Maybe it's just me


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2012
Admittedly, I'm an old dog but has the use of proper language changed? Let me first say that I have a man crush of CJF. I think he's been perfect for our program. He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me. Several times I've heard him say, "Me and my..." Back in my day we were taught to always put others first, "The team and I." Like I said, I'm and old dog and maybe the language has changed and this is acceptable. I've heard many other public figures speaking this way. It just strikes me the same as finger nails on the blackboard. Maybe the days of using proper language have come and went.
Admittedly, I'm an old dog but has the use of proper language changed? Let me first say that I have a man crush of CJF. I think he's been perfect for our program. He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me. Several times I've heard him say, "Me and my..." Back in my day we were taught to always put others first, "The team and I." Like I said, I'm and old dog and maybe the language has changed and this is acceptable. I've heard many other public figures speaking this way. It just strikes me the same as finger nails on the blackboard. Maybe the days of using proper language have come and went.

"..come and gone....." :rolleyes:
Admittedly, I'm an old dog but has the use of proper language changed? Let me first say that I have a man crush of CJF. I think he's been perfect for our program. He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me. Several times I've heard him say, "Me and my..." Back in my day we were taught to always put others first, "The team and I." Like I said, I'm and old dog and maybe the language has changed and this is acceptable. I've heard many other public figures speaking this way. It just strikes me the same as finger nails on the blackboard. Maybe the days of using proper language have come and went.

"My staff and I decided"


"I and the staff decided"

I agree the first way sounds better, but could be his way of taking accountability by putting himself first? He's certainly not going to throw people under the bus, Pat Narduzzi style.
You're right! It's just you. No, I'm joking although I'm not so sure about whether one way is "proper" and the other not. Well, that's the way I and my friends see it;)
Admittedly, I'm an old dog but has the use of proper language changed? Let me first say that I have a man crush of CJF. I think he's been perfect for our program. He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me. Several times I've heard him say, "Me and my..." Back in my day we were taught to always put others first, "The team and I." Like I said, I'm and old dog and maybe the language has changed and this is acceptable. I've heard many other public figures speaking this way. It just strikes me the same as finger nails on the blackboard. Maybe the days of using proper language have come and went.

I'm another old dog, and I notice all the overall grammar and spelling and punctuation 'stuff', too. I have learned to let it bother me less and less over time, but I notice it. I have a few certain pet peeves that I cannot shake that still give me the fingernails on the blackboard feeling.
Years ago, I would sometimes mention such things on this board, and often got a torrent of 'GFY' replies for my public service troubles! I figured I needed to learn to work through what distracted me better than others could do, plus I didn't want to take away from my own enjoyment that I got from the interactions with other posters. So, I have pretty much dropped my crusade for the mainstream posters. A troll or an ahole is still fair game, imo.

He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me.
Curious.... Why does it surprise you that he is sharp, compassionate, and articulate?
"Me and my..." has been around forever. Maybe it wouldn't be acceptable in written communication but at a presser for a football coach I don't see any reason to complain. Hardly anyone speaks exactly as they would write. What's next?? Will James slip up and say "a'int"?? Oh the humanity!!!! :)
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The easy way to know whether "I" or "me" should be used in sentences is by removing the other participant from the sentence. For example, would you say "I am going to the store," or "Me am going to the store?"

Clearly the former is the proper use of the pronoun. Then add another participant and it becomes "Alec and I are going to the store."
I'm another old dog, and I notice all the overall grammar and spelling and punctuation 'stuff', too. I have learned to let it bother me less and less over time, but I notice it. I have a few certain pet peeves that I cannot shake that still give me the fingernails on the blackboard feeling.
Years ago, I would sometimes mention such things on this board, and often got a torrent of 'GFY' replies for my public service troubles! I figured I needed to learn to work through what distracted me better than others could do, plus I didn't want to take away from my own enjoyment that I got from the interactions with other posters. So, I have pretty much dropped my crusade for the mainstream posters. A troll or an ahole is still fair game, imo.

