2024 NCAA's - Day 3 - Match/discussion thread

consi-SF 149: #7 T.Kasak vs. #1 R.Lovett (NEB)
Kasak on the mat & putting on the green ankle bands.
Here we go!
Tying up immediately in the center & both pushing into each other
Kasak in on a low single & gets the TD 3-0
That was quick & slick!
Lovett working to his feet, but Kasak riding
Lovett working to reverse, gets Kasak's leg, has it in the air, tries to pull Kasak in, Kasak whizzer & trying to hip in, Lovett trying to step over & they go out of bounds, Lovett gets the escape 3-1, restart in neutral
Challenge brick thrown by Nebraska, they may be looking for a reversal. It was close.
Challenge overturned, no reversal 3-1 Kasak
Back to action in the center
Half shot Lovett, half counter Kasak
Tying up & circling in the center, Kasak to his knees, then back up
Kasak tries a duck, then backs out,
Kasak gets the leg, drops in & gets another TD 6-1 Way to go Tyler!
Kasak looks like he got poked in the eye, Byers saying right side issue
Caution Kasak, jumping
Lovett rolls, Kasak hangs on, Kasak draped over him
Lovett to his feet, turns & looks like he gets an escape, but Kasak hanging on, no call as they go out of bounds, restart
Lovett still down
Kasak +1:24 RT
Lovett to his feet, turns, but Kasak pulls him back to the mat
Kasak rides him out
Kasak 1:39 RT

Kasak takes neutral
Tying up in the center, circling
Head slapping & Kasak gets poked in the eye
He's good & we're back at it
Tying circling, Lovett shoots, nothing
Kasak with a Russian tie, drops to a single, switches to a double & gets his 3rd TD 9-1
What a stud!
Kasak riding Lovett as they go out of bounds, restart
RT +1:59
Lovett still down
40-sec left
RT +2-min
Kasak working on the left side, trying to work Lovett over
Lovett to his feet, Tyler hanging on & Tyler brings him back to the mat
Kasak rides out the period with a Navy ride
9-1 Kasak +2:39 RT

Lovett chooses neutral. Good choice!
Lovett shoots, but nothing, drives Kasak to the edge,
Kasak with an underhook on the edge, Lovett working the head
Kasak tries to duck, nothing, they go off the edge, restart
Tying up, Lovett on his knees, then up & tying up again
1-min left
RT locked
Tying up in the center, Kasak blocking & circling
Stall warning Kasak
Lovett shoots, nothing
Lovett shoots, Kasak sprawls,
They're back up & it's over as time runs out

#7 T.Kasak MD #1 R.Lovett 10-1

What a job by the freshman! Tyler gets #5 Ty Watters (WVU) in the 3rd place match! Tyler has exceeded expectations! Great Job!
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7 Kasak vs 1 Lovett
149 Consi SF

Tyler ankle pick and quick finish. 3-0 early. Lovett up and has Kasak’s leg up in air. Going for reversal. No escape so Kasak accumulates riding. Kasak somehow continues to fight it off. They go OOB and an escape is called. Nebraska challenges; they want the reversal. No reversal. 3-1 on the restart. Riding time is 0:52. Kasak the aggressor. Kasak shoots and gets another quick finish. 6-1. OOB but Kasak dinged up on it. No injury time taken. Caution Kasak on top on restart. Riding goes over a minute. Lovett to his feet and looks like an escape but no call. OOB. 6-1 with 0:15 to go. Rides him out with a mat return.. 6-1 with 1:39 riding time.

Kasak chooses neutral. Kasak poked in eye. Break in action. 1:28 to go. Trade shots. Russian tie Kasak. Kasak in deep again and another TD. Holy sh!t. It’s 9-1 fellas. 1:59 riding time with 0:40 to go on an OOB restart. What am I watching!?!?! Riding hard. Rides him out with a mat return. 9-1 after two with 2:39 riding time.

Lovett chooses neutral. Lovett pushes Kasak around. Kasak on knees underneath front to front. OOB with 1:14 to go. A minute to go. Riding point is clinched. 45 secs to tix. No stall calls. 30 to go. Stall warning. 10-1 Kasak beats the 1 seed Lovett!!!!

What did I just see!?!?!?

Really like this result. Remember Lovett hushing crowd and strutting after winning by a takedown over the true freshman at Rec Hall
Can't forget the haters all roaring when Tyler goes out in the first round. After that he simply makes an incredible run and the kid who beat him is nowhere to be found.
consi-SF 184: #6 B.Truax vs. #4 Munoz (ORST)
Munoz jumps the gun, caution, restart
Bernie on his knees, Munoz on one two, tying up in the center
Bernie on 1 knee
Munoz half shot & back to their feet
Back on the knees again, both, tied up
Back to the feet, Munoz moving forward, Bernie close to the edge
Munoz tries a duck, Bernie catches him, no dice
Munoz shoots for an ankle, nothing
Circling, tying up, Munoz moving forward
Munoz gets behind for the takedown 3-0
Takes Bernie to his back & is getting nearfall
Munoz gets the fall
That's unfortunate. Yuck!

#4 T. Munoz FALL #6 B.Truax (2:29)

Bernie going for 5th against #9 Bennett Berge (SDSU)
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5th (Truax) or 3rd (Kasak) would be 153.5. If both win, it’s 154.5.

Four champions is 168.5 - 170.5. Of course 5+ champions does it. But so does four champions plus 3rd and 5th.

And bonus can get us there too with four champions without 3rd / 5th.

Several paths.
What are the chances SVN's phone isn't getting calls from the Iowa City area code?

Seriously though, if Kasak can go back down to 141 and keep his strength he's going to be a beast.