OT: Beating the dead horse - NFL ratings down 13 percent

I did not watch one snap of NFL football yesterday. No issues for those that enjoy it, but I personally have completely lost interest.

I only watched the first half of the Jax/Texans game because it was on at work

with Netflix, HBO NOW, and Hulu . . . our household doesn't invest in cable TV
The longer it goes on it's going to be harder and harder for people to blame Kaepernick. There is something pretty big going on.

I DVR'd the Eagles game yesterday. Started late, zapped commercials till I caught up with real time. Then went off and did some chores, came back and zapped commercials. It's incredible, the actual net football in a 3 hour broadcast is like 15 minutes.

I can see why the NFL is really struggling with people under 30. They just aren't patient enough to sit through 5 minutes of commercials and waiting around for a 5 second burst of action. And a lot of times the 5 second burst of action is a flat pass for a 2 yard gain. Or an incomplete pass. Or a run into the middle of the line.

It's just not that exciting. People just watch the highlights and digests now. Live games are excruciating.

People have been predicting that the NFL was killing the golden goose by enlarging the commercial windows for 30 years and shrinking the actual play time while adding video review. Now it's happening.
hunh, imagine that


I'll be lazy and blame the protests. :D

The protests certainly have not helped.
When you have a business and you link it so closely with the American Flag and being American and proud, it hurts when your employees protest against it.

The other problem is that there's no other enemy. If the Cowboys made the super bowl last year there'd be a good discussion heading into this season. Two teams everyone seems to hate.

Lastly, the NFL has been losing viewers like myself for years.

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The protests are a part of a bigger paradigm shift in general with regard to interest in the NFL. They're still the big fish - consider the FSU/Alabama game had about half the viewers of the Patriots/Chiefs game.

well let me add this . . .

ESPN's "total" QBR rates an average QB around 50

16 QBs had a QBR under 50 this week. 9 were under 30.

only 2 games were decided by less than a TD.

some real quality play out there, lol
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Completely unwatchable...seemed like there was a penalty on every play of the Steelers/Browns game. The protests, the choppiness of play, the same commercials over and over and over, the length of the season, and crappy play have contributed to me watching less and less pro football. To me, it's no longer a's more like WWF, a made for TV entertainment event.
The longer it goes on it's going to be harder and harder for people to blame Kaepernick. There is something pretty big going on.

I DVR'd the Eagles game yesterday. Started late, zapped commercials till I caught up with real time. Then went off and did some chores, came back and zapped commercials. It's incredible, the actual net football in a 3 hour broadcast is like 15 minutes.

I can see why the NFL is really struggling with people under 30. They just aren't patient enough to sit through 5 minutes of commercials and waiting around for a 5 second burst of action. And a lot of times the 5 second burst of action is a flat pass for a 2 yard gain. Or an incomplete pass. Or a run into the middle of the line.

It's just not that exciting. People just watch the highlights and digests now. Live games are excruciating.

People have been predicting that the NFL was killing the golden goose by enlarging the commercial windows for 30 years and shrinking the actual play time while adding video review. Now it's happening.

I'm 54 and I'm not patient enough to sit through 3 plays and then 5 minutes of commercials and the same annoying dr. pepper adds.:mad:
the pace of the game and commercial interruptions have made it less interesting for me

too many penalty flags and too many stops for replay

For me it has nothing to do with Kappernick or the National Anthem its the fact that the game is so cut up that I lose interest.
That being said I thought what the Browns did yesterday was AWESOME.
I'm 54 and I'm not patient enough to sit through 3 plays and then 5 minutes of commercials and the same annoying dr. pepper adds.:mad:

Yeah that ad strategy is sure interesting - let's film something really dumb and annoying for 30 seconds, then blast it at people over and over again. How is that good for your brand image?
Yeah that ad strategy is sure interesting - let's film something really dumb and annoying for 30 seconds, then blast it at people over and over again. How is that good for your brand image? YEah it's been part of TV advertising for 50 years but it's only going to work with really low IQs.
hunh, imagine that


I'll be lazy and blame the protests. :D

Quick question for anyone really.
I've only been to 2 other non-PSU college games and both teams, like PSU, do the National Anthem while the other teams are in the locker room. Is that typical for college games?
Maybe if its so divisive the NFL should adopt that approach? Seems like a simple fix to me.
The longer it goes on it's going to be harder and harder for people to blame Kaepernick. There is something pretty big going on.

Actually, I gets easier to blame Kaepernick. I stopped watching because of him and so have at least 10 others that I know. Since I missed all of last season I've lost much so that I didn't even know the games started yesterday until I saw sports on the local news channel.

Similar thing happened with hockey when they went on strike about 15 years ago and I haven't watched since.

