Franklin and FSU

Work with a FSU alum. FWIW his take is why would JF go there. He’s very in tune being alumni and die hard and says it’s an absolute mess there and they are running out of options. Said it makes no sense. Gave them getting Franklin from all he understands about a 1% chance.

What made no sense was that Bowden and Jimbo were able to win there.
Fisher FSU left because he has the choice between a job were the facilities were sub-par and fans were calling for his head because 10-3 seasons weren't good enough and a job that had great facilities and offered a major salary increase. Franklin leaving for FSU basically says that job with sub-standard facilities, demanding fans, and iffy support is a better gig than PSU. Maybe it's me, but I would not see that as reflecting well on the PSU job. I also wouldn't assume it would be anything but a red flag for potential candidates. Such concerns are often offset with a very large salary, large salaries for assistants, and promises of facility upgrades. Yeah, I have no doubt that the president, AD, and BOT can be trusted with all that...

As for whether or not it has a truly major impact on my life, it doesn't. On the other hand this is a PSU football message board, and well, if it didn't matter on some level, neither of us would be here.

A lot of misinformation in your post. The facilities thing is a canard. FSU's facilities are easily top 15 and probably top 10. Not saying they're the very best but they are not credibly characterized as "subpar". Jimbo pushed relentlessy and agressively for upgrades and his demands were met but not on his accelerated timetable. He felt it was his job, rightly, to always keep pushing for more. The problem was that he spoke with outside media to gain leverage and that burned some bridges.

Fans were NOT calling for his head. He was letting academics slip, letting us slide far into the danger zone with APR because his staff wasn't making sure they went to class. He and his whole staff stopped recruiting in early October of his last season. His message had grown stale with his players when they realized he didn't follow through on disicpline. He wanted out of Tallahassee in large part because of his wife openly cheating on him. Any smallish town grows pretty unbearable in those circumstances and I don't blame him for wanting out. But he was not run out of town. He left on his own because he needed a fresh start. And by the time he left, it was not lamented.
The fans are demanding, true. They are also not as loyal during lean times as others are. But the hunger and passion are there and it is an excellent place from which to recruit from the most fertile ground in the country. The facilities are excellent, contrary to the cliche.
As I said elsewhere, most of us FSU fans don't think Franklin is realistic because we don't know why he would leave PSU. It looks to us like he really restored your program and you have a nice thing going there. But if he's unhappy for some reason and wants a fresh start, like Jimbo did, we'd welcome him.
A lot of misinformation in your post. The facilities thing is a canard. FSU's facilities are easily top 15 and probably top 10. Not saying they're the very best but they are not credibly characterized as "subpar". Jimbo pushed relentlessy and agressively for upgrades and his demands were met but not on his accelerated timetable. He felt it was his job, rightly, to always keep pushing for more. The problem was that he spoke with outside media to gain leverage and that burned some bridges.

Fans were NOT calling for his head. He was letting academics slip, letting us slide far into the danger zone with APR because his staff wasn't making sure they went to class. He and his whole staff stopped recruiting in early October of his last season. His message had grown stale with his players when they realized he didn't follow through on disicpline. He wanted out of Tallahassee in large part because of his wife openly cheating on him. Any smallish town grows pretty unbearable in those circumstances and I don't blame him for wanting out. But he was not run out of town. He left on his own because he needed a fresh start. And by the time he left, it was not lamented.
The fans are demanding, true. They are also not as loyal during lean times as others are. But the hunger and passion are there and it is an excellent place from which to recruit from the most fertile ground in the country. The facilities are excellent, contrary to the cliche.
As I said elsewhere, most of us FSU fans don't think Franklin is realistic because we don't know why he would leave PSU. It looks to us like he really restored your program and you have a nice thing going there. But if he's unhappy for some reason and wants a fresh start, like Jimbo did, we'd welcome him.
Thank you and I appreciate your honesty. I'd never sincerly take a job under those circumstances.
I thought that O'Brien's buyout was actually sort of large, but Houston paid it anyway.

Franklin's is scary low.

I think that was the case after OB's first year and he was "looking" I thought he got it lowered as part of his stick around deal.
I'm not sure the buy out is all that big a deal. I'd like to think it is but FSU Boosters apparently ponied up 28 Mil to get rid of Taggert....Yea those "Boosters" won't have any say in who FSU hires or how the team is run. :rolleyes:
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He might have believed it when he said it. It seemed like something really went sour towards the end of his 2nd season. And clearly he viewed the Texans job as some kind of great stepping stone to NFL greatness. Plus he might have sized up the situation in the B1G and realized he was never winning a national title. He seems like a very egotistical person. He would bail if he thought he wasn't going to succeed.

