Unbelievably great songs that you don’t remember are unbelievably great songs until you happen to..

Go All The Way by the Raspberries - one of the greatest intro/outro pairings in rock history

She sells Sanctuary by the Cult

Instinctively wanted to mock your Eric Carmen/Raspberries offering but thought about it - and - ya know you’re not off base as - while not on my playlist - that is a great pop song. And indeed - the intro/outro is fantastic...

As one of THE biggest SOuthernDeathCult/DeathCult/Cult fans for 35yrs - everyone seems to point to She Sells Sanctuary ... it is a tremendous track - though IMO there are about 25 other Cult songs that are better ;) A great band, not too many other acts have been together as long as Ian Astbury and Billy Duffy - not to mention , few have evolved/changed their sound so drastically