Once enough fans break the habit of watching they won't get them back.
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There a lot of little reasons to not tune in to the NFL - commercials, fantasy leagues, patriotism (though I still don't buy this one), etc. - but my own displeasure is that the actual game itself has become too boring. Every team runs the same plays (most not very well), the rules are too tilted toward the offense, QB play is really lacking (no real field generals - everything is run by the OC), the league itself is hypocritical in its supposed concern for the players safety, and so on...

I grew up a Steelers fan, and still cheer for the team, but my support is rooted in a shared nostalgia I have with the people with whom I grew up watching them. I do not feel compelled to be in front of my tv on Sunday afternoons anymore (if I have nothing else to do and they're on, then sure I'll watch), as I can follow along with results on my phone or via a text chain that others have set up - that's good enough for me.
Actually, I gets easier to blame Kaepernick. I stopped watching because of him and so have at least 10 others that I know. Since I missed all of last season I've lost much so that I didn't even know the games started yesterday until I saw sports on the local news channel.

Similar thing happened with hockey when they went on strike about 15 years ago and I haven't watched since.

Once enough fans break the habit of watching they won't get them back.
Going through that this year...I won't watch NFL for several reasons starting yesterday. I switched on some sports talk after dropping off my daughter and school and their conversation seemed sophomoric and "same old/same old".
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the commercials are awful and every 3 minutes. the crowd isnt as interesting or engaged as the college game. the rivalries dont seem to matter anymore. the NFL better figure it out quickly. Fantasy is the only thing keeping me engaged.
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College games are starting to become ponderous as well.

on a side note, I used to have a hard start time on Saturdays for my job at 2:30 PM (I could start sooner, but definitely not later)

I can remember waking up for the 11AM CST Penn State games, and having about 15 min to get to work right after the game. Lucky to get out by 3PM these days.
the commercials are awful and every 3 minutes. the crowd isnt as interesting or engaged as the college game. the rivalries dont seem to matter anymore. the NFL better figure it out quickly. Fantasy is the only thing keeping me engaged.
And yet fantasy is one of the key purported reasons why tv broadcasts are losing eyeballs.
College games are starting to become ponderous as well.

Yes they are especially when you are sitting in cold rain waiting for the TV timeout to end.
Ok so now its another mini rant for me. LOL.
But they shortened half time to 20 minutes, supposedly to speed up the game.
Ok I know they'll never cut back on commercials cause that toothpaste is out of the tube but
what is with all these unnecessary Intstan replays?
For example (I'll use our last 2 games) In the Akron game they spent about 5 minutes looking at a fumble/non fumble scrum that was pointless. Then they don't review the Barkley sideline play (he was in).
But then they do spend another 5 minutes reviewing an obvious TD that would have or should have taken no more than 15 seconds to confirm. Same thing on the Danucci pitt td on Sat. There wasn't even any doubt.
I haven't voluntarily watched the NFL other than the super bowl in 5 years. I used to watch pre game shows to the end of Sunday night.

Anymore it's a horrible product IMO for many reasons. I'll stick to watching football Friday night and Saturdays.
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Going through that this year...I won't watch NFL for several reasons starting yesterday. I switched on some sports talk after dropping off my daughter and school and their conversation seemed sophomoric and "same old/same old".

Agree radio is the worst although I was listening to Mark Malone on westwood 1, driving home, and he was pretty good.
I had some house cleaning to get caught up on when I did get home so I had the ESPN guys pre-game on and wow. I guess you get what you pay for because they were horrible. LOL.
Actually, I gets easier to blame Kaepernick. I stopped watching because of him and so have at least 10 others that I know. Since I missed all of last season I've lost much so that I didn't even know the games started yesterday until I saw sports on the local news channel.

Similar thing happened with hockey when they went on strike about 15 years ago and I haven't watched since.

Once enough fans break the habit of watching they won't get them back.

You stopped watching of one player? I still love the game. I've always like college ball better, but also casually follow the NFL.

I never played hockey growing so don't follow closely at all. Though I live in a city with a good NHL team. Also now getting into PSU hockey.
Actually, I gets easier to blame Kaepernick. I stopped watching because of him and so have at least 10 others that I know. Since I missed all of last season I've lost much so that I didn't even know the games started yesterday until I saw sports on the local news channel.

Similar thing happened with hockey when they went on strike about 15 years ago and I haven't watched since.

Once enough fans break the habit of watching they won't get them back.

Gd pt. People do something else on Sunday afternoons, they break the habit, then they discover that the other thing they do (biking, sailing, golf or whatever) turns out to be more rewarding than sitting around all afternoon in your den with the TV on.

Another thing that's not helpful may be all the new cell phone plans with cheap unlimited streaming -- so people can take the NFL broadcast with them.

You'd think at one level it would increase viewership.

