Iowa at Nebraska

Get it figured out soon? What planet are you currently residing on. This isn't like a whatever move. This is pretty serious. Throat slash and going to the other bench afterwards? The kid needs some help. Any sane person came see this. 3 points now deducted. When the hell has that happened? Get real.
he did not go to the other bench after a throat slash. He shook hands due to the meet being over with Nebraska. Maybe you haven’t seen a dual meet before but after the last match, the teams shake hands. That’s why Desanto walked over to the Nebby bench and shook hands. Maybe i’m crazy but I really don’t think that it was as serious as your making it out to be (yeah you’re right I probably am crazy ) It’s getting figured out as has been said by Desanto, coaches, and teammates. It’s not something that can be fixed overnight but it will be.
But this guy said over and over that he understands that he is not going to change our view and we are not going to change his view. Gridlock! Why come here to take that position and keep repeating it?
Because it's a FREE BOARD and we are not HC. That is why.
he did not go to the other bench after a throat slash. He shook hands due to the meet being over with Nebraska. Maybe you haven’t seen a dual meet before but after the last match, the teams shake hands. That’s why Desanto walked over to the Nebby bench and shook hands. Maybe i’m crazy but I really don’t think that it was as serious as your making it out to be (yeah you’re right I probably am crazy ) It’s getting figured out as has been said by Desanto, coaches, and teammates. It’s not something that can be fixed overnight but it will be.
Yeah, that's why they threw his hand away. It's not getting figured out whatsoever. Yeah, I obviously know nothing of dual meets. You really don't get this. Desanto is a PA boy. No one here wants him to fail. Many here know him far better than anyone on HR. Stop pretending like you do. You don't. We all want the best for him.
Get it figured out soon? What planet are you currently residing on. This isn't like a whatever move. This is pretty serious. Throat slash and going to the other bench afterwards? The kid needs some help. Any sane person came see this. 3 points now deducted. When the hell has that happened? Get real.
I think the Brands are just the guys to get Ds straightened out...
Yeah, because you're so accurate and fair on HC, right? Oh wait, we're gonna ban you here. Right? Lmao.

I am pretty accurate and fair, thanks for noticing. I have been threatened by you to be banned for challenging your position that Iowa doesn’t get talked about here. Do you have a point or are you just running your mouth again?
Yeah, that's why they threw his hand away. It's not getting figured out whatsoever. Yeah, I obviously know nothing of dual meets. You really don't get this. Desanto is a PA boy. No one here wants him to fail. Many here know him far better than anyone on HR. Stop pretending like you do. You don't. We all want the best for him.
Or they threw his hand away because they were mad about losing? Nebraska was lined up waiting to shake hands, your reaching here. Glad we are on the same page wanting DeSanto to succeed, i’m confident he will so that’s good news for the both of us ;)
@Hotshoe what are your level headed thoughts on Tyler Berger throughout the Iowa Nebraska dual? Chad Red? Coach Manning? I haven't seen you comment on that yet. I'm legitimately asking
I’ve stayed out of this to this point, but the fact that ADS seems to string a few questionable actions together over several seconds in these displays is a bit troubling to me.

I really hope it gets managed better because he’s definitely nearing “top 10 guys to watch wrestle” otherwise. He’s a beast.
@Hotshoe what are your level headed thoughts on Tyler Berger throughout the Iowa Nebraska dual? Chad Red? Coach Manning? I haven't seen you comment on that yet. I'm legitimately asking
I don't like any of it. Wrestling isn't WWF.
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@Hotshoe what are your level headed thoughts on Tyler Berger throughout the Iowa Nebraska dual? Chad Red? Coach Manning? I haven't seen you comment on that yet. I'm legitimately asking
That said, they are not costing their team points and don't have a history like AD.
I am pretty accurate and fair, thanks for noticing. I have been threatened by you to be banned for challenging your position that Iowa doesn’t get talked about here. Do you have a point or are you just running your mouth again?
Your last sentence alone is enough to get banned. Don't push your luck. I've never threatened anyone to be banned. I have warned folks to clean up their act. You're no hero here so don't pretend to be one.
That said, they are not costing their team points and don't have a history like AD.
Berger could've easily cost his team a point if the situation was a bit different. And Berger has quite the history of "infractions".
Your last sentence alone is enough to get banned. Don't push your luck. I've never threatened anyone to be banned. I have warned folks to clean up their act. You're no hero here so don't pretend to be one.

Lol, ok hotshot hero.
Berger could've easily cost his team a point if the situation was a bit different. And Berger has quite the history of "infractions".

I was a Gilman fan and didnt mind his antics. An occasional black hat adds flavor to the sport. However, Desanto is taking it to the next level where there is a risk of getting totally out of control. Its probably a good thing that Iowa doesn't have Michigan on the schedule this year.
Lol, ok hotshot hero.
Here's the deal. Disrespect someone on this board again and you're gone. Get it? Last warning. And yes, you have been warned. So the choice is yours. Act decently or you're gone. I don't like banning anyone, especially here. Push an admin again and you're gone. It's that simple.
And to think DeSanto almost wrestled for Cael. What might have been! This thread is going to to 10 pages in no time!
Did this really happen? I'm skeptical that this was ever a serious possibility, but then I don't have your inside connections to the PSU program. :oops:o_O
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Cael didn't contact DeSanto after AD left Drexel?
Just because you talk to someone does not mean you are extending them a scholarship offer. I bet Cael and Brands speak to many wrestlers each year, most of them they have no intention of offering money too. With RBY and Teasdale on board and Nick Lee at 141, do you seriously believe Cael was interested in DeSanto coming to PSU? Most likely the DeSanto's reached out to Cael and based upon a prior relationship, they had a conversation.
I am just saying what I head through the rumblings there, you can choose to believe it or not I really don’t care either way
You really believe at weigh-ins the Minnesota coaches were doing any negative to DeSanto? You people are delusional. That is the type of behavior that gets you fired. You may get some harsh comments after the match to a reporter, that is about it.

