nevills up and out 4-4. End

Boykin on bottom. He's up, but Nick trips him back down. RT now in NEvills advantage. He rides him out and gets the win, 5-4. Wow
Wow, thankful for the win there by Nevills, but geez, I don't really know what he was thinking. Unless he's ill or injured, he had ZERO interest in shooting or creating angles.....
I wouldn't go that far. There was strategy involved in that one. Nick wasn't going to overcome the leverage advantage in that one. They wanted him to win it on the mat and, eventually, he did

You don’t deserve to win when you do nothing and the opponent scores the only offensive points
That was ugly, but hat's off to Nick. Not the way you want to win, that's for damn sure.
Cut Nick some slack. He won a tough match against an opponent who matches up well against him. That kid is athletic and short so it is hard to shoot on somebody like that. He clearly was a bit apprehensive about being countered. That said he rode that guy for 30 seconds when he had to do it or he'd lose. That's gutty in my book.
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