Junior Worlds

Gable throttles his opponent to make the semis 11-0! Missed the match, but saw last explosive takedown.
Valencia's opponent looks for hand-slap at half, Valencia fakes shot. Works another attack to a step-out. 2 takedown! Zahid to the finals!
Deakin with a takedown on Iran. Go-behind to a trap arm 6-0! looking to bust dude's arm off. Another takedown off a single! 8-0 into the half for Deakin!
Deakin is tough to wrestle. He's huge for the weight and he just wears you down. Great conditioning as well
Fix on wait-time, still. I think these quick turn-arounds help our guys, judging by our conditioning. 2 more... Keep it rolling, guys!
and to think if spencer was healthy we could have medaled at all 8 weights
Fix beat Iranian. Deakin beat Iranian. Zahid has winner of RUS/IRI in finals. Gable has RUS in semis
fix yet to surrender a point
Z only give up 1 td
gable yet to surrender a point...big semi in team race as russians havent lost yet either
Somehow a big move goes 2-1 for Gable, as RUS ends up on top... THROW THE BRICK! THAT'S 4! Things getting chippy, no brick
redirect shot to a step-out. 9-2. Ref goes caution-2 on Gable for avoiding a position, going out of bounds. 9-4. Refs conferencing.
Wow, so basically US Russia dual for the title starting with this Gable match.
gable finally in a match. this last pd will test this 17 yo
Caution-2 again on Gable! WTF. Step-out for RUS makes it 9-7 (could've been called more for RUS). Gable with a counter TD, 11-7 at half. 2 cautions for Gable.
Good postioning step-out, 12-7 Gable. Gable gets to two locks. Second one takes them out of bounds, for 2 takedown. 14-7
Another step-out, 15-7! ****ED UP OFFICIATING, but we end up with a 20-10 TECHFALL! GABLE TO THE FINALS!
Gable has his hands full here, Kozonov is man-strength-ing him. Both trying to go upper body. Both exhausted. Scoring looks suspect but Gable is going to take this.
Deakin, Fix, Valencia all have Russians in the finals. Gable wins challenge and has Iran in finals! 4 FOR 4!