I gave Barron a fair bit of slack when he came here, even to some extent after the fraudulent

Garbage in garbage out. Never understood or agreed with the thoughts that things would improve when Rodless was retired. The Fools had no intention of hiring an independent thinker. Eric the Eunuch is merely taking up space. His lips may be moving, but it is not him doing the talking. Similar to CR66.
That survey seems to say otherwise. Surprised me. But I wonder if the address the AA sent included those who sent disagreeing letters.
But what the university is losing is immeasurable and may likely never be replaced.

I believe that you are correct. They can play games for a while, like counting THON donations as donations to PSU, but before long it will become clear that many alums have found other institutions to support -- ones they can trust
I believe that you are correct. They can play games for a while, like counting THON donations as donations to PSU, but before long it will become clear that many alums have found other institutions to support -- ones they can trust
And it goes beyond money. If I am the President of Penn State, I would much rather have 10 alums give me $100.00 than one give me $1,200. The latter would result in more money, but the former would result in a stronger Penn State.
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Things are screwed up. Think back to the absurd search for a president to replace Erickson. After the insane and absurdly unrealistic reach for Rice, the next choice was some nobody from SUNY (Smith). And THEN Barron. However, Barron was clearly more suitable for a job like this than Smith, so again, the whole decision making process made no sense. Barron was an OK choice but nothing indicated he would be ready to deal with the turmoil and divisiveness. We needed somebody who had handled actual crises (and who would realistically take this job and be qualified to run a university - probably an impossible set of criteria).

And it is a two way street. We have been hearing for 3 1/2 years that somebody is suppressing the 'real truth.' It's getting to be kind of a long time. I don't doubt that there is more than we currently know; however, the chances or something reversing the whole story are slim and some people are hopelessly waiting for a day that just won't come.
And it goes beyond money. If I am the President of Penn State, I would much rather have 10 alums give me $100.00 than one give me $1,200. The latter would result in more money, but the former would result in a stronger Penn State.

That might make you the only person on earth who would prefer $1,000 to $1,200 in a fundraising exercise. I think your point would be better made if you used 12 alums in your example.
That survey seems to say otherwise. Surprised me. But I wonder if the address the AA sent included those who sent disagreeing letters.

Says otherwise about what? It says that 91% of alums want the university to recognize Paterno's contributions, which the BoT + Admin have steadfastly refused to do.
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And it is a two way street. We have been hearing for 3 1/2 years that somebody is suppressing the 'real truth.' It's getting to be kind of a long time. I don't doubt that there is more than we currently know; however, the chances or something reversing the whole story are slim and some people are hopelessly waiting for a day that just won't come.

I disagree. It takes a ridiculously long time for civil cases to wind their way through the court system, but they do move inexorably forward. Just this week a judge ordered Pepper Hamilton to turn over documents to the Paternos. I do believe that the Paternos know the real story behind what happened, and they know what evidence they are looking for. It will just take time. I'm pretty sure there is dirt to be found or Pepper Hamilton, Freeh, and the trustees wouldn't be working so furiously to keep it hidden. The truth will out.
That might make you the only person on earth who would prefer $1,000 to $1,200 in a fundraising exercise. I think your point would be better made if you used 12 alums in your example.
No, I stand by what I said. 10 alums, giving a bit less, but engaged in Penn State, to me is of more value, because, ultimately, their worth will go well beyond their annual gifts. By donating, they are more likely to attend sporting events, participate in alumni functions, buy Penn State gear, vote in elections, encourage others to donate, talk about Penn State positively to others, etc.
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That survey seems to say otherwise. Surprised me. But I wonder if the address the AA sent included those who sent disagreeing letters.
I have been active since graduation, and gave through 2011. I no longer get any official emails.....
Good for Eric! It shows he has passion and is not afraid to state his views in a very vocal passionate way. Good for him for passionately calling out these close minded misanthropes and Debbie Downers who would find fault if God were running the university. What miserable, pathetic, naive, and thin skinned people they are for thinking they have a monopoly for criticizing or speaking in confrontational tones. The nerve!

My advice to these people is that if they want to constantly find fault and bash the administration, they should be prepared to accept the same in a manner the administration chooses. And if they're not happy with the way things are, I suggest they go find another school to support because things aren't changing anytime soon.

I disagree. It takes a ridiculously long time for civil cases to wind their way through the court system, but they do move inexorably forward. Just this week a judge ordered Pepper Hamilton to turn over documents to the Paternos. I do believe that the Paternos know the real story behind what happened, and they know what evidence they are looking for. It will just take time. I'm pretty sure there is dirt to be found or Pepper Hamilton, Freeh, and the trustees wouldn't be working so furiously to keep it hidden. The truth will out.

