Obli's Observations - Bathos


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2001
It really was fun to watch PSU this weekend. Gathering with the family of the "out-laws" Thanksgiving (my family, not my wife's) we enjoyed the game while cooling up the second turkey of the week. Overall, a fun win but can't help escaping a feeling of bathos. Regardless, team played well, for the most part. For the first time, the OL and DL held their fact, that is unfair...PSU's OL dominated UM's (Brown's) D. And while they have been underperforming, the UM team is stacked with high end recruits. So these guys aren't donuts out there. What I really liked is that the team had some things go against them but never folded or got down. Control what you can control and play the damn game! They looked like they enjoyed the game, which is awesome.

  • Keyvone Lee with 134 yards rushing! 6.1 YPC! That is pretty darn good against any team.
  • Keyvone is a load, big kid, much larger than SB as a true fresh but lacks the explosiveness. What he did do nicely is bounce it to the outside and has decent strain line speed. He is more of a LeVeon Bell than a Barkley.
  • The success with the running game opened up some passing opportunities as well.
  • I thought CJF made a good choice starting SC as the team needed the stability and SC played well; running and passing. 17 of 28 for 163 yards, but more importantly, several 3rd down conversions.
  • I liked the changeup with Levis too.....get the snap and go. Other than one series, we did well in the red zone. Looked like we used levis with some good TE action and getting a sixth OL in there. Have to wonder what difference the younger OLmen are making.
  • We still don't have a first-rate QB though...and that is still scary
  • Who the hell is Isaac Lutz? He had a nice game. 3 catches for 30 yards. At first, I thought it was one of our TE's but thought, man our TE is small.
  • Dotson only had three catches but at least two were for 3rd and long first downs. Big.
  • Parker Washington had 9 catches for 93. A really nice day.
  • Overall, O looked good and could have been better. Why the hell aren't we snapping the ball when the other team had 12/13 players on the field? Then we jump offsides and cost ourselves a chance for a TD (then missed the FG). Staying positive today....serenity now!
  • In that vein, even look at the D's jumping offsides on several critical occasions as excusable as I like the aggressiveness.
  • Lots of true fresh participation. I counted six players that made significant contributions.
  • Michigan's passing game is worse than ours. Their starter looked OK, I don't think he was hurt. His ball had zip but the team looks lost on passing downs.
  • What I liked was that we stopped the run. The center of our DL had a good game and so did our LBers. Dare I say "we looked stout"? PJ had a good game as did Hakeem Beamon.
  • JP Jr. is a really good player and most of our young DBs look good as well.
  • We still didn't get a turnover by the D. (got one on ST with the dropped punt) I think I heard the announcer say we are something like 120th in turnover ratio? I didn't even think there were that many college teams playing.
  • We really did well in short yardage. Who would have thought that? We did well in short yardage on both O and D.
  • ST are still not good. a missed FG and two kickoffs out of bounds. WTF on that?
  • Our punter hasn't been great. Functional, acceptable, but not great.
  • The batting the ball is hard to argue with but it is rarely called in this instance. That was a huge break for UM and great to see the kids respond well.
  • On the PSU fumble that was overturned, I think it was the right call as well. But the ball was obscured and impossible to tell when it began to come loose. Against UM, I thought for sure that call would go against us. We dodged a bullet there. This was partially caused by a poor throw by Clifford.
  • We did get lucky on a few spots. One that was really egregious was the first down by Levis late in the game. No way he got the first down when the whistle blew. I was surprised Harbaugh didn't go ape shit.
  • So that brings me to Harbaugh...he just looks like he doesn't care. CJF looked like this earlier but looked more animated from the get go Saturday. I feel like he may have thrown in the towel and wonder if he and UM will announce some sort of joint agreement for him to go to the NFL. He's got high end kids but the organization looks awful.
  • McNamara seemed OK after his shoulder and the announcers stated that his ball didn't seem to suffer. But he was 12 of 25 with 91 yards. If he was hurt, they really should have left Milton in. Amazing the HC that mentored several good QB's can't find a decent QB to lead Michigan.

Let's hope this is a springboard. In the end, it is our own mistakes that killed us against every team that didn't have Fields at QB. We limited our mistakes and even got a TO. I think Schiano has done a really great job at R but does he really have the talent? I also don't taint this win because UM's QB got hurt. He didn't seem too injured to me. And UM shredded RU's defense. PSU should win this game if we don't turn the ball over, and limit dumb mistakes.
The defense jumping offsides a few times was aggravating. The false start when we had Levis set up on 4th and 1 was horrible, you are split wide away from the line of scrimmage on a designed QB run, why are you moving/jumping there? silly mistake. Luckily having to settle for a FG there didn’t end up hurting PSU in the end.
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It really was fun to watch PSU this weekend. Gathering with the family of the "out-laws" Thanksgiving (my family, not my wife's) we enjoyed the game while cooling up the second turkey of the week. Overall, a fun win but can't help escaping a feeling of bathos. Regardless, team played well, for the most part. For the first time, the OL and DL held their fact, that is unfair...PSU's OL dominated UM's (Brown's) D. And while they have been underperforming, the UM team is stacked with high end recruits. So these guys aren't donuts out there. What I really liked is that the team had some things go against them but never folded or got down. Control what you can control and play the damn game! They looked like they enjoyed the game, which is awesome.