DeSanto is responsible for his behavior, does not matter what was possibly said to him. When his behavior does not change Tom Brands is responsible for the behavior, seems like Brands does not care because DeSanto keeps losing team points.

Has anyone lost 3 team points in a season for behavior? Just wait until he does something stupid before time expires and losses on a penalty point or is disqualified.

Like I posted earlier, if a program like Drexel removed a future all American from their roster because of behavior issues on the mat and the practice room, you know that DeSanto has some serious issues.
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9:36 mark...sure looks like he bends down and spits...if you want video of propelled saliva to be convinced, then you win!

And at that time the Ref deducted the point and you can hear the crowd react to what it "looks" like he did. Anyway I apologize for my part in discussing this again. It has been covered already and I am glad they have to deal with it and not our program. Wish him good health and a loss against any PSU wrestler.
Dude, get a freekin clue. There is no excuse for his antics at the Nebraska bench. None. You don't act like a complete ass then walk over to the opponent. He needs to get his sh$t together. This will never be tolerated at Nationals. Stop defending stupidity.
As Berger was doing his WWE act the Bull was making his way to the center of mat and walks right beside him and just ignored the crap, put the ankle bands on and went out and took care of business. No show afterwards and walked off the mat. Hard not to like the kid with the circus going on around him and he seems to be the steady of that lineup.
no need to be concerned, he will get it figured out soon! A micic 2.0 seems very unlikely considering I do t see him being beat anytime soon . In all seriousness I bet they will get it figured out soon because they aren’t going to want that going into conference weekend and ncaas. It’s only february, they got time to figure out his emotions.
He has had (2) seasons to "figure it out" but sure in the next 30 days he will. I think most if not all here want him to figure it out but he needs to know now that it will not be tolerated further.
I don't understand all the interest in Desanto actions. We all know he's a jerk at times on the mat. He's a kid that is easy to dislike.
His inability to control his emotions will come back and have a negative effect on himself and/ or Iowa. I have seen it happen.
The craziest over the top moment I ever witnessed was 40 years ago. Bangor and Pen Argyl are local rivals. They both had good teams and the highlighted was Ricky Bender from against Mike Sipos from Bangor. They were good and looked for big moves, Bender who was wearing a mask because of broken nose probably was a slight favorite. To this day the first period was the craziest period of wrestling I've witnessed. Both guys on their back numerous times . Horn blows to end period, I think score was around 10-8 . Bender and his coach thought they missed 2 point nearfall at score table which I thought they did. Only one ref and he allowed score to stand. Ricky flips out and storms out of gym thru an emergency exit in the gym. He snapped the auto closer so the door stayed open. There was a huge icy snowbank outside and Ricky starts pounding his head into the snow/ice. Blood was flying everywhere,and the cops had to intervene. I thought I was watching George the Animal Steele from WWF.
It was a 6 point default loss plus a point deduction against Pen Argyl . Bangor ended up winning team match by a couple of points.
In my post above I failed to mention how Bender and Desanto we're very similar.
Ricky was a timebomb waiting to go off
Just because you talk to someone does not mean you are extending them a scholarship offer. I bet Cael and Brands speak to many wrestlers each year, most of them they have no intention of offering money too. With RBY and Teasdale on board and Nick Lee at 141, do you seriously believe Cael was interested in DeSanto coming to PSU? Most likely the DeSanto's reached out to Cael and based upon a prior relationship, they had a conversation.
Reasonable, but none of this matters in the land of corn. Sanderson actively pursuing DeSanto to transfer to PSU fits the HR agenda and thus has become an accepted truth to many on that forum; actual facts need not apply.
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Desyco is going to do what he does. Iowa fans see no problem and it is entertaining to the rest of us. The Brands brothers don't behave much better and also add entertainment value. Sit back and enjoy watching the little circus monkeys jump around and entertain the masses. I don't see any of this as a big deal. The next time Desyco tries to purposely injure an opponent he should be removed from the team, but if it is just taunting let the officials take team points and enjoy the show. I personally love watching his matches because I can't wait to see what he will do next!
The Nebraska group (Manning and Berger) always act like ass hats so this is also not that interesting of a topic. I think I like the Brands and Desyco way more than I like the cornhusker version. The Hawkeye version is more original and entertaining while the Nebraska version feels like a cheap imitation.
Classic Spectrum Behavior.


All this talk about spectrum this and spectrum that, I think does a disservice to the folks who clearly have "spectrum" related issues. If every guy that is a little hot headed, can throw down the gloves easier than you may, and doesn't take sh!t from people is on the spectrum....well we better get more Drs because millions of people are missing a diagnosis.

Online Drs like we have on the interwebs are just so silly by handing out labels to justify actions that are just wrong. You don't need to be on the "spectrum" to know that what ADs has in his carry on baggage is/was wrong. It also shouldn't help or excuse his actions past or future should he really be on the "spectrum".

Watch his video a couple matches ago where he clearly states he knows what he did is wrong and needs to get control of his emotions. Jeez not the first athlete to acknowledge that. Participation in a combat sport almost by definition means you run a little hotter than the average human, doesnt it?????

How about that is the diagnosis internet Drs....He just needs to control his emotions more no less...and we all move on.

This kid will have a career after wrestling and all this BS does him no favors. The sooner he and TnT get control of the situation the more distance he can put between that stuff and a meeting with a future employer where he has to explain it all.