Question about cutting


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
I saw another thread about this subject and it got me thinking. I wrestled in the 70's and those that cut on my team did all the normal stuff that we did back then like near starvation, sweat suits, water pills, x-lax, etc. to cut weight. Who knew any better?

Well, today if I want to loose some weight I simply go on a low-carb diet of under 25 grams of carbs per day. The first 3 days are hell, but afterward I can: eat as much as I want; have more energy than ever; loose 3 - 4 pounds per week without increasing my exercise. Point one, eat as much as I want, is very simple because a low-carb diet kills your appetite and you literally have to remind yourself to eat. Point two, have more energy than ever, would come in quite handy during a 3rd period gruel.

So, my question is do any wrestlers today go on low-carb diets? If not, why not?

Low-carb isn't a way of life for me as I enjoy eating a wide variety of foods and drinking beer. Yes, at 25 grams of carbs per day you have to make tough choices and I'd rather have an extra bowl of broccoli to go with my steak than 1 beer. But, low-carb is in my opinion an easy way to dump 3 - 4 pounds per week and keep your energy.
LOL. Yea, some guys I wrestled with took that approach. Most of the local HS today kids around Harrisburg area use Jolly Ranchers for the same effect. They walk around school with their spit bottles all through the season. It only takes about a quart of spit to shed two pounds.

Anybody do the 'stand on your head' at weigh-ins routine ;-)
I am not a Nutritionist but I bet a middle aged man who is over weight that goes on a low carb diet can shed 3-4 pounds per week without a problem. I bet a 20 year old D1 wrestler with about 5-7% body fat that works out twice a day will not lose 3-4 lbs per week on a low carb diet. If that were the case, D1 teams would not have depth problem at 125...Lol
Whatever it took...Luckily my high school was pretty supportive. Many of my teachers would let me turn in my work at the beginning of class and cut during the day. One or two wouldn't but for the ones that did, just had to show up to class.

Kids are lucky now. We are increasingly living in a health conscious world and thanks to the internet, there is so much information out there.
I am not a Nutritionist but I bet a middle aged man who is over weight that goes on a low carb diet can shed 3-4 pounds per week without a problem. I bet a 20 year old D1 wrestler with about 5-7% body fat that works out twice a day will not lose 3-4 lbs per week on a low carb diet. If that were the case, D1 teams would not have depth problem at 125...Lol
Wow. Why didn't you try to answer my question? Oh, you were to caught up being an a-hole.
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cutting weight.... I ran cross country to get out of pre-season weight lifting... however, I could run faster in the Spring than I could during the fall thanks to cutting weight - coming home after practice and running 4-5 miles... also, lots of spatting with anything (snuff made me too light headed), stupid things like a pint of ice cream to eat and upchuck ~3/4 of it while it was still cold... moving my legs in class sitting at my desk - teachers always asked if I had to go to the restroom (to which I would say 'I wish'). I did everything wrong and it attributed to burn out, and now today, regrets! BTW was pretty successful hiding this from my coach who would of shot me if I didn't manipulate the daily weigh-in charts... (this was HS). Really liked wrestling in the Spring (back when freestyle in HS was still pretty rare) and was fat and happy... would actually sweat!
carbs are energy as a d1 wrestler u want to eat quite a bit of carbs when u are exercising and burning the amount of calories these guys do carbs are not the enemy

its more about not have any empty calories...i wish i could do it over, but i was a yoyo er due to the fact that most coaches gave out alot of bad advice 15 20 years ago
We all were yoyo's and most likely they are still yoyo's today. However, are any of them trying a low-carb diet? Having done low-carb over the last 10 years or so I think it would work well, however I'm not cutting weight to compete any longer.
We all were yoyo's and most likely they are still yoyo's today. However, are any of them trying a low-carb diet? Having done low-carb over the last 10 years or so I think it would work well, however I'm not cutting weight to compete any longer.
i cant say for sure, but given the amount of energy you need, i would be shocked if they were not eating a lot of carbs esp early in the day