Carter Starocci's injury - news, updates, and speculations

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Carter thought he was ready and wanted to go so bad that he "could" forever be known as a 3x quitter, who quit on his team mates as well. Ain't gonna happen!

If it did, that is his legacy, and it will follow him.

The one thing Cael could have done better is to have set expectations before he ever stepped on the bus.

Waiting until the last possible minute didn't work with Surriano and it didn't work with Carter. Nolf is Nolf and he wrestled a match I believe. I hope we all can avoid this drama if/when it ever hits us again.
You don't know what happened so please give Cael all benefits of any doubts.
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Disagree. This is not a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. The coaches are responsible for the athletes' health.

Carter is a full-grown adult and old enough to make his own decisions. So are NFL players who get held out of games for injuries, often against their wishes.
I see your point but this isn't a concussion situation. The worst that could happen is he hurts the knee again and can't go at Nationals which it doesn't sound like he'll be at anyway.
That’s not what the tweet is alluding to, he left his teammates in Maryland then tweeted this at midnight.
Pat, do you know he “left his teammates in Maryland”—as in without the blessing of the team and/or coaches—or are you just assuming that?
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I understand that he was ticked. However if he had no intentions of going for Nationals I truly doubt that he would of put singlet back on for wrestlebacks, 1 second injury default. I saw him do that on Big+.
I'm not sure of new rules but if he doesn't show up for second match I think that maybe had consequences for Nationals.
Just saying.
If he couldn't go then they should have given Barraclaugh the chance. That's all I am saying. We didn't HAVE anyone 6 years ago behind Suriano, but we have a guy who lost to Shane Griffith by 1 point, and beat 4 ranked guys this year, and now we have a hole with nothing, and one of our key wrestlers left the team to go home early and is posting about moving on.
Dude we get you ridiculous point. You are insinuating a lot. You are actually saying Cael and Carter both knew his knee is toast and he can’t go in 10 days. Possible, well yeah I have no idea, however, it is extremely unlikely. You don’t KNOW shit!!! And repeating your Iowaish negativity over again does not further your delusional post.
But we need to show the guy we’ve all loved watching compete for years the door because of a tweet? He doesn’t get to vent his frustration? Sure, privately would have been better, but I don’t get the need to write him off because he’s upset.
He's writing himself off, imo.
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