^ What A said ^
I disagree. It takes a ridiculously long time for civil cases to wind their way through the court system, but they do move inexorably forward. Just this week a judge ordered Pepper Hamilton to turn over documents to the Paternos. I do believe that the Paternos know the real story behind what happened, and they know what evidence they are looking for. It will just take time. I'm pretty sure there is dirt to be found or Pepper Hamilton, Freeh, and the trustees wouldn't be working so furiously to keep it hidden. The truth will out.

well, I hope I am wrong and that I am pleasantly surprised one day. I just feel that if the Paternos knew for certain that there was some other major dimension to this story, they would have come out and spoken about it already. I don't think they know that much because, frankly, Joe was seemingly only tangentially involved in the whole thing (which the media twisted way out of proportion) and I don't know why they would know very much. I think the current exercise will result in a minor story that is largely ignored. I hope I am wrong.
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hiring Barron was like getting a zero star football recruit. Don't expect much. His other offers must have been DeVry and the U of Phoenix
You're wrong about his record and reputation at FSU. Not defending him regarding the BOT issues, but he came here with a strong record of performance.
As you know fairgambit, I was right in the place where you are a few weeks ago. But now they are pissing me off. Now I will continue even if I come to the point where I do not care about PSU anymore-- I am not quitting. For Eric to lecture us about civility then shout at a concerned alumna: "You people are ruining this university..." is a sign that the pressure is starting to crack the guy.

Eric, this is just the merest beginning, my mealy-mouthed friend. If you think the pressure is bad now, wait until those who hired you are officially disgraced, rather than just disgraceful as you and they are now. Wait until everyone sees you cracking in public on a bigger scale than you cracked today with Ms. Stannell. Public raving at the stakeholders? Is that what you envisioned this job to entail? You are going to get a very troubling opportunity to let your true private self take over the public man. This stress is stripping away the filters which have allowed you to pretend to be reasonable, and when they are gone it is just going to be your id giving press conferences. I hope your wife advises you to quit before the madness destroys you.

Dem... you write "an alumna". Did Barron actually behave this way towards a woman? Maybe I am old fashion in that sense but that would really double down his classless behavior.

I often times feel like fairgambit but in the end I just can't seem to find it within me to walk away. I understand the sentiment but I also think of the Calvin Coolidge quote, "Persistence above all things in omnipotent".

Lastly, good to know CR66 is still a dim witted jackass
Says otherwise about what? It says that 91% of alums want the university to recognize Paterno's contributions, which the BoT + Admin have steadfastly refused to do.

Fort the most part it seems to indicate that only a small percentage are upset with the BOT--the "concerns with the BOT" was 19% (of the just 30% who think PSU is headed in the wrong direction). The ones who thought that it is a positive in how the scandal was handled correctly: 24% (of the 70% who think PSU is headed in the right direction). If they believe those numbers (I am doubtful they are correct, myself) you can see why Barron is acting as he is.
You're wrong about his record and reputation at FSU. Not defending him regarding the BOT issues, but he came here with a strong record of performance.

Did he earn that record? Or did he merely bootlick to get it?
There were major revelations uncovered this week regarding Aaron Fisher's lack of credibility and the janitor story completely falling apart with his own words saying that he did not see Sandusky engage in any inappropriate conduct. Unfortunately most people are too scared and/or tied to "the narrative" to pay attention.

If you think about it critically, it makes you wonder how solid the state's case was\is when they still used this mysterious incident that includes this interview with prosecution and janitor saying he didn't see Sandusky, and no victim, date or contemporaneous report. Imo, this whole thing is just waiting to explode.
Dem... you write "an alumna". Did Barron actually behave this way towards a woman? Maybe I am old fashion in that sense but that would really double down his classless behavior.

I often times feel like fairgambit but in the end I just can't seem to find it within me to walk away. I understand the sentiment but I also think of the Calvin Coolidge quote, "Persistence above all things in omnipotent".

Lastly, good to know CR66 is still a dim witted jackass
I am a little old fashioned, too. The woman's name is Laurie Stanell and I pasted her facebook post into my original post. She was with a man who had just finished speaking to the BoT, and Barron started in on them both with his "you people are ruining this university" rap.
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we........"

They tried to destroy the single most important symbol of what made us better and not have it destroy who We Are? The dead guy lived for Penn State, you morons.
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In reality, the actions of the BoT have had little impact on what this University truly is. I feel for those of you who are not close to the University as I am because you see everything through the filter of the BoT. I don't. I still get to see the wonderful student body up close and personal. I get to see these amazing youngsters doing great things in the classroom, in the lab, in the community, and on the field of play. Despite the horrible mismanagement of the Sandusky crisis, those students are still having a tremendous PSU experience.

My son graduated yesterday. He has a deep and abiding love for this University despite attending during the most tumultuous times in its history. He will leave here knowing what Penn State truly is despite what you hate about the current leadership. What Penn State is, hasn't changed because of the BoT. What you, in your anger and disgust fail to see, is that the BoT hasn't changed what PSU is because they don't have the power to do so.