I don't miss him at all, but I do not know how many other coaches could have gotten through 2012 and 2013 without a losing record.

YES, that smell of shit was coming from Joyner. He was/is a big Cleveland Steamer.
OBriens buyout was around $6 million. (You can get the exact amount from PSU’s DOE filings - but thats just about it). That’s a fairly large number for that time (but down a bit from what it woulda’ been after year 1)

As for FSU raising the $$$ for Taggart’s payoff by passing a hat among boosters? LOL. Didn’t happen. (As the AD admitted in direct answer). That was an idiotic meme.
The truth is, they will be paying Taggart for years to come.

Ok, thought I read where the boosters paid that. Thats probably good that they aren't that involved but scary that they would mortgage their future on it. But then they did that when they hired him. :rolleyes:
FSU fan here. I need to correct something re: Jimbo Fisher. It is very inaccurate to say he was driven from FSU. Every year he or his agent did leak rumors of moving (to LSU usually) and he would get some concessions or some bumps to his contract. That did build some resentment but he was not run out. He flirted with and apparently took the aTm job early in his last season, maybe before. He denied the rumors all year but meanwhile he and his staff quit recruiting in early October. He figuratively and later literally quit on his team. His players quit on him at some point. It was a sleazy way to conduct himself to the point where, when he finally left, it was good riddance. We actually could not have fired him with his contract, so, aTm may have done us a favor. Things were going south under his watch in many ways too long to report here, some of it involving his family life to the point that it was better for him and for us that he left.
Problem was we hired a guy on the rebound (in 4 days) who loved FSU but was not really up for the job. A bad hire led by our former AD. It happens. I do credit our admin for recognizing the mistake and rectifying it sooner than later. We'll see who the next hire is but they are at least being more thorough.
As for Franklin, most FSU fans think he would be a great hire but most of us don't know why he would leave a good situation at PSU for what seems like a lateral move. We can argue that maybe he has more chance of a Natty at FSU but our program is currently in worse shape. Most of us don't think he's realistic to get unless there is something going on behind the scenes that makes him less than happy at PSU. Y'all would know that better than us. The low buyout is a thing though. That should get changed if you want to keep him.

Good post. Well done.
What made no sense was that Bowden and Jimbo were able to win there.

Not sure why it did'nt make sense. What makes "no sense" is a coach NOT BEING ABLE TO WIN THERE.
The ACC is probably worse, overall, now than when FSU was king. Now its Clemson and a bunch of 6-4 teams. Hell pitt won their division with 6 wins last year. How pathetic is that?
VT looks like its turning the ship but thats it.
If you cant win at FSU in that conf. with that recruiting territory, the weather and facilities (even if they do need a face lift) then you probably should find another line of work.
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But why would he go there?

When PSU and FSU are both at their best, they are equal programs.

PSU is currently a top 10 program. FSU is a major rebuild.

FSU's pockets are not significantly larger (if at all) than PSU's.

He's from PA. He seems happy at PSU.

Not crapping on FSU, but seriously, why would he consider that?
Most of us FSU fans think he’s using us for leverage to get raises and better facilities at PSU.
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What made no sense was that Bowden and Jimbo were able to win there.

I think the UCFs, USFs, FIUs and the other FL programs that moved to the FCS has somewhat diluted the talent pool, even in a talent rich state. It isn’t just UM, UF and FSU splitting up the talent anymore. Their challenge is similar to what the PSU wrestling program faced, pre-Cael Sanderson. Bring in a great coach and you can bring in the top talent talent in the state. UM and FSU have made so not so great coaching hires. Same for UF to a lesser degree.
I think the UCFs, USFs, FIUs and the other FL programs that moved to the FCS has somewhat diluted the talent pool, even in a talent rich state. It isn’t just UM, UF and FSU splitting up the talent anymore. Their challenge is similar to what the PSU wrestling program faced, pre-Cael Sanderson. Bring in a great coach and you can bring in the top talent talent in the state. UM and FSU have made so not so great coaching hires. Same for UF to a lesser degree.
If you’re bringing in a bunch of coaches who’ve all been successful at other programs and none of them are successful at your program, maybe you should stop blaming the coaches and start looking at your program. FSU might be a hiring problem because they did win with Fisher....but Miami is definitely an institutional problem that’s causing their mediocrity and not a coaching problem.
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Being the wife of a big-time college football coach can be challenging, with the long hours and heavy commitments, but Fumi says they have found their sweet spot in Happy Valley.

