Pat Downey


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2016
NJ--The Shore

Nice interview on FloPro. I understand many can't stand the kid, I'm a sucker for giving people 2nd and 3rd chances. I thought Bader did a good job and Downey seemed genuine in his answers. He knows he made mistakes, he owns up to them in retrospect.

Two very interesting tidbits I didn't know..

1. Out of HS he was recruited by PSU and that was his first choice (then he got into some trouble and that went out window)
2. It was BRANDS that wouldn't let him wrestle last year. I always thought Iowa State wouldn't give the final signoff after he completed everything. As Downey explains it, he worked his butt off, practiced, was doing great, but when the time came, Brands sat him and his father down and basically told him he not living up to his (Brands) standards when it comes to off the mat stuff and is no longer part of the team. Brands basically told him you need to be a part of the "wolfpack" on and off the mat and that was that. Kudos to Brands for sticking to his beliefs and kudos to Downey for accepting it. He never made a stink of it, knew Brands was right and respected him.
2/nd,3/rd,4/th........This guy has had hundreds of chances and remains a piece of crap. Kevin Jackson kept giving him chances on an almost daily basis.
BWI thoughts on Tom Brands making the decision to never let Pat Downey wear the black and gold?
Wouldn't let him in the wolfpack.
The BWI regulars cared immensely a year ago. Goes to show the difference a year makes!
I have never seen Brands send out a boy to throw a Kimura.. Have you?
No but he has no problems bringing one in to wrestle for him.

Now what were you saying about Brands/Downey again?
BWI thoughts on Tom Brands making the decision to never let Pat Downey wear the black and gold?
Last year to the week is when it happened, and Downey's story then was that the NCAA disapproved his waiver to wrestle at a 3rd D1 school.

Just like everything else with Downey, his story changes depending on when and to whom he tells it.

So I have no thoughts on "Brands' decision" because I have no credible evidence that he in fact made that choice.
BWI thoughts on Tom Brands making the decision to never let Pat Downey wear the black and gold?
I think it shows lack of character on Brands’ part. He knew damn well what PD3’s issues were, yet he let him transfer in anyway, then stuck it to him. That’s a horrible way to handle a situation when you know the student only had one year of eligibility remaining. If you’re not sure about a kid, tell him upfront “no thanks”. Typical Brands, imo. Meathead extraordinaire.
“Throw Me!”
Last year to the week is when it happened, and Downey's story then was that the NCAA disapproved his waiver to wrestle at a 3rd D1 school.

Just like everything else with Downey, his story changes depending on when and to whom he tells it.

So I have no thoughts on "Brands' decision" because I have no credible evidence that he in fact made that choice.

BWI thoughts on Tom Brands making the decision to never let Pat Downey wear the black and gold?


You need to learn how to appreciate the small victories. A BWI poster praises Brands. That was enough for me to be happy. Now look where this thread is headed....
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I think it shows lack of character on Brands’ part. He knew damn well what PD3’s issues were, yet he let him transfer in anyway, then stuck it to him. That’s a horrible way to handle a situation when you know the student only had one year of eligibility remaining. If you’re not sure about a kid, tell him upfront “no thanks”. Typical Brands, imo. Meathead extraordinaire.
“Throw Me!”

Just to be clear, it was Terry who issued the legendary 'throw me' line. :)
Like someone said about the Desanto suspension thread, this probably came from higher up and Brands had to tell him. Easier to tell him he's not allowed in the wolfduckpack than to say I don't have the pull and my bosses said, "No". If it's even true.
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The BWI regulars cared immensely a year ago. Goes to show the difference a year makes!
I have never seen Brands send out a boy to throw a Kimura.. Have you?

Are you dense....nah you just like being a dainty intranet firefighter....

Mark it down....Most of the flack TnT get on BWI is because of the BS and hypocritical nature of your homeboys.

Its the BS over there that gets called out and Brands catches the shrapnel.

step up and admit it
I'm curious as to how many of you actually watched the interview..
You really should use the "winkie face" when you're being sarcastic ;).

Btw...any chance you'll be at B1G's? Tough, I know, with a baby.
I wish I could go! We are pretty grounded this year. The baby and saving for a wedding are holding us back a bit
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