  • Keyvone Lee with 134 yards rushing! 6.1 YPC! That is pretty darn good against any team.
  • Keyvone is a load, big kid, much larger than SB as a true fresh but lacks the explosiveness. What he did do nicely is bounce it to the outside and has decent strain line speed. He is more of a LeVeon Bell than a Barkley.
  • The success with the running game opened up some passing opportunities as well.
  • I thought CJF made a good choice starting SC as the team needed the stability and SC played well; running and passing. 17 of 28 for 163 yards, but more importantly, several 3rd down conversions.
  • I liked the changeup with Levis too.....get the snap and go. Other than one series, we did well in the red zone. Looked like we used levis with some good TE action and getting a sixth OL in there. Have to wonder what difference the younger OLmen are making.
  • We still don't have a first-rate QB though...and that is still scary
  • Who the hell is Isaac Lutz? He had a nice game. 3 catches for 30 yards. At first, I thought it was one of our TE's but thought, man our TE is small.
  • Dotson only had three catches but at least two were for 3rd and long first downs. Big.
  • Parker Washington had 9 catches for 93. A really nice day.
  • Overall, O looked good and could have been better. Why the hell aren't we snapping the ball when the other team had 12/13 players on the field? Then we jump offsides and cost ourselves a chance for a TD (then missed the FG). Staying positive today....serenity now!
  • In that vein, even look at the D's jumping offsides on several critical occasions as excusable as I like the aggressiveness.
  • Lots of true fresh participation. I counted six players that made significant contributions.
  • Michigan's passing game is worse than ours. Their starter looked OK, I don't think he was hurt. His ball had zip but the team looks lost on passing downs.
  • What I liked was that we stopped the run. The center of our DL had a good game and so did our LBers. Dare I say "we looked stout"? PJ had a good game as did Hakeem Beamon.
  • JP Jr. is a really good player and most of our young DBs look good as well.
  • We still didn't get a turnover by the D. (got one on ST with the dropped punt) I think I heard the announcer say we are something like 120th in turnover ratio? I didn't even think there were that many college teams playing.
  • We really did well in short yardage. Who would have thought that? We did well in short yardage on both O and D.
  • ST are still not good. a missed FG and two kickoffs out of bounds. WTF on that?
  • Our punter hasn't been great. Functional, acceptable, but not great.
  • The batting the ball is hard to argue with but it is rarely called in this instance. That was a huge break for UM and great to see the kids respond well.
  • On the PSU fumble that was overturned, I think it was the right call as well. But the ball was obscured and impossible to tell when it began to come loose. Against UM, I thought for sure that call would go against us. We dodged a bullet there. This was partially caused by a poor throw by Clifford.
  • We did get lucky on a few spots. One that was really egregious was the first down by Levis late in the game. No way he got the first down when the whistle blew. I was surprised Harbaugh didn't go ape shit.
  • So that brings me to Harbaugh...he just looks like he doesn't care. CJF looked like this earlier but looked more animated from the get go Saturday. I feel like he may have thrown in the towel and wonder if he and UM will announce some sort of joint agreement for him to go to the NFL. He's got high end kids but the organization looks awful.
  • McNamara seemed OK after his shoulder and the announcers stated that his ball didn't seem to suffer. But he was 12 of 25 with 91 yards. If he was hurt, they really should have left Milton in. Amazing the HC that mentored several good QB's can't find a decent QB to lead Michigan.

Let's hope this is a springboard. In the end, it is our own mistakes that killed us against every team that didn't have Fields at QB. We limited our mistakes and even got a TO. I think Schiano has done a really great job at R but does he really have the talent? I also don't taint this win because UM's QB got hurt. He didn't seem too injured to me. And UM shredded RU's defense. PSU should win this game if we don't turn the ball over, and limit dumb mistakes.

Good stuff, as always! Glad to hear about getting together and watching the game with the family - sounds great! We were hunkering for the most part because my daughter is going to school and we've 'pledged' to limit gatherings and/or activities where we could be around other people. It was my birthday, so I got to watch, with an adult beverage, with very little interference from the kiddos (occupied with holiday crafts).

Setting aside our no good, horrible, very bad year, a win is a win, and a win against Michigan - at Michigan - is in many ways more than a win. Getting lots of good experience for our younger guys - trial by fire as it were - and they'll be a big part of the team next year (Washington, Porter, Lee, Johnson, Strange). Would like to see Jacobs getting more reps because though Smith and Dixon appear to be turning the corner on playing at this level, we need someone in the middle with more athleticism. Luketa and Brooks are getting hammered out there.

Clifford played well but wasn't asked to do a lot - keep turnovers to zero and that helps a ton. CJF managed to stick in one WTF?! clock management call when he spiked the ball with :30 left (and one timeout) from the Michigan 5. We leave four points on the board and go to half with our timeout safe and sound. I don't know who is supposed to be following along with the game and giving CJF 'situational' input, but they're failing.

Otherwise, take the win, and off to what is now a pretty intriguing, and big game against Rutgers.
1. I am happy for Lee and I am not going to argue numbers, but he doesn't appear to have that explosive burst.
2. Somewhere Ricky Slade has to be kicking himself for not staying and competing.
3. We still lack the homerun potential anywhere on our offense. I don't mind ball control but you have to at least have a pass downfield that comes close to a WR.
4. Sure hope we have a play for Levis off the QB keep, maybe a Tebow like jump pass?
5. I am hoping that what we are seeing is a lack of practice time with a new OC and not what the future offense will look like.
6. More Lutz! More Lutz!! Somehow make the 4 WR KAL, Dotson, PW, and Lutz.....time to stop playing George and CSB.
7. Been disappointing that Kuntz has gotten passed up. I was excited when he signed and really excited when I saw his picture at the cotton bowl....but he just cant stay healthy enough to make a difference.

1. Now that I have seen enough of the season, losing Parsons was bigger than new coaches, bigger than COVID, and bigger than not practicing. So many times I just sit there and think what Micah would have done....
2. I have seen enough of Luketa.....he is not a B1G LB.
3. Wonder if Tarburten can gain some more weight and play inside?
5. I feel so bad for Shelton and Wade....they just aren't B1G level starting athletes.
6. I still am unsure of the need for such a substitution pattern. I swear everytime I look up in a crucial moment I see Simmons and Issac/Tarburton.
7. If Oweh leaves for the draft, then he is getting the worst advice in the history of college football. He will go down with Dion Jordan and Barkavious Mingo.....

1. Whatever the Michigan QB got shot up with, I want some. Watch the game again....before he got hurt he was throwing 84 mph fastballs.....after he come out of the lockeroom he was pumping 96. Now, the throws weren't close, but they had zip.
2. Saw a little more pump from JFF. I hope he is punching through and not just a front runner.
3. Our blitzes are still to slow.
4. Our defense is still a donut (always a big hole in the middle).
5. I am convinced that the Indiana game was stolen from us and if we don't lose that game we would currently be sitting at 5-1.
6. College Football is 100% about having a QB. Whoever has the better QB wins. Look at LSU without Burrow....Saturday was the first time our QB played better than the other QB....and we won.
7. Would someone, ANYONE, please enroll Franklin in an off-season coaching strategy class! It can be online if need be. Either that or he needs to throw a line to an older coach that can come in and simply sit on the other end of the headset and talk him through some of these situations.
8. Maybe that job can be Lorigs spot because special teams are non existant. We fair catch everything. Can't seem to keep a kick in bounds, miss FG's, punt average, and never get close to getting a block. My question is this.....if we are going to fair catch EVERYTHING, then why aren't we sending the house to block?