He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me.
Curious.... Why does it surprise you that he is sharp, compassionate, and articulate?

Not the OP but I stayed at Budget Inn last night. Perhaps it's because most coaches aren't these days.
"Me and my..." has been around forever. Maybe it wouldn't be acceptable in written communication but at a presser for a football coach I don't see any reason to complain. Hardly anyone speaks exactly as they would write. What's next?? Will James slip up and say "a'int"?? Oh the humanity!!!! :)

Me and my shadow agree.
Ain't it all in fun anyway? ;)
I'm another old dog, and I notice all the overall grammar and spelling and punctuation 'stuff', too. I have learned to let it bother me less and less over time, but I notice it. I have a few certain pet peeves that I cannot shake that still give me the fingernails on the blackboard feeling.
Years ago, I would sometimes mention such things on this board, and often got a torrent of 'GFY' replies for my public service troubles! I figured I needed to learn to work through what distracted me better than others could do, plus I didn't want to take away from my own enjoyment that I got from the interactions with other posters. So, I have pretty much dropped my crusade for the mainstream posters. A troll or an ahole is still fair game, imo.

He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me.
Curious.... Why does it surprise you that he is sharp, compassionate, and articulate?
Some day us old farts will no longer be part of the inclusion movement. I've already fallen out at work so now they try to find ways of EXcluding me. Unfortunately for them we are still a land of laws....for now.
Admittedly, I'm an old dog but has the use of proper language changed? Let me first say that I have a man crush of CJF. I think he's been perfect for our program. He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me. Several times I've heard him say, "Me and my..." Back in my day we were taught to always put others first, "The team and I." Like I said, I'm and old dog and maybe the language has changed and this is acceptable. I've heard many other public figures speaking this way. It just strikes me the same as finger nails on the blackboard. Maybe the days of using proper language have come and went.[/QUOT

Use of proper grammar, never particularly a strong suit in America, has become a thing of the past. We have Miller Light running adds for "less" calories and 90% of the population telling their dogs to "lay" down, etc, etc. Just a couple examples that bother me.
Thirty some years ago I dictated a letter for my secretary (an older woman) and I said, "Thank you for the time you gave to Bob and me when we were in to see you yesterday." She handed me back a letter that said Thank you for the time you gave to Bob and I when we were in to see you yesterday."

I told her that was not what I dictated, and she told me that she fixed my grammar. I thanked her and told her that as a former English major, I was comfortable with how the letter was dictated, and to retype it as dictated. She did so, but with an attitude. A few years later, she was out of a job as she refused to learn how to use a PC instead of an IBM Selectric.
Thirty some years ago I dictated a letter for my secretary (an older woman) and I said, "Thank you for the time you gave to Bob and me when we were in to see you yesterday." She handed me back a letter that said Thank you for the time you gave to Bob and I when we were in to see you yesterday."

I told her that was not what I dictated, and she told me that she fixed my grammar. I thanked her and told her that as a former English major, I was comfortable with how the letter was dictated, and to retype it as dictated. She did so, but with an attitude. A few years later, she was out of a job as she refused to learn how to use a PC instead of an IBM Selectric.

I also have driven a few employees of mine a bit nuts when I would not them send out a memo from our dept. because it needed to be cleaned up grammatically or the use of apostrophes or whatever was incorrect. They maybe groaned and rolled their eyes, but I stuck to my guns and insisted that if the grammar, etc. was a distraction to some people, they could miss the point of the memo. That, plus we as a dept. could look bad and be taken less seriously. They learned, and appreciated it in the long run.
Some day us old farts will no longer be part of the inclusion movement. I've already fallen out at work so now they try to find ways of EXcluding me. Unfortunately for them we are still a land of laws....for now.

we old farts.;)
Admittedly, I'm an old dog but has the use of proper language changed? Let me first say that I have a man crush of CJF. I think he's been perfect for our program. He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me. Several times I've heard him say, "Me and my..." Back in my day we were taught to always put others first, "The team and I." Like I said, I'm and old dog and maybe the language has changed and this is acceptable. I've heard many other public figures speaking this way. It just strikes me the same as finger nails on the blackboard. Maybe the days of using proper language have come and went.

