OT: With less cars on the road, is it my imagination or...


I see she is clearly wearing her Covid19 thong mask improperly. I will gladly provide hands on instruction.
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Credit where credit is sacrificing her bra, seamstresses were able to provide 10 more safety masks for our front-line fighters!

KUDOS to her.....actually DOUBLE KUDOS to her!
I never knew it was legal to put helium in inplants
Yup. Noticed it today.

Likewise. Every day to and from work. That really isn't what bothers me. It's the people that merge violently in front of you without signalling or giving any consideration of what speed I am going. Just had someone do a three lane no look merge without signal. Slow start then sped up rapidly once in the hammer lane.
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well, i was waiting at a redlight last night with zero traffic feeling like I was a slave to the robots. But there a sat, staring at that red light waiting for some array of transistors to tell me when I can go. The urge to take off was clearly there although I didn't. I feel bad about that.
well, i was waiting at a redlight last night with zero traffic feeling like I was a slave to the robots. But there a sat, staring at that red light waiting for some array of transistors to tell me when I can go. The urge to take off was clearly there although I didn't. I feel bad about that.
That’s the benefit of traffic circles - they are great for the vast majority of times and locations - no stopping at 11 at night. Just power down into it and go up the gears going out of it. One thing I love about driving in Europe - bombing through traffic circles with a stick shift
That’s the benefit of traffic circles - they are great for the vast majority of times and locations - no stopping at 11 at night. Just power down into it and go up the gears going out of it. One thing I love about driving in Europe - bombing through traffic circles with a stick shift
Downshift prior to entering the circle get it up to redline and rocket out of the circle upshifting as you exit.

Good times.
I prefer Ro’s redhead sig pic.

we had some asshat driving down our neighborhood street very fast just a bit ago, he also was squeezing tires every time he went around the kids on their bikes.

whole neighborhood is watching for them now.
Yes, with no cars on the road, I drive as fast as I can. Not in neighborhoods, though.

To me, fast is independent of aggressive. I always enjoyed driving on the Autobahn, but you played by the rules. Someone behind you flashes their lights, move over. Aggressive can be someone camped in the left lane doing the speed limit. I swear there are drivers that never look in their rear view mirrors.
noticed the same thing and apparently red lights are green lights in a pandemic.:mad:
well, I consider my self in the same situation as the captiain of the carrier. The old rules are not working in the new reality. So I can be a slave to a machine or I can be an independent thinker and craft the future. I mean, I don't use Lotus 1-2-3 on my Compaq home computer either. :)
To me, fast is independent of aggressive. I always enjoyed driving on the Autobahn, but you played by the rules. Someone behind you flashes their lights, move over. Aggressive can be someone camped in the left lane doing the speed limit. I swear there are drivers that never look in their rear view mirrors.
They are too busy texting while driving to pay attention to their rearview mirror.