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Good stuff, as always! Glad to hear about getting together and watching the game with the family - sounds great! We were hunkering for the most part because my daughter is going to school and we've 'pledged' to limit gatherings and/or activities where we could be around other people. It was my birthday, so I got to watch, with an adult beverage, with very little interference from the kiddos (occupied with holiday crafts).

Setting aside our no good, horrible, very bad year, a win is a win, and a win against Michigan - at Michigan - is in many ways more than a win. Getting lots of good experience for our younger guys - trial by fire as it were - and they'll be a big part of the team next year (Washington, Porter, Lee, Johnson, Strange). Would like to see Jacobs getting more reps because though Smith and Dixon appear to be turning the corner on playing at this level, we need someone in the middle with more athleticism. Luketa and Brooks are getting hammered out there.

Clifford played well but wasn't asked to do a lot - keep turnovers to zero and that helps a ton. CJF managed to stick in one WTF?! clock management call when he spiked the ball with :30 left (and one timeout) from the Michigan 5. We leave four points on the board and go to half with our timeout safe and sound. I don't know who is supposed to be following along with the game and giving CJF 'situational' input, but they're failing.

Otherwise, take the win, and off to what is now a pretty intriguing, and big game against Rutgers.
Agree....take the TO and throw three times into the endzone where the clock would stop of you'd score a TD. I was trying to be positive but three incomplete fades would probably have been our plays of choice and we see how they are working in the red zone.
Did not watch the game live, but did DVR it.

Where the hell was LaMont Wade all game? I thought he did not make the trip until I saw him on the field at the end of the game.

It was a good game - you can't expect to blow out Michigan - they do have some talent, and always will.
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I wouldn't underestimate the value of Lee being about to bounce it outside. If that were easy, more backs would do it. It shows he looks at the whole field, not just the hole that was supposed to open up in front of him.

It also shows good lateral movement -- he's a big strider which means less explosiveness but those big strides might help him moving laterally. I was really impressed with one play which was intended to go off left tackle and he ended up with a big gain along the right sideline.

I like the Leveon Bell comparison. Not that Lee has going to be anything like Bell, it's too early to say, but he runs in an irregular way that is hard for defenders to track. He has the ability to throw defenders off by kind of wiggling his leg -- all without stopping.
Agree....take the TO and throw three times into the endzone where the clock would stop of you'd score a TD. I was trying to be positive but three incomplete fades would probably have been our plays of choice and we see how they are working in the red zone.

Or, run on first and if you fail, take the TO - then you have two tries to throw to the endzone for a TD. I mean, why take a TO into the half? Moving on - win is a win.
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1. I am happy for Lee and I am not going to argue numbers, but he doesn't appear to have that explosive burst.
2. Somewhere Ricky Slade has to be kicking himself for not staying and competing.
3. We still lack the homerun potential anywhere on our offense. I don't mind ball control but you have to at least have a pass downfield that comes close to a WR.
4. Sure hope we have a play for Levis off the QB keep, maybe a Tebow like jump pass?
5. I am hoping that what we are seeing is a lack of practice time with a new OC and not what the future offense will look like.
6. More Lutz! More Lutz!! Somehow make the 4 WR KAL, Dotson, PW, and Lutz.....time to stop playing George and CSB.
7. Been disappointing that Kuntz has gotten passed up. I was excited when he signed and really excited when I saw his picture at the cotton bowl....but he just cant stay healthy enough to make a difference.

1. Now that I have seen enough of the season, losing Parsons was bigger than new coaches, bigger than COVID, and bigger than not practicing. So many times I just sit there and think what Micah would have done....
2. I have seen enough of Luketa.....he is not a B1G LB.
3. Wonder if Tarburten can gain some more weight and play inside?
5. I feel so bad for Shelton and Wade....they just aren't B1G level starting athletes.
6. I still am unsure of the need for such a substitution pattern. I swear everytime I look up in a crucial moment I see Simmons and Issac/Tarburton.
7. If Oweh leaves for the draft, then he is getting the worst advice in the history of college football. He will go down with Dion Jordan and Barkavious Mingo.....

1. Whatever the Michigan QB got shot up with, I want some. Watch the game again....before he got hurt he was throwing 84 mph fastballs.....after he come out of the lockeroom he was pumping 96. Now, the throws weren't close, but they had zip.
2. Saw a little more pump from JFF. I hope he is punching through and not just a front runner.
3. Our blitzes are still to slow.
4. Our defense is still a donut (always a big hole in the middle).
5. I am convinced that the Indiana game was stolen from us and if we don't lose that game we would currently be sitting at 5-1.
6. College Football is 100% about having a QB. Whoever has the better QB wins. Look at LSU without Burrow....Saturday was the first time our QB played better than the other QB....and we won.
7. Would someone, ANYONE, please enroll Franklin in an off-season coaching strategy class! It can be online if need be. Either that or he needs to throw a line to an older coach that can come in and simply sit on the other end of the headset and talk him through some of these situations.
8. Maybe that job can be Lorigs spot because special teams are non existant. We fair catch everything. Can't seem to keep a kick in bounds, miss FG's, punt average, and never get close to getting a block. My question is this.....if we are going to fair catch EVERYTHING, then why aren't we sending the house to block?

"....if we are going to fair catch EVERYTHING, then why aren't we sending the house to block?"

Our strategy on these punting situations is to prevent additional chances for a turnover and I have no problem with that considering how bad this team has been this year in almost every aspect of the game. Look at it this way - our defense has struggled big time all year (except Saturday for the most part). On those occasions that we do make the other team punt, let's not screw it up by:

-Drawing a roughing the kicker penalty on an attempted punt block scheme.
-Risking a fumble on a big hit on the returner if he doesn't fair catch.

I am 100% okay with just getting the defense off the field on those occasions we do get a stop and let the offense try and get a drive going.
"....if we are going to fair catch EVERYTHING, then why aren't we sending the house to block?"

Our strategy on these punting situations is to prevent additional chances for a turnover and I have no problem with that considering how bad this team has been this year in almost every aspect of the game. Look at it this way - our defense has struggled big time all year (except Saturday for the most part). On those occasions that we do make the other team punt, let's not screw it up by:

-Drawing a roughing the kicker penalty on an attempted punt block scheme.
-Risking a fumble on a big hit on the returner if he doesn't fair catch.

