Any word on Cael's contract?


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Gold Member
Jan 29, 2006
State College
Any insider info as to how close things are to being finalized. I can't imagine PSU allowing him to walk but have not heard any info in quite some time on his contract. .
Any insider info as to how close things are to being finalized. I can't imagine PSU allowing him to walk but have not heard any info in quite some time on his contract. .

Was thinking about this the other day as well. Do you know when his current contract is up? Was it June 1st or July 1st?
Oy vey...this makes me nervous. I'm told all is well but.........
Not freaking out on my end.. just curious that it isn't done.. I mean really is there any argument that he shouldn't be paid with the top coaches in the sport around the country? If not THE top?... .Sure it will happen but was hoping some in the know might have heard good news..
Have the "Cael to Iowa" speculations started on HR, yet? Because McKenna, Lugo, et al. are going to need a coach over there. :)
Oy vey...this makes me nervous. I'm told all is well but.........

Never worry about things you have no control over. That said I'm also not worried because if it doesn't get done I'm sure Barbour knows she would have an all out revolt on her hands.
Not freaking out on my end.. just curious that it isn't done.. I mean really is there any argument that he shouldn't be paid with the top coaches in the sport around the country? If not THE top?... .Sure it will happen but was hoping some in the know might have heard good news..

My personal opinion is this is not about "cael" but the whole staff and program at large. dollars and commitment are way different when you consider a single coach vs a program. But with the dollars being [little :eek::cool::)] different you can see why this takes a little more time than one would want.

ISU raised the commitment bar for coaches and program perks. my opinion at precisely the right time for our coaches/program to get theirs and who [maybe jammenX] would say they didnt earn all they think they need to expand and grow the dominance.

Again my opinion is this arms race is good for the sport as a means to an end for the kids now embracing the grind in HS, college & international.

in short......there is no way this doesnt get done.
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My personal opinion is this is not about "cael" but the whole staff and program at large. dollars and commitment are way different when you consider a single coach vs a program. But with the dollars being [little :eek::cool::)] different you can see why this takes a little more time than one would want.

ISU raised the commitment bar for coaches and program perks. my opinion at precisely the right time for our coaches/program to get theirs and who [maybe jammenX] would say they didnt earn all they think they need to expand and grow the dominance.

Again my opinion is this arms race is good for the sport as a means to an end for the kids now embracing the grind in HS, college & international.

in short......there is no way this doesnt get done.
I read on the internet that Cael can't coach, so shouldn't we be getting a discount in his next contract?
He was, but the cruiseliner Rutgers sent to pick him up couldn't navigate up Spring Creek so it's a no go. :D
Yeah, really tough sledding for much more than one of those toy boats I played with as a kid.

My personal opinion is this is not about "cael" but the whole staff and program at large. dollars and commitment are way different when you consider a single coach vs a program. But with the dollars being [little :eek::cool::)] different you can see why this takes a little more time than one would want.

ISU raised the commitment bar for coaches and program perks. my opinion at precisely the right time for our coaches/program to get theirs and who [maybe jammenX] would say they didnt earn all they think they need to expand and grow the dominance.

Again my opinion is this arms race is good for the sport as a means to an end for the kids now embracing the grind in HS, college & international.

in short......there is no way this doesnt get done.

In his PennLive interview of March 31, Cael went a little bit out of his way to
emphasize that he and the staff are not about "entitlement" in what, I assume, was an allusion to the Dresser hire at ISU. He went on to say that he was just interested in " a couple things ... to move the program along" and had been talking with administrators about it for over a year and, when those couple things -- whatever that might mean -- were worked out he was "all in".

Common sense says that things work out here because both parties see getting a deal done as being in their best interest and therefore want it to happen. From Cael's standpoint, his program has at least as good a level of fan support as there is in the country and sits in the squarely in the middle
of the nation's largest talent hotbed. Where's a guy who's not about entitlement going to find a better situation? From the Administration's point of view, how many other staffs have demonstrated equal- or better coaching competence, in the form of results in the classroom and on the mat, than this one during the years it's been in place at PSU? Somewhere between zero and none.

Given those two facts I suspect it's just a matter of time until a deal is struck, although Cael, seeing himself as dealing from a position of great strength, may push the process out to the very end to try to get whatever "couple things" he says he wants for the program.
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Ironic since I'm originally from Lock Haven. Now I'm just stuck in a South Carolina paradise. Oh well, live and let live.
where from in lh? i'm from lockport. however, our homestead doesn't exist any longer. taken out when they built the dike.
where from in lh? i'm from lockport. however, our homestead doesn't exist any longer. taken out when they built the dike.
My mom was from Dunnstown and my father Glen Union up toward Renovo. I lived on Woods Ave near the Flemington line near the old Hammermill plant.
My mom was from Dunnstown and my father Glen Union up toward Renovo. I lived on Woods Ave near the Flemington line near the old Hammermill plant.
That's great but where are you having the bachelor's party and will it be an open bar at your reception?
That's great but where are you having the bachelor's party and will it be an open bar at your reception?
Sorry to disappoint, but the entire wedding consists of four people. My bride and two of her kids and me. How's that for simple. Getting married on the balcony of a hilltop home overlooking the Smoky Mountains. And yes, it will be an open bar for me and the missus after the kids retire for the evening.

BUT, if we ever meet up, the first drink is on me. Maybe the Scuffle??? Let's hope.
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Having done my share of contracts thru many years, I know a contract is never a done deal until it is a done deal. I've seen a number of no brainer contracts never get done. So while I think this does get done it isn't a done deal yet. Sandy has found the time to extend the contract of the men's hockey team coach and to hire a new women's hockey coach. She attended the national championships - what better time to announce an extension than right after another team championship and five individual championships. Nothing! So I think this gets done, but it is never a done deal until it's signed, sealed and delivered. Get it done now Sandy!
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I live near smokies (Asheville NC) - you live in this area or just here for the wedding trip?

Sorry to disappoint, but the entire wedding consists of four people. My bride and two of her kids and me. How's that for simple. Getting married on the balcony of a hilltop home overlooking the Smoky Mountains. And yes, it will be an open bar for me and the missus after the kids retire for the evening.

BUT, if we ever meet up, the first drink is on me. Maybe the Scuffle