PSU Vs. Ohio St.

I suspect Byers probably got clued into some accurate info off the the record, where the ground rules are this stuff should not be disclosed. I think Cael walked it back to provide cover. Weither it be HIPPA or other reasons, Cael has never been open with medical details.

We all saw the video and could see RBY put some pretty good torsional stress on that knee. A sprained ligament certainly isn't out of the question, and those injuries tend take the timeframe that Byers indicated to heal.

I would love to see RBY tonight but am not counting on it. I could see Cael rolling the dice and keeping both RBY and Shak out even if they are ''good enough' to go. At 90% they both are likely to lose anyway. What is RBY without his most potent weapons - speed and athleticism?

Agreed, imagine if RBY finds the weight room this offseason while walking around campus? Might no longer Be Noodle arms 2.0
I dont think Myles "thought he was beating Bo" at ncaa last year. But, I think he knew he was not, if he held back and wrestled timid. The only chance he had was if he got aggressive and went after him. Problem is, mess with the bull, you get the horns.. and it ended with counting lights.

But, I dont know any fellow tOSU fan that was not 100% proud of the way he went after Bo. We loved his effort and aggressiveness that night.
Going in, we all said he just needed to go for it. He did. Ended with the probable outcome we expected... but we would have rather seen that, then him lose a 8-2 match where he ran away all match.

Same thing with Kollin tonight. I dont see him winning if he tries to run scared all match. At some point, he just needs to do what he does best and go for it. May end up with getting stuck... but he at least has a small chance of winning that way, where as zero percent change if he is just defensive for 7 minutes.

This is a great post and I agree 100% with your points. I’d always rather go down swinging!
I dont think Myles "thought he was beating Bo" at ncaa last year. But, I think he knew he was not, if he held back and wrestled timid. The only chance he had was if he got aggressive and went after him. Problem is, mess with the bull, you get the horns.. and it ended with counting lights.

But, I dont know any fellow tOSU fan that was not 100% proud of the way he went after Bo. We loved his effort and aggressiveness that night.
Going in, we all said he just needed to go for it. He did. Ended with the probable outcome we expected... but we would have rather seen that, then him lose a 8-2 match where he ran away all match.

Same thing with Kollin tonight. I dont see him winning if he tries to run scared all match. At some point, he just needs to do what he does best and go for it. May end up with getting stuck... but he at least has a small chance of winning that way, where as zero percent change if he is just defensive for 7 minutes.

I completely agree with you here. I'd rather get pinned trying to beat Bo than stall and do nothing just so I don't get bonused. Rather than saying "thought he was beating Bo", I should have said those guys were willing to mix it up with Bo. Myles has always done that and got the better of him on the big stage once, he's really the only guy that was able to do it. Sammy tried to mix it up and got pinned trying, I respect that. I would certainly hope Moore mixes it up and he should think he can beat Bo. As a PSU fan, I love to see guys try to mix it up with him.
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This is a great post and I agree 100% with your points. I’d always rather go down swinging!

Yep, and one of the reasons I liked Sammy Brooks. He wasn't afraid to mix it up with Bo, even though he knew he might get spladled, which he did.
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My wife tells me to clean out the damned garage. We can’t leave that job to the kids, if we should go early. Morbid!

Sorry to hear sympathies.

And my Dad passed in June of last year. My brother and sisters and I got together in September to clear out his garage. Donated a ton of stuff, spent a couple hundred to have a ton carted away, and had a yard sale where we made $2000. Do you know how much stuff you have to sell for 50 cents or a buck to make $2,000? A ton!!!
Sorry to hear sympathies.

And my Dad passed in June of last year. My brother and sisters and I got together in September to clear out his garage. Donated a ton of stuff, spent a couple hundred to have a ton carted away, and had a yard sale where we made $2000. Do you know how much stuff you have to sell for 50 cents or a buck to make $2,000? A ton!!!
Will have the same situation with my father-in-law, except it is it whole house like that. Ugh!
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It’s kind of a cluster##% here right now.
Two events going on. Women’s hockey literally right next to St. John’s.
Took forever to park. St. John’s lot completely full when I arrived around 6:30.
Then cold as heck with the wind and they would t open the doors till 7:30.
Not the best managed event(s) by the University.
Sorry for any of you that made the trip. Usually it’s smoother than this.
Anybody ever use the YouTube TV free trial? I don't have BTN, and am contemplating on using my free trial on this...
gotta love hockey ending early....unlike the round ball the match will get full coverage
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rasheed weighed in but no go. manville and a freshman weighed in
To be clear,Manville weighed in st 174......this keeps his ability to go 174 intact.
It’s kind of a cluster##% here right now.
Two events going on. Women’s hockey literally right next to St. John’s.
Took forever to park. St. John’s lot completely full when I arrived around 6:30.
Then cold as heck with the wind and they would t open the doors till 7:30.
Not the best managed event(s) by the University.
Sorry for any of you that made the trip. Usually it’s smoother than this.

I was going to joke “not how we would have handled it”, but unfortunately that is exactly how the PSU administration would have handled it.