I am 100% okay with just getting the defense off the field on those occasions we do get a stop and let the offense try and get a drive going.

I see that as well. However, what happens more...a roughing the kicker or a holding call?

My thought is this.....just say from the get go we are going to fair catch everything and then send the house. Why set up guys to block if we are just going to fair catch the ball?
I see that as well. However, what happens more...a roughing the kicker or a holding call?

My thought is this.....just say from the get go we are going to fair catch everything and then send the house. Why set up guys to block if we are just going to fair catch the ball?
I think you are going to see teams adopt the FC on kickoffs in almost all situations. I don't know the stats but seems to me you get a return out to the 20 or 25 but have a penalty on about 50% of the returns so you end up starting a drive from the 10 or 15. On punts, I think similarly. FC it unless it was a line drive kick what is wide open. This makes them continue to punt for hang time and not just distance. But they are still high risk situations, as we say UM fumble and give us 3 points for free at the end of the first half.
It really was fun to watch PSU this weekend. Gathering with the family of the "out-laws" Thanksgiving (my family, not my wife's) we enjoyed the game while cooling up the second turkey of the week. Overall, a fun win but can't help escaping a feeling of bathos. Regardless, team played well, for the most part. For the first time, the OL and DL held their fact, that is unfair...PSU's OL dominated UM's (Brown's) D. And while they have been underperforming, the UM team is stacked with high end recruits. So these guys aren't donuts out there. What I really liked is that the team had some things go against them but never folded or got down. Control what you can control and play the damn game! They looked like they enjoyed the game, which is awesome.

  • Keyvone Lee with 134 yards rushing! 6.1 YPC! That is pretty darn good against any team.
  • Keyvone is a load, big kid, much larger than SB as a true fresh but lacks the explosiveness. What he did do nicely is bounce it to the outside and has decent strain line speed. He is more of a LeVeon Bell than a Barkley.
  • The success with the running game opened up some passing opportunities as well.
  • I thought CJF made a good choice starting SC as the team needed the stability and SC played well; running and passing. 17 of 28 for 163 yards, but more importantly, several 3rd down conversions.
  • I liked the changeup with Levis too.....get the snap and go. Other than one series, we did well in the red zone. Looked like we used levis with some good TE action and getting a sixth OL in there. Have to wonder what difference the younger OLmen are making.
  • We still don't have a first-rate QB though...and that is still scary
  • Who the hell is Isaac Lutz? He had a nice game. 3 catches for 30 yards. At first, I thought it was one of our TE's but thought, man our TE is small.
  • Dotson only had three catches but at least two were for 3rd and long first downs. Big.
  • Parker Washington had 9 catches for 93. A really nice day.
  • Overall, O looked good and could have been better. Why the hell aren't we snapping the ball when the other team had 12/13 players on the field? Then we jump offsides and cost ourselves a chance for a TD (then missed the FG). Staying positive today....serenity now!
  • In that vein, even look at the D's jumping offsides on several critical occasions as excusable as I like the aggressiveness.
  • Lots of true fresh participation. I counted six players that made significant contributions.
  • Michigan's passing game is worse than ours. Their starter looked OK, I don't think he was hurt. His ball had zip but the team looks lost on passing downs.
  • What I liked was that we stopped the run. The center of our DL had a good game and so did our LBers. Dare I say "we looked stout"? PJ had a good game as did Hakeem Beamon.
  • JP Jr. is a really good player and most of our young DBs look good as well.
  • We still didn't get a turnover by the D. (got one on ST with the dropped punt) I think I heard the announcer say we are something like 120th in turnover ratio? I didn't even think there were that many college teams playing.
  • We really did well in short yardage. Who would have thought that? We did well in short yardage on both O and D.
  • ST are still not good. a missed FG and two kickoffs out of bounds. WTF on that?
  • Our punter hasn't been great. Functional, acceptable, but not great.
  • The batting the ball is hard to argue with but it is rarely called in this instance. That was a huge break for UM and great to see the kids respond well.
  • On the PSU fumble that was overturned, I think it was the right call as well. But the ball was obscured and impossible to tell when it began to come loose. Against UM, I thought for sure that call would go against us. We dodged a bullet there. This was partially caused by a poor throw by Clifford.
  • We did get lucky on a few spots. One that was really egregious was the first down by Levis late in the game. No way he got the first down when the whistle blew. I was surprised Harbaugh didn't go ape shit.
  • So that brings me to Harbaugh...he just looks like he doesn't care. CJF looked like this earlier but looked more animated from the get go Saturday. I feel like he may have thrown in the towel and wonder if he and UM will announce some sort of joint agreement for him to go to the NFL. He's got high end kids but the organization looks awful.
  • McNamara seemed OK after his shoulder and the announcers stated that his ball didn't seem to suffer. But he was 12 of 25 with 91 yards. If he was hurt, they really should have left Milton in. Amazing the HC that mentored several good QB's can't find a decent QB to lead Michigan.

Let's hope this is a springboard. In the end, it is our own mistakes that killed us against every team that didn't have Fields at QB. We limited our mistakes and even got a TO. I think Schiano has done a really great job at R but does he really have the talent? I also don't taint this win because UM's QB got hurt. He didn't seem too injured to me. And UM shredded RU's defense. PSU should win this game if we don't turn the ball over, and limit dumb mistakes.

About the first down by Levis late in the game, if its the same one I'm thinking of Harbs had used all his TO's so he didn't have any to throw the challenge flag.
The defense jumping offsides a few times was aggravating. The false start when we had Levis set up on 4th and 1 was horrible, you are split wide away from the line of scrimmage on a designed QB run, why are you moving/jumping there? silly mistake. Luckily having to settle for a FG there didn’t end up hurting PSU in the end.

It was bad but he was also the only one signaling for them to snap the damn ball. We could have caught Michigan, at least 2 times, with too many men on the field. The QB and Center have to be able to see that. Its a free yardage and a first down.
Its also not the first time, its been going on all year. Its something the media needs to ask Franklin about. Also find a high school kid that understands how clock managment works because its obvious no one on the current staff does. Spiking the ball after a first down is pee wee league bad.
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Not sure what was sloppy about the win. Not a ton of penalties, no turnovers, no drops that I saw, and a pretty basic running game where the OL actually was strong. The sloppiest parts to me were the kicking game (including kickoffs) and clock management (again), but this wasn’t really sloppy overall. Fairly boring and lacking exciting plays, yes, but not sloppy IMO.
It was bad but he was also the only one signaling for them to snap the damn ball. We could have caught Michigan, at least 2 times, with too many men on the field. The QB and Center have to be able to see that. Its a free yardage and a first down.
Its also not the first time, its been going on all year. Its something the media needs to ask Franklin about. Also find a high school kid that understands how clock managment works because its obvious no one on the current staff does. Spiking the ball after a first down is pee wee league bad.

