The Blue Kool-Aid

I fully expect to lose on Saturday. Probably close...but it could even be ugly like two Saturdays ago at Michigan.

However, there is reason to be optimistic. Drink with me...

1--OSU's schedule has been weak. They've had one away game, which are notoriously harder in the Big Ten than anywhere else. Toledo is the only team with a winning record. Yes, they creamed everyone. But good teams do that to bad teams. We don't know how good OSU is yet. They've only really struggled with Notre Dame in week 1. A weak Notre Dame team (see Point 4 below).

2--PSU plays OSU tough at home even when our teams are bad. See 2012, 2014, and even 2016 (where OSU made the playoffs with only a loss to us as their blemish for the season). We have the talent to stay on the field with OSU...and do almost every time we play.

3--We're healthy. We're deep. No, not as talented as OSU, but deeper than we've been. And maybe deep enough to hold on down the stretch of a tight game...

4--We have the defense to slow down OSU's offensive juggernaut. Notre Dame--despite their awful offense--had a good defense and they kept that game close. What will they do with some adversity? If our offense can get any momentum, there's no reason we can't play complementary football and keep the game close, or even carry a lead for some of the game and make them respond to adversity.

5--Our offense. Okay, it's tough to be really optimistic here...but the freshmen RBs have more experience than ever (captain obvious) and the game plan has included the TEs in a more powerful fashion. Our receivers have flashed...but have been up and down. If they can stay "up," it could be a fun afternoon. Clifford has been a solid game manager at times and has made the "easy" throws...he doesn't need to throw for 300 and have zero turnovers, but if he can throw for 200 and run for a few first downs (maybe get 50 yards and a TD) and limit mistakes, then that's a Clifford that can put PSU in position to win.

If you drink my Kool-Aid, you can see a 34-28 PSU victory.

Conferences weight in rankings

ACC: #5 Clemson; #10, #16, #21 one loss teams WF, Syracuse, and UNC; #24 two loss NC ST; 0 unranked two loss teams

BIG12: #7 TCU; #9 one loss OK St; #22 two loss K St; 0 unranked two loss teams

BIG10: #2 Ohio St and #4 Michigan; #13 and #17 one loss PSU and Illinois; Maryland unranked with 2 losses

PAC12: #8, #10, and #12 one loss Oregon, USC, and UCLA; #14 two loss Utah; unranked two loss Oregon St and Washington

SEC: #1 Georgia and #3 Tennessee; #6; #15 one loss Alabama and Ole Miss; #18, #19, #25 and two loss LSU, Kentucky, and S. CAR; 0 unranked with 2 losses

So some things jump out at me,

1) Every SEC is ranked higher because SEC. So they get the highest 1 loss team (above 1 undefeated team with 2 wins over ranked teams) and 3 for 3 with their 2 loss teams. They don't just get favored nation treatment as the top conference, literally every single one of their teams is pushed higher because SEC.

2) For whatever reason, the ACC and the PAC12 has their 1 loss and 2 loss teams ranked higher than Big 10 teams with the same number of losses. Why is the Big 10 considered the 4th best conference according to rankings bias?


And here I was looking forward to seeing McArthy work alongside AOC in true spirit of bipartisanship. Well. I guess that didn't last long...

There's nothing like consistent party messaging right before an election, I always say...

BTW, how'd you like to have a boss that threw you under the bus the way Jayapal just did to some poor schmuck staffer? I mean, I know you should know that's part of the job description on the hill, but I'm certainly not buying the line that this was "accidentally" released after allegedly laying dormant since July.

Majority Believe It's Time to Impeach Biden

Can one be impeached for being a 50 year career politician who made himself a millionaire through "public service?"

According to a new Rasmussen Reports survey, Republican and Independent voters overwhelmingly agree that Biden should be impeached, along with a third of Democrats.

Overall, 52 percent of likely U.S. voters say they would support the impeachment of Biden, with 38 percent saying they would strongly support it.

The poll margin includes 77 percent of Republicans, 50 percent of Independents and 32 percent of Democrats who would like to see the current president get booted from his position.
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Game Day Thread. Oz vs Fetterwoman!

So its on tonight, the one and only debate. Despite Fetterwoman being on record stating there should be multiple debates......before he had a stroke.

Going to be Must See TV. How will Fetterman handle a full hour? Will his staff be feeding him answers on his lap top’s closed captioning system? Are there ways to be sure they don’t feed him answers?

Oz can’t press his health issue too much and needs to look sympathetic. The Fetterman team will spin the thing to make Oz look mean, cruel,and uncaring. Howlong into the hour before Fetterman plays victim?

The best thing about tonight.......only two weeks left of this crap.
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A musical metaphor for this game...

Ohio State is like the Beatles: Every album they make is going to be very very good. From the beginning to end, Rubber Soul all the way to Let it Be.

Penn State is like the Rolling Stones: Not every album is going to be great. But, the great albums are capable of out doing even the Beatles at the right moment. We need to make "Exile on main st", and stay clear of "Emotional Rescue".