I have a suggestion for all of you that are losing faith, come back to the University and spend a day on campus this fall. It will help you see that, while it is different from what you experienced, it hasn't really changed. For your sake, I hope you you rediscover your love for Penn State. They win if you don't.
Isn't the university's well being 95 percent tied to the students and faculty? What part is missing? No dead coach?
The students and faculty care about degrees, paychecks, and they should.

I challenge you to find me a college administrator who will say that a schools well being is not determined by the alumni and donations.
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I have been feeling this way for a few months. But with Lubrano and gang still fighting, it keeps me going. With Judge Leete's decision regarding Freeh's law firm having to turn over discovery also encourages me. I still believe that if the feds ever finish their investigation with the Second Mile we should see a huge blow to this situation as we know it. IMO, this will show that this was never a University problem but a farce only to drawl the attention away from the big fish on the Second Miles side of the fence.
Are we sure there is federal investigation, or is it just a hopeful wish?
So what do you feel made it "special" that is now drastically different?

At the risk of being called a JoeBot, I think the concept of success with honor permeated Penn State and Penn Staters. Not just in football's Grand Experiment, but in general. We did things the right way and we enjoyed success. Without success with honor and the culture that surrounded it, Penn State would have just been another Syracuse or Maryland or Iowa.
Of course our side still gets frustrated but we have come very far and are closer and closer to the truth. I don't think they believe they are winning at all and they're only hope is that we will fade before the finish line. The golden goose really could be The Second Mile. How has this secret society dodged the bullet in this mess for so long? What the hell was really happening over there that some higher ups knew about including Tom Corbett? I agree with therod above when he says that somehow TSM may hold the key to unlock the door. Could Jerry have been alone? Keep fighting no matter where the truth may lead!
At the risk of being called a JoeBot, I think the concept of success with honor permeated Penn State and Penn Staters. Not just in football's Grand Experiment, but in general. We did things the right way and we enjoyed success. Without success with honor and the culture that surrounded it, Penn State would have just been another Syracuse or Maryland or Iowa.

Joe never seemed to have a use for the bot. With respect to the bot, maybe he knew for many years what we know now.

Meanwhile, I believe O'Brien tried to uphold Joe's traditions, and I believe Franklin is doing so as well.
The golden goose really could be The Second Mile. How has this secret society dodged the bullet in this mess for so long? What the hell was really happening over there that some higher ups knew about including Tom Corbett? I agree with therod above when he says that somehow TSM may hold the key to unlock the door. Could Jerry have been alone? Keep fighting no matter where the truth may lead!

Remember that we still don't know what Curley and Shultz did with the info from their investigation. They both testified that they made the report in 2001 (which PA disputes). If it turns out that they did, in fact, make a report to DPW/CYS in 2001, then the commonwealth -- and not the Second Mile -- will really have some 'splaining to do, as there should have been some record of that report.
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The students and faculty care about degrees, paychecks, and they should.

I challenge you to find me a college administrator who will say that a schools well being is not determined by the alumni and donations.
The endowment is doing better than it ever has. I think you are making an assumption that is based on your anger... and is incorrect.
At the risk of being called a JoeBot, I think the concept of success with honor permeated Penn State and Penn Staters. Not just in football's Grand Experiment, but in general. We did things the right way and we enjoyed success. Without success with honor and the culture that surrounded it, Penn State would have just been another Syracuse or Maryland or Iowa.

Are you saying that PSU no longer values a combination of academic and athletic success? If so, could you point to a source that demonstrates this view?
Are you saying that PSU no longer values a combination of academic and athletic success? If so, could you point to a source that demonstrates this view?

No, I am not saying that. Most big universities value that combination to some extent. What I am saying is that -- IMO -- PSU is well on its path to being just like every other big university now whereas it used to be special among that group. I've been on a lot of college campuses due to work -- Michigan State and Indiana among them -- and most of them are fine schools. PSU is still a fine school but it no longer stands out as special among its peers. Again, IMO. Sure, PSU can point to certain rankings where it does well. So can every other Big 10 school. It is certainly not horrible to be just a face in the Big 10 crowd, but it is disappointing because we used to be special.
But wait. Barron says our applications are way, way up. He says a lot of kids want to come here. Doesn't that make us special?
But wait. Barron says our applications are way, way up. He says a lot of kids want to come here. Doesn't that make us special?

Nope. And for the benefit of those who might make that assertion without the wink:

"EAST LANSING, MI -- By Friday, more than 31,000 had submitted applications to Michigan State University with hopes of becoming Spartans.

That's a new university record for the third year in a row, surpassing last year's 30,000-plus. Ten years ago, MSU received less than 22,000 applications.

Twenty-five percent -- about 8,400 -- of applicants are international students. That figure is up dramatically from just five years ago, when just about 10 percent of MSU's 25,000 applicants were from beyond the United States. Last year, MSU received 7,100 international applications."