Yep, I almost forgot LOL....Michigan was caught dead to rights with 12 men on the field also...someone needs to be aware of that and snap the ball
Did not watch the game live, but did DVR it.

Where the hell was LaMont Wade all game? I thought he did not make the trip until I saw him on the field at the end of the game.

It was a good game - you can't expect to blow out Michigan - they do have some talent, and always will.
Only time I recall seeing Wade was when he piled on after Porter made a tackle about 12 yards downfield. After he jumped on the pile he got up and danced around like he just made a pic 6. I can't wait for Wade to vanish.
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I see that as well. However, what happens more...a roughing the kicker or a holding call?

My thought is this.....just say from the get go we are going to fair catch everything and then send the house. Why set up guys to block if we are just going to fair catch the ball?
However, what happens more...a roughing the kicker or a holding call?

With this 2020 PSU team - both! lol
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I wouldn't underestimate the value of Lee being about to bounce it outside. If that were easy, more backs would do it. It shows he looks at the whole field, not just the hole that was supposed to open up in front of him.

Yeah, props to Lee. Should also note that the perimeter was available due to the good blocking of our young Tight Ends.

As to Wade, he did start, and is listed with 0 solo tackles and 3 assisted tackles
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1. I am happy for Lee and I am not going to argue numbers, but he doesn't appear to have that explosive burst.
2. Somewhere Ricky Slade has to be kicking himself for not staying and competing.
3. We still lack the homerun potential anywhere on our offense. I don't mind ball control but you have to at least have a pass downfield that comes close to a WR.
4. Sure hope we have a play for Levis off the QB keep, maybe a Tebow like jump pass?
5. I am hoping that what we are seeing is a lack of practice time with a new OC and not what the future offense will look like.
6. More Lutz! More Lutz!! Somehow make the 4 WR KAL, Dotson, PW, and Lutz.....time to stop playing George and CSB.
7. Been disappointing that Kuntz has gotten passed up. I was excited when he signed and really excited when I saw his picture at the cotton bowl....but he just cant stay healthy enough to make a difference.

1. Now that I have seen enough of the season, losing Parsons was bigger than new coaches, bigger than COVID, and bigger than not practicing. So many times I just sit there and think what Micah would have done....
2. I have seen enough of Luketa.....he is not a B1G LB.
3. Wonder if Tarburten can gain some more weight and play inside?
5. I feel so bad for Shelton and Wade....they just aren't B1G level starting athletes.
6. I still am unsure of the need for such a substitution pattern. I swear everytime I look up in a crucial moment I see Simmons and Issac/Tarburton.
7. If Oweh leaves for the draft, then he is getting the worst advice in the history of college football. He will go down with Dion Jordan and Barkavious Mingo.....

1. Whatever the Michigan QB got shot up with, I want some. Watch the game again....before he got hurt he was throwing 84 mph fastballs.....after he come out of the lockeroom he was pumping 96. Now, the throws weren't close, but they had zip.
2. Saw a little more pump from JFF. I hope he is punching through and not just a front runner.
3. Our blitzes are still to slow.
4. Our defense is still a donut (always a big hole in the middle).
5. I am convinced that the Indiana game was stolen from us and if we don't lose that game we would currently be sitting at 5-1.
6. College Football is 100% about having a QB. Whoever has the better QB wins. Look at LSU without Burrow....Saturday was the first time our QB played better than the other QB....and we won.
7. Would someone, ANYONE, please enroll Franklin in an off-season coaching strategy class! It can be online if need be. Either that or he needs to throw a line to an older coach that can come in and simply sit on the other end of the headset and talk him through some of these situations.
8. Maybe that job can be Lorigs spot because special teams are non existant. We fair catch everything. Can't seem to keep a kick in bounds, miss FG's, punt average, and never get close to getting a block. My question is this.....if we are going to fair catch EVERYTHING, then why aren't we sending the house to block?

I forgot to add #9 on the General.

9. Could someone tell the team when it is ok to celebrate making a play. Almost a celebration 101. Oweh with a good hit, 5 yards down the field on 3rd and 4. Oweh gets up and goes crazy like he just stopped Barry Sanders on the last play of the game. Wade and Briskar....maybe they aren't used to making plays but everytime they do it is celebration city.....doesn't matter where they made the play. Marquise Wilson is another celebrate on average to below average plays. Again, bring the intensity, but know the situation.
It really was fun to watch PSU this weekend. Gathering with the family of the "out-laws" Thanksgiving (my family, not my wife's) we enjoyed the game while cooling up the second turkey of the week. Overall, a fun win but can't help escaping a feeling of bathos. Regardless, team played well, for the most part. For the first time, the OL and DL held their fact, that is unfair...PSU's OL dominated UM's (Brown's) D. And while they have been underperforming, the UM team is stacked with high end recruits. So these guys aren't donuts out there. What I really liked is that the team had some things go against them but never folded or got down. Control what you can control and play the damn game! They looked like they enjoyed the game, which is awesome.