“I went to school at Washington State and this reminds me of Pullman, so this is a good speed for us. I like that we can get to James pretty quickly and pretty conveniently,” she says. “Because sometimes he’ll have free time and call and say, ‘What are you guys doing, can you come up for dinner?’ And we have lived places where that is a 45-minute drive, versus a 10-minute drive. So for our family, it works really well.

“It is nice; it is a small community, it is easy to get around, parents and kids know each other,” she adds. “Sports teams, you kind of know the coaches. It works for us. Especially with where our kids are right now, it is a good fit.”

Fumi says she probably has a thicker skin than most others when it comes to dealing with some of the negative talk that comes with the territory.

“I’m a big believer in sort of living in our own world where the things that define James to us are different than the job that he does,” she says. “I always say that being a football coach is what he does, but being a father and a person is who he is.”

She adds later, “I think of the conversations that we have with our kids. One’s in middle school, the other one’s going to be starting middle school, and so they are kind of at an age where they hear the positive and the negative. So we have a lot of conversations about leading the right way and that their dad’s commitment is to the person and the young man that they’re mentoring and that he will never sacrifice their well-being off the field or on the field for the game.

“Our fear with our kids was always the amount of time that James would have to spend away from home because of his career. And I think being somewhere that has been so accepting of our family and that is a community that is so supportive of the university in general and of the football program, sort of validates what he does for our girls. And I think that that makes them feel very much like they’re a part of the program. It is not just what happens here, but out in the community when people have nice things to say and they get to hear that or they see that football poster on the wall in places around town, it makes them feel like they are part of something special.”

And while James might be perceived as the tough-minded football coach, Fumi says he is the more sensitive parent.

“He is pretty similar (as a parent) to the kind of coach he is,” she says. “He cares a lot. He is in the details. He’s paying attention. He is ambitious in his career, but I think he’s equally ambitious to provide a happy home for me and for our girls and a stable home for us. So I think with James, what you see is what you get. I mean, he’s the nicer, the more sensitive one of us, the warmer, the less sarcastic one of us. So, I would probably say the more patient one of us.”

“It is funny though,” James says, “because I don’t know that people would think that when they think of the football coach. People will come up to Fumi all the time and say, ‘Is he yelling and screaming and running around?’ because that is how they view me or view a coach, and it’s very different than that.”

“Yeah. I mean, James at home is pretty easygoing. I mean, he still has some OCD tendencies, but I just ignore them and at home he just has to let it go,” Fumi says with a laugh.

O'Brien's wife said the same shit, and they had a way more difficult home life than the Franklins.

These people are all good politicians appealing to the masses
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O'Brien's wife said the same shit, and they had a way more difficult home life than the Franklins.

These people are all good politicians appealing to the masses
I thought by now you'd have started a thread about the QB controversy.
If Franklin goes, I would hope PSU checks in with Urban before kicking the Rhule, Campbell, et al. tires.

if Joe liked him and the pre-scandal Urbs to PSU rumors were true, then open the coffers for the man.
However, the board will still complain if/when he goes 10-2 or 11-1.
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One final question from an FSU fan if you don't mind indulging me: If, hypothetically, Franklin does end up leaving for the FSU job, would he bring his OC with him and what do you think of him? I'm not sure if PSU is all spread/RPO or if they mix in any traditional "pro-style" stuff. I wonder because I really like our OC, Kendall Briles and just wonder what chance Franklin would keep him as opposed to bringing in his guy.
If you’re bringing in a bunch of coaches who’ve all been successful at other programs and none of them are successful at your program, maybe you should stop blaming the coaches and start looking at your program. FSU might be a hiring problem because they did win with Fisher....but Miami is definitely an institutional problem that’s causing their mediocrity and not a coaching problem.
I heard an interesting take on Miami (forget where), but the guy was saying that their problem is competing with the SEC in recruiting and despite all the talent in their back yard they're going to continue to struggle. Not sure I believe all that because the SEC was around during their dominant days. I guess coupled with them being in a pro sports town it may have at least some validity. Been as much a mystery to me as FSU. (Also don't get Texas).
O'Brien's wife said the same shit, and they had a way more difficult home life than the Franklins.

These people are all good politicians appealing to the masses
If you go to any message board where a coach (who is wanted at that location) is rumored to be a candidate or looking at another job ...