But think about it -- instead of being anchored to your sectional with beer and doritos, you're out on the golf course or at a picnic, or maybe at a farmer's market or craft show or something. You have a lot going on around you. That's going to lead people to be a lot more impatient with the pace of the broadcast. You REALLY resent the more idiotic, repetitive commercials. It's so much easier to just follow the score live and watch the big plays whenever you want to.

It's probably just a matter of time -- in fact maybe it already exists -- where you just subscribe to a "notify me when something interesting happens" service. I.e. when there's an scoring play or some other interesting play, someone just texts you the video.

The technology is driving a lot of this. Video on demand is, for a lot of people, going to destroy the notion of long hours lollygagging in front of the TV.
Gd pt. People do something else on Sunday afternoons, they break the habit, then they discover that the other thing they do (biking, sailing, golf or whatever) turns out to be more rewarding than sitting around all afternoon in your den with the TV on.

Another thing that's not helpful may be all the new cell phone plans with cheap unlimited streaming -- so people can take the NFL broadcast with them.

You'd think at one level it would increase viewership.

But think about it -- instead of being anchored to your sectional with beer and doritos, you're out on the golf course or at a picnic, or maybe at a farmer's market or craft show or something. You have a lot going on around you. That's going to lead people to be a lot more impatient with the pace of the broadcast. You REALLY resent the more idiotic, repetitive commercials. It's so much easier to just follow the score live and watch the big plays whenever you want to.

It's probably just a matter of time -- in fact maybe it already exists -- where you just subscribe to a "notify me when something interesting happens" service. I.e. when there's an scoring play or some other interesting play, someone just texts you the video.

The technology is driving a lot of this. Video on demand is, for a lot of people, going to destroy the notion of long hours lollygagging in front of the TV.

I can't believe the number of people at our games that spend 3/4 of it on their phone and taking selfies. SMH.
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I've seen Pitt home games (not against PSU/ND) that had more fans than that pro game (I guess the Chargers now) in the LA Colosseum.

The trend has been bad for the NFL before Kaepernick. For me it was the embracing of a gangster culture that tuned me out. The only game I'll tune in the Superbowl and even that is background noise.

The Kaepernick stuff is just a progression of what has gone on, has caused others to wake up and wonder why they are watching this stuff. Insulting Veterans isn't a winning formula.
I can't believe the number of people at our games that spend 3/4 of it on their phone and taking selfies. SMH.

Well even at the Beav so much of the time is taken up by commercials or promotions. The big screens have made the stadium experience much more like the home viewer experience which I don't think is a good thing.
I have said and will continue to that people have lots of reasons to turn off the tv expecially over the last 5 years or so, but it is not a coincidence that it reached critical mass last year. I believe it is the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of people. It is disingenuous to say either way that it has no impact or that it is the only reason. For a dying brand to endorse, or at least not try to redirect, mass disrespect of the flag and by extension the country and by even further extension our troops; is down right suicidal.

You can continue to say it doesn't matter, but as Malcolm Jenkins pointed out this past week, the protests have now become more about the act and people doing them than what they are meant to solve. Literally no one wins. It's time for those hoping to cause change to think about the best way to do that.
Well I got at least 10 friends that don't watch NFL anymore because of Kaepernick. Most have served in the military,
I wonder if the ratings are down for college football?
The protests are a part of a bigger paradigm shift in general with regard to interest in the NFL. They're still the big fish - consider the FSU/Alabama game had about half the viewers of the Patriots/Chiefs game.

Yup. And the FSU-Alabama game actually may impact which of the two teams is eligible for the championship. The Patriots and Chiefs were at best, playing for home field advantage in a playoff game.
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The protests are a part of a bigger paradigm shift in general with regard to interest in the NFL. They're still the big fish - consider the FSU/Alabama game had about half the viewers of the Patriots/Chiefs game.

Well I got at least 10 friends that don't watch NFL anymore because of Kaepernick. Most have served in the military,
I wonder if the ratings are down for college football?

Yup. And the FSU-Alabama game actually may impact which of the two teams is eligible for the championship. The Patriots and Chiefs were at best, playing for home field advantage in a playoff game.
Umm every article out there says ABC was thrilled with FSU-Alabama ratings. They might be half of the NFL but for CFB it was a homerun:
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I can't believe the number of people at our games that spend 3/4 of it on their phone and taking selfies. SMH.
BBrown, from an earlier post it appears we are the exact same age and have the same view of the game. I will photo bomb (or worse) people who take non-stop selfies in the row in front of me. Put down the GD cell phones and watch the game or band or just talk to the people sitting with/around you. Although that last one is difficult with the non-stop blaring of music/advertisements/commercials over the PA/video boards. I know I'm getting old, but damn I miss the game experience I enjoyed as a student and alum in the 1980s!