  • Keyvone Lee with 134 yards rushing! 6.1 YPC! That is pretty darn good against any team.
  • Keyvone is a load, big kid, much larger than SB as a true fresh but lacks the explosiveness. What he did do nicely is bounce it to the outside and has decent strain line speed. He is more of a LeVeon Bell than a Barkley.
  • The success with the running game opened up some passing opportunities as well.
  • I thought CJF made a good choice starting SC as the team needed the stability and SC played well; running and passing. 17 of 28 for 163 yards, but more importantly, several 3rd down conversions.
  • I liked the changeup with Levis too.....get the snap and go. Other than one series, we did well in the red zone. Looked like we used levis with some good TE action and getting a sixth OL in there. Have to wonder what difference the younger OLmen are making.
  • We still don't have a first-rate QB though...and that is still scary
  • Who the hell is Isaac Lutz? He had a nice game. 3 catches for 30 yards. At first, I thought it was one of our TE's but thought, man our TE is small.
  • Dotson only had three catches but at least two were for 3rd and long first downs. Big.
  • Parker Washington had 9 catches for 93. A really nice day.
  • Overall, O looked good and could have been better. Why the hell aren't we snapping the ball when the other team had 12/13 players on the field? Then we jump offsides and cost ourselves a chance for a TD (then missed the FG). Staying positive today....serenity now!
  • In that vein, even look at the D's jumping offsides on several critical occasions as excusable as I like the aggressiveness.
  • Lots of true fresh participation. I counted six players that made significant contributions.
  • Michigan's passing game is worse than ours. Their starter looked OK, I don't think he was hurt. His ball had zip but the team looks lost on passing downs.
  • What I liked was that we stopped the run. The center of our DL had a good game and so did our LBers. Dare I say "we looked stout"? PJ had a good game as did Hakeem Beamon.
  • JP Jr. is a really good player and most of our young DBs look good as well.
  • We still didn't get a turnover by the D. (got one on ST with the dropped punt) I think I heard the announcer say we are something like 120th in turnover ratio? I didn't even think there were that many college teams playing.
  • We really did well in short yardage. Who would have thought that? We did well in short yardage on both O and D.
  • ST are still not good. a missed FG and two kickoffs out of bounds. WTF on that?
  • Our punter hasn't been great. Functional, acceptable, but not great.
  • The batting the ball is hard to argue with but it is rarely called in this instance. That was a huge break for UM and great to see the kids respond well.
  • On the PSU fumble that was overturned, I think it was the right call as well. But the ball was obscured and impossible to tell when it began to come loose. Against UM, I thought for sure that call would go against us. We dodged a bullet there. This was partially caused by a poor throw by Clifford.
  • We did get lucky on a few spots. One that was really egregious was the first down by Levis late in the game. No way he got the first down when the whistle blew. I was surprised Harbaugh didn't go ape shit.
  • So that brings me to Harbaugh...he just looks like he doesn't care. CJF looked like this earlier but looked more animated from the get go Saturday. I feel like he may have thrown in the towel and wonder if he and UM will announce some sort of joint agreement for him to go to the NFL. He's got high end kids but the organization looks awful.
  • McNamara seemed OK after his shoulder and the announcers stated that his ball didn't seem to suffer. But he was 12 of 25 with 91 yards. If he was hurt, they really should have left Milton in. Amazing the HC that mentored several good QB's can't find a decent QB to lead Michigan.

Let's hope this is a springboard. In the end, it is our own mistakes that killed us against every team that didn't have Fields at QB. We limited our mistakes and even got a TO. I think Schiano has done a really great job at R but does he really have the talent? I also don't taint this win because UM's QB got hurt. He didn't seem too injured to me. And UM shredded RU's defense. PSU should win this game if we don't turn the ball over, and limit dumb mistakes.

Ah. Word of the day.

Yep, I almost forgot LOL....Michigan was caught dead to rights with 12 men on the field also...someone needs to be aware of that and snap the ball

This is the product of where coaching has gone. Coaches want to coach every single second of every single game instead of letting the players have some input and play the game. It is almost like they take that part out of the game, where players just play.....
It really was fun to watch PSU this weekend. Gathering with the family of the "out-laws" Thanksgiving (my family, not my wife's) we enjoyed the game while cooling up the second turkey of the week. Overall, a fun win but can't help escaping a feeling of bathos. Regardless, team played well, for the most part. For the first time, the OL and DL held their fact, that is unfair...PSU's OL dominated UM's (Brown's) D. And while they have been underperforming, the UM team is stacked with high end recruits. So these guys aren't donuts out there. What I really liked is that the team had some things go against them but never folded or got down. Control what you can control and play the damn game! They looked like they enjoyed the game, which is awesome.

  • Keyvone Lee with 134 yards rushing! 6.1 YPC! That is pretty darn good against any team.
  • Keyvone is a load, big kid, much larger than SB as a true fresh but lacks the explosiveness. What he did do nicely is bounce it to the outside and has decent strain line speed. He is more of a LeVeon Bell than a Barkley.
  • The success with the running game opened up some passing opportunities as well.
  • I thought CJF made a good choice starting SC as the team needed the stability and SC played well; running and passing. 17 of 28 for 163 yards, but more importantly, several 3rd down conversions.
  • I liked the changeup with Levis too.....get the snap and go. Other than one series, we did well in the red zone. Looked like we used levis with some good TE action and getting a sixth OL in there. Have to wonder what difference the younger OLmen are making.
  • We still don't have a first-rate QB though...and that is still scary
  • Who the hell is Isaac Lutz? He had a nice game. 3 catches for 30 yards. At first, I thought it was one of our TE's but thought, man our TE is small.
  • Dotson only had three catches but at least two were for 3rd and long first downs. Big.
  • Parker Washington had 9 catches for 93. A really nice day.
  • Overall, O looked good and could have been better. Why the hell aren't we snapping the ball when the other team had 12/13 players on the field? Then we jump offsides and cost ourselves a chance for a TD (then missed the FG). Staying positive today....serenity now!
  • In that vein, even look at the D's jumping offsides on several critical occasions as excusable as I like the aggressiveness.
  • Lots of true fresh participation. I counted six players that made significant contributions.
  • Michigan's passing game is worse than ours. Their starter looked OK, I don't think he was hurt. His ball had zip but the team looks lost on passing downs.
  • What I liked was that we stopped the run. The center of our DL had a good game and so did our LBers. Dare I say "we looked stout"? PJ had a good game as did Hakeem Beamon.
  • JP Jr. is a really good player and most of our young DBs look good as well.
  • We still didn't get a turnover by the D. (got one on ST with the dropped punt) I think I heard the announcer say we are something like 120th in turnover ratio? I didn't even think there were that many college teams playing.
  • We really did well in short yardage. Who would have thought that? We did well in short yardage on both O and D.
  • ST are still not good. a missed FG and two kickoffs out of bounds. WTF on that?
  • Our punter hasn't been great. Functional, acceptable, but not great.
  • The batting the ball is hard to argue with but it is rarely called in this instance. That was a huge break for UM and great to see the kids respond well.
  • On the PSU fumble that was overturned, I think it was the right call as well. But the ball was obscured and impossible to tell when it began to come loose. Against UM, I thought for sure that call would go against us. We dodged a bullet there. This was partially caused by a poor throw by Clifford.
  • We did get lucky on a few spots. One that was really egregious was the first down by Levis late in the game. No way he got the first down when the whistle blew. I was surprised Harbaugh didn't go ape shit.
  • So that brings me to Harbaugh...he just looks like he doesn't care. CJF looked like this earlier but looked more animated from the get go Saturday. I feel like he may have thrown in the towel and wonder if he and UM will announce some sort of joint agreement for him to go to the NFL. He's got high end kids but the organization looks awful.
  • McNamara seemed OK after his shoulder and the announcers stated that his ball didn't seem to suffer. But he was 12 of 25 with 91 yards. If he was hurt, they really should have left Milton in. Amazing the HC that mentored several good QB's can't find a decent QB to lead Michigan.