There are always posts from the uninformed that say "but the wife and kids love it here". Football, basketball - it doesn't matter - there has never been a coach's wife who didn't absolutely love her current town - until her husband takes the other job!

I have said it before - I sure hope CJF stays here for the next 20 years. I do not believe PSU can do any better than him and if he leaves, there will be a huge step backwards. The 2020 class will disappear and the portal will be a nightmare of talent leaving. It will be a multi year rebuild.

There are those on this board that confuse their emotional attachment as a fan to PSU football with the job/career viewpoint of a coach. We are fans (fanatical) and are emotionally tied into the program as a hobby. For the coaches, it is a job and a career.

I have been in the business world for more than 30 years. I have seen people leave jobs for more money, for promotions, for a change of scenery, to get away from a boss, for lateral moves, for geographic moves, for a new challenge. etc. Sometimes those decisions look like they make sense, sometimes they don't.

I am sure CJF is emotionally tied into the PSU job, but in a different emotion than the emotions we have as fans. It his his job/career and although I would be very disappointed if he left, I would not be shocked. There are some on this board who just can't comprehend that he would leave as they have looked at these other options through their eyes - not his. They are the ones that will be shocked if he leaves.
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One final question from an FSU fan if you don't mind indulging me: If, hypothetically, Franklin does end up leaving for the FSU job, would he bring his OC with him and what do you think of him? I'm not sure if PSU is all spread/RPO or if they mix in any traditional "pro-style" stuff. I wonder because I really like our OC, Kendall Briles and just wonder what chance Franklin would keep him as opposed to bringing in his guy.

Not really sure if there is a good answer to that.
Most coaches, when they leave take the majority of the staff with them. It happened when
Franklin came from Vandy.
RR has a pretty long history with Franklin, as do Pry and Spencer plus JaJuan Snieder is from your area so I could see all of them following Franklin.
Be carfule about beating at the hornets nest that is "Ricky Rahne" its a very polarizing position on this board.:D
With the inconsistency of the WR's (and thats putting it nicely) I just don't have a real good feel for him. I think he calls some good plays but other times the team just seems to struggle and kind of fight themselves as much as the other team.
Sorry. Thats all I got.:)
If you go to any message board where a coach (who is wanted at that location) is rumored to be a candidate or looking at another job ...

There are always posts from the uninformed that say "but the wife and kids love it here". Football, basketball - it doesn't matter - there has never been a coach's wife who didn't absolutely love her current town - until her husband takes the other job!

I have said it before - I sure hope CJF stays here for the next 20 years. I do not believe PSU can do any better than him and if he leaves, there will be a huge step backwards. The 2020 class will disappear and the portal will be a nightmare of talent leaving. It will be a multi year rebuild.

There are those on this board that confuse their emotional attachment as a fan to PSU football with the job/career viewpoint of a coach. We are fans (fanatical) and are emotionally tied into the program as a hobby. For the coaches, it is a job and a career.

I have been in the business world for more than 30 years. I have seen people leave jobs for more money, for promotions, for a change of scenery, to get away from a boss, for lateral moves, for geographic moves, etc. Sometimes those decisions look like they make sense, sometimes they don't.

I am sure CJF is emotionally tied into the PSU job, but in a different emotion than the emotions we have as fans. It his his job/career and although I would be very disappointed if he left, I would not be shocked. There are some on this board who just can't comprehend that he would leave as they have looked at these other options through their eyes - not his. They are the ones that will be shocked if he leaves.
No offense, but what's your point?? People leave all kinds of jobs for all kinds of reasons. So what?? Still begs the question as to why James would leave what he's building here for FSU (BTW, Tallahassee is far from a tropical paradise). If being in the middle of the FL recruiting ground is such a hot deal, why are two of the three "marquee" programs struggling??
No offense, but what's your point?? People leave all kinds of jobs for all kinds of reasons. So what?? Still begs the question as to why James would leave what he's building here for FSU (BTW, Tallahassee is far from a tropical paradise). If being in the middle of the FL recruiting ground is such a hot deal, why are two of the three "marquee" programs struggling??
I'll put you in the "shocked" category.
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Well, is it possible that James could take a central ' core of players' from Penn State that could jump start the semonials ? Just asking, for my wife Karen, nothing to be concerned about. :)
Can you imagine the exploding heads here if he did that? Remember when he originally arrived he poached quite a few kids from the Vanderbilt recruiting class, including a skinny quarterback from Ashton, Virginia. Nobody here seemed to be enraged. Boy would that change quickly.
One final question from an FSU fan if you don't mind indulging me: If, hypothetically, Franklin does end up leaving for the FSU job, would he bring his OC with him and what do you think of him? I'm not sure if PSU is all spread/RPO or if they mix in any traditional "pro-style" stuff. I wonder because I really like our OC, Kendall Briles and just wonder what chance Franklin would keep him as opposed to bringing in his guy.
I would be shocked if he didn"t along with several other coaches
Can you imagine the exploding heads here if he did that? Remember when he originally arrived he poached quite a few kids from the Vanderbilt recruiting class, including a skinny quarterback from Ashton, Virginia. Nobody here seemed to be enraged. Boy would that change quickly.

There is no doubt if he took the FSU job, half of this recruiting class would head to Tallahassee.
I heard an interesting take on Miami (forget where), but the guy was saying that their problem is competing with the SEC in recruiting and despite all the talent in their back yard they're going to continue to struggle. Not sure I believe all that because the SEC was around during their dominant days. I guess coupled with them being in a pro sports town it may have at least some validity. Been as much a mystery to me as FSU. (Also don't get Texas).
I’ve got a good friend who’s been a Miami fan for years...he says it’s because Miami got tired of being known as Thug U and felt it was hurting the prestige of the academic side of their institution. They felt they were never again going to put the success of their football team ahead of everything else, so they cracked down on admissions standards and academic progress. That’s why I always believe that to build an elite program the administration has to be on board to turn (or keep) the school as a football factory. That’s why many schools will never get to that level because they’re not willing to do that.
One final question from an FSU fan if you don't mind indulging me: If, hypothetically, Franklin does end up leaving for the FSU job, would he bring his OC with him and what do you think of him? I'm not sure if PSU is all spread/RPO or if they mix in any traditional "pro-style" stuff. I wonder because I really like our OC, Kendall Briles and just wonder what chance Franklin would keep him as opposed to bringing in his guy.

There are people here that would pack Franklin's bags and drive him to the airport if it meant Rahne left with him.
So Mark Stoops doesn’t want to leave Kentucky for FSU but Franklin is going to leave PSU. I don’t think so
I like Franklin. I wish Franklin stays at Penn State until the day he retires. That being said, I am just sick and freaking tired of the seemingly non-stop "drama" that has surrounded this program since Nov. 2011. From the JS mess, to the NCAA sanctions, to the yearly rumors of OB leaving, to the yearly rumors of assistants such as Shoop & Morehead leaving, and now what seems like the yearly rumors of Franklin leaving ..... I am sick & freaking tired of the drama....

If losing Franklin and the program taking 1 or 2 steps backwards for the SHORT TERM to get a guy like Rhule, who would probably make this his "retirement job" .... then I am about to say "just leave already'. If you want to stay then great. Love you and want you here for a long time. But please, let's put an end to these yearly drama games.
I like Franklin. I wish Franklin stays at Penn State until the day he retires. That being said, I am just sick and freaking tired of the seemingly non-stop "drama" that has surrounded this program since Nov. 2011. From the JS mess, to the NCAA sanctions, to the yearly rumors of OB leaving, to the yearly rumors of assistants such as Shoop & Morehead leaving, and now what seems like the yearly rumors of Franklin leaving ..... I am sick & freaking tired of the drama....

If losing Franklin and the program taking 1 or 2 steps backwards for the SHORT TERM to get a guy like Rhule, who would probably make this his "retirement job" .... then I am about to say "just leave already'. If you want to stay then great. Love you and want you here for a long time. But please, let's put an end to these yearly drama games.
You're asking James to throttle sports media twits conjecturing...impossible.
You're asking James to throttle sports media twits conjecturing...impossible.

No. Not really. I saw Jimmy Harbaugh throttle the 'media twits' earlier this season. When Michigan was struggling, there were media reports all over about Jimmy bailing on Um and going to the NFL. Jimmy responded with a letter written to all the UM players & recruits that the reports were nothing but rumors and he was staying at Michigan. His letter instantly silenced the rumors being spewed by the media twits.

IF Franklin wanted, he could end the rumors with a 2-minute statement during his next PC. All he has to do is ask one of the beat writers that he trusts the most, to do him a favor and ask a question about the coaching rumors.... Franklin takes this pre-arranged question to go on a 2-minute rant that he is staying at PSU .... Boom. Harbaugh did it.

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