I'm olde too, so let's enjoy this little ditty by the Mills Brothers. I'm sure you remember, Me and My Shadow.

Admittedly, I'm an old dog but has the use of proper language changed? Let me first say that I have a man crush of CJF. I think he's been perfect for our program. He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me. Several times I've heard him say, "Me and my..." Back in my day we were taught to always put others first, "The team and I." Like I said, I'm and old dog and maybe the language has changed and this is acceptable. I've heard many other public figures speaking this way. It just strikes me the same as finger nails on the blackboard. Maybe the days of using proper language have come and went.
Franklin says 'lash year' or maybe 'lasch year':).
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I blame Janis Joplin and all the hippies
If You Remember the ’60s, You Really Weren’t There
Thirty some years ago I dictated a letter for my secretary (an older woman) and I said, "Thank you for the time you gave to Bob and me when we were in to see you yesterday." She handed me back a letter that said Thank you for the time you gave to Bob and I when we were in to see you yesterday."

I told her that was not what I dictated, and she told me that she fixed my grammar. I thanked her and told her that as a former English major, I was comfortable with how the letter was dictated, and to retype it as dictated. She did so, but with an attitude. A few years later, she was out of a job as she refused to learn how to use a PC instead of an IBM Selectric.

No offense as her future actions show a refusal to adapt, but wouldn't the better course of action be to help her understand why what you said was correct than to give her your resume and tell her to do as told?
I'm fine with the way he speaks. I believe Franklin is a great salesman, and is smart enough to put good coaches around him (such as Moorhead).

But, I'm not convinced Franklin is great at calling plays...
Thankfully, the ability to call plays doesn't have to be a strong suit. 409 wins with a fair share of head scratching calls along the way. Trust the process.
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My pet peeve is the use of the word like. I hear too many conversations that sound like this:

So, I was like doing some shopping and like this guy calls me on like my cell phone and he says like would you like to hang out and I'm like sure and he's like cool, how about like tommorrow night we like get a bit to eat or something? So like I say yeah I'd like that. Like he's like buff, like ya know?
My pet peeve is the use of the word like. I hear too many conversations that sound like this:

So, I was like doing some shopping and like this guy calls me on like my cell phone and he says like would you like to hang out and I'm like sure and he's like cool, how about like tommorrow night we like get a bit to eat or something? So like I say yeah I'd like that. Like he's like buff, like ya know?
I want to give your post a Like but it just seems inappropriate
Admittedly, I'm an old dog but has the use of proper language changed? Let me first say that I have a man crush of CJF. I think he's been perfect for our program. He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me. Several times I've heard him say, "Me and my..." Back in my day we were taught to always put others first, "The team and I." Like I said, I'm and old dog and maybe the language has changed and this is acceptable. I've heard many other public figures speaking this way. It just strikes me the same as finger nails on the blackboard. Maybe the days of using proper language have come and went.

It's gonna get a lot worse.

Admittedly, I'm an old dog but has the use of proper language changed? Let me first say that I have a man crush of CJF. I think he's been perfect for our program. He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me. Several times I've heard him say, "Me and my..." Back in my day we were taught to always put others first, "The team and I." Like I said, I'm and old dog and maybe the language has changed and this is acceptable. I've heard many other public figures speaking this way. It just strikes me the same as finger nails on the blackboard. Maybe the days of using proper language have come and went.
I was taught the same thing in school.
Two other things. Single digits you write the word, double or more you use the number.
Also Jim's is a contraction, Jims' denotes possession.
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