Let's hope this is a springboard. In the end, it is our own mistakes that killed us against every team that didn't have Fields at QB. We limited our mistakes and even got a TO. I think Schiano has done a really great job at R but does he really have the talent? I also don't taint this win because UM's QB got hurt. He didn't seem too injured to me. And UM shredded RU's defense. PSU should win this game if we don't turn the ball over, and limit dumb mistakes.
The best part of the game aside from winning was the play from several freshmen. Not just Lee but also kids like H. Beamon & T. Johnson. At least there's something to build on.

I think you're being generous to the offense. Michigan might have the worst defense in the conference. Rutgers (Verdal) passed for 381 yards against Michigan so I'm not overly impressed with Clifford's 163 yards. Our WRs struggle to get separation and Clifford is slow to deliver the football. To make matters worse our WRs do a poor job blocking. That said, Clifford did make a great play when he was under pressure, stepped up in the pocket, and delivered the ball to Dotson for a critical 1st down.

McNamara was great when he came in late in the first half against Rutgers. He finished 27-36 with 4 TD and 0 INT. He started out 4-4 against PSU before getting hurt. He was 8-21 after returning and he just didn't look the same. Harbaugh probably kept McNamara in the game because Milton has really struggled.

This week we're liking Levis' short yardage runs. Attitudes might be a lot different if we didn't get such a favorable spot on one of them.

Lee looks strong and he runs hard. The best thing was how he got stopped twice but bounced it outside for big plays. That makes the OL look good. They would have looked bad if RB hadn't bounced those plays outside.
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Did anyone notice that 97 moved to the 1 tech and 51 was at the 3 tech for at least 1 series? 51 is very disruptive and athletic. Needs to play with a little more discipline. He has a bright future. 97 may be best suited for the 1 tech if he can learn to play with his pads lower. He gets pushed around a lot because he doesn't play with leverage. He still thinks he is in high-school where he can manhandle smaller guys.
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The best part of the game aside from winning was the play from several freshmen. Not just Lee but also kids like H. Beamon & T. Johnson. At least there's something to build on.

I think you're being generous to the offense. Michigan might have the worst defense in the conference. Rutgers (Verdal) passed for 381 yards against Michigan so I'm not overly impressed with Clifford's 163 yards. Our WRs struggle to get separation and Clifford is slow to deliver the football. To make matters worse our WRs do a poor job blocking. That said, Clifford did make a great play when he was under pressure, stepped up in the pocket, and delivered the ball to Dotson for a critical 1st down.

McNamara was great when he came in late in the first half against Rutgers. He finished 27-36 with 4 TD and 0 INT. He started out 4-4 against PSU before getting hurt. He was 8-21 after returning and he just didn't look the same. Harbaugh probably kept McNamara in the game because Milton has really struggled.
You make a good point on WR blocking. I saw an improvement. We actually executed some bubble screens for positive yardage against UM. I am not sure we did that all year before last week.

I think the low passing yardage is because we didn't need to pass. 28 attempts while running the ball 50 times. We also had the lead the entire game and didn't want a TO. But you are right, this needs to improve. I am not sure why the respect for R defense. UM lit them up.
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Did anyone notice that 97 moved to the 1 tech and 51 was at the 3 tech for at least 1 series? 51 is very disruptive and athletic. Needs to play with a little more discipline. He has a bright future. 97 may be best suited for the 1 tech if he can learn to play with his pads lower. He gets pushed around a lot because he doesn't play with leverage. He still thinks he is in high-school where he can manhandle smaller guys.
you are beyond me in 1 and 3 tech observations! But I did see a great play on UM's fourth and one stuff by, I think, #13, Brooks. He kind of went sideways and the Guard missed him. He was able to plug the hole. It was a really good play.
Yeah, this is not a vintage Michigan team, but a few notes:
  • This was played in the Big House, where PSU had not won in 10 years
  • Michigan played a clean game -- 1 turnover and only 1 penalty for 10 yards
  • Michigan's roster is still filled with highly recruited players
  • Despite the above, PSU out-gained, dominated in time of possession, and made key stops
Credit to PSU.
You make a good point on WR blocking. I saw an improvement. We actually executed some bubble screens for positive yardage against UM. I am not sure we did that all year before last week.

I think the low passing yardage is because we didn't need to pass. 28 attempts while running the ball 50 times. We also had the lead the entire game and didn't want a TO. But you are right, this needs to improve. I am not sure why the respect for R defense. UM lit them up.
I agree that our passing yards were lower because we were able to run. But I saw Rutgers WRs running wide open against Michigan. We aren't getting that type of separation. Some of it is the WRs but some of it might also be the play calling. Very few misdirection plays to keep the defense guessing.

I have no respect for Rutgers defense except that they play hard. They're competing with Michigan for worst defense in the conference. That's our best chance this week. Rutgers scores 30 pts per game so PSU is going to have to keep up with them.
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Did not watch the game live, but did DVR it.

Where the hell was LaMont Wade all game? I thought he did not make the trip until I saw him on the field at the end of the game.

It was a good game - you can't expect to blow out Michigan - they do have some talent, and always will.
If you watch the long run by #25 before the first UM TD you will see Wade miss the tackle and then punch the ground.
1. I am happy for Lee and I am not going to argue numbers, but he doesn't appear to have that explosive burst.
2. Somewhere Ricky Slade has to be kicking himself for not staying and competing.
3. We still lack the homerun potential anywhere on our offense. I don't mind ball control but you have to at least have a pass downfield that comes close to a WR.
4. Sure hope we have a play for Levis off the QB keep, maybe a Tebow like jump pass?
5. I am hoping that what we are seeing is a lack of practice time with a new OC and not what the future offense will look like.
6. More Lutz! More Lutz!! Somehow make the 4 WR KAL, Dotson, PW, and Lutz.....time to stop playing George and CSB.
7. Been disappointing that Kuntz has gotten passed up. I was excited when he signed and really excited when I saw his picture at the cotton bowl....but he just cant stay healthy enough to make a difference.

1. Now that I have seen enough of the season, losing Parsons was bigger than new coaches, bigger than COVID, and bigger than not practicing. So many times I just sit there and think what Micah would have done....
2. I have seen enough of Luketa.....he is not a B1G LB.
3. Wonder if Tarburten can gain some more weight and play inside?
5. I feel so bad for Shelton and Wade....they just aren't B1G level starting athletes.
6. I still am unsure of the need for such a substitution pattern. I swear everytime I look up in a crucial moment I see Simmons and Issac/Tarburton.
7. If Oweh leaves for the draft, then he is getting the worst advice in the history of college football. He will go down with Dion Jordan and Barkavious Mingo.....

1. Whatever the Michigan QB got shot up with, I want some. Watch the game again....before he got hurt he was throwing 84 mph fastballs.....after he come out of the lockeroom he was pumping 96. Now, the throws weren't close, but they had zip.
2. Saw a little more pump from JFF. I hope he is punching through and not just a front runner.
3. Our blitzes are still to slow.
4. Our defense is still a donut (always a big hole in the middle).
5. I am convinced that the Indiana game was stolen from us and if we don't lose that game we would currently be sitting at 5-1.
6. College Football is 100% about having a QB. Whoever has the better QB wins. Look at LSU without Burrow....Saturday was the first time our QB played better than the other QB....and we won.
7. Would someone, ANYONE, please enroll Franklin in an off-season coaching strategy class! It can be online if need be. Either that or he needs to throw a line to an older coach that can come in and simply sit on the other end of the headset and talk him through some of these situations.
8. Maybe that job can be Lorigs spot because special teams are non existant. We fair catch everything. Can't seem to keep a kick in bounds, miss FG's, punt average, and never get close to getting a block. My question is this.....if we are going to fair catch EVERYTHING, then why aren't we sending the house to block?
Some outstanding observations. Here are my favorites.

1. Lee does appear to have good vision and gets extra yards but he isn't going to find a crease and be gone. He might get 20 and I'll take that.
2. Slade would have had 80% of the carries this year had he stayed. I'm not even sure if his new team is playing this year.
3. We need one guy that is electric that can break it. Now Dotson is a nice receiver but he doesn't appear to have elite speed. Washington is very reliable especially for a freshman but not elite speed. We need that guy that blows the top off of the coverage.
4. Exactly, teams are going to overcompensate on Levis on short yardage and goal line stuff. Clifford had a super easy TD to Friermuth early against Indiana on a play that should work for Levis. Clifford appeared to be running and then stopped and hit Friermuth who had blocked and then slipped behind the LB. Simple and effective. If it isn't there, just run it.
5. I do think we are seeing a lack of practice time with a new OC. They appeared to simplify this week and everyone was more decisive and crisp. Might not be until next year that we see the OC's offense run in full.

2. Unfortunately I'm not impressed with Luketa either. Maybe Smith can move inside next year. He has the size and is starting to figure things out. That would allow Dixon and Jacobs to blossom on the outside.
5. Here I agree and disagree. These two have not been good and are supposedly leaders. I don't feel bad for them though because both appear to have been more fixated on social justice then improving themselves. I think they may both be part of the problem and we might play better without them.
7. There is no way Oweh is ready. He is still thinking too much out there for his athleticism to be maximized. Plus, this year's film for him will make him a pure athleticism pick which will be late in the draft.

3. Our blitzes have seemed pretty slow for awhile. I'd love for the front 4 to start getting more pressure without needing to blitz. They haven't done this well.
4. It is soft in the middle. I see Shelton moved out of the hole frequently, Luketta doesn't get there enough, and Wade flat out wiffs. To be fair, I've seen others wiff quite a bit as well.
5. Indiana was gifted over and over to Indiana by us and then stolen at the end with a few calls against us. I'm not sure about 5-1 if we win that one but I don't think we lose to Maryland and Nebraska if we had won Indiana. The team just started negative spiraling and let one thing lead to the next. Maybe we can reverse that with the win at Michigan.
7. Franklin has had some head scratchers.
8. Special teams may well be off more than usual due to lack of practice and focus.
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Someone talk me out of this as an idea: take George, CSB, TJ Jones, Meiga, Dottin, & Black. Line them up as the Outside WR......they switch every play and they do nothing but run go routes the entire game.
The false start when we had Levis set up on 4th and 1 was horrible, you are split wide away from the line of scrimmage on a designed QB run, why are you moving/jumping there? silly mistake. Luckily having to settle for a FG there didn’t end up hurting PSU in the end.
I think that is a case of a bad formation given the personnel. The guy who jumped (Lee) is a true freshman RB who they flexed out to the slot there. I can't imagine he has that many reps doing that and it certainly isn't second nature to him. So yes, the slot "receiver" shouldn't jump there, but it's a true freshman mistake that probably could have been avoided by not putting him in that position.
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I think that is a case of a bad formation given the personnel. The guy who jumped (Lee) is a true freshman RB who they flexed out to the slot there. I can't imagine he has that many reps doing that and it certainly isn't second nature to him. So yes, the slot "receiver" shouldn't jump there, but it's a true freshman mistake that probably could have been avoided by not putting him in that position.

and it could have been completely avoided and gained 10 yards and a first down if they had just snapped the ball while Michigan had 12 men on the field.🤦‍♂️
They (the staff) need to give the QB some leeway in calling a play in that situation. I mean they yell "fire, fire" when the punt is short can't they set up something similar so that the offense or at least the Center and QB know to snap the ball? It doesn't seem like it should be that difficult.
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A Wade Whiff -- his signature move

Don't like to be too hard on a PSU player, even if he's not playing well, but Wade's showboating at bad times is a real turn-off.

Thankfully Wade's time at Safety is almost done. How and or why was he named a Capt.? Do the players really think that much of him?
Lee reminds me more of Tony Hunt. Definitely need to add more speed at the skill positions. I like that we finally were getting the ball out of Clifford's hands quicker. But, as good as Dotson and Washington appear to be, they will not be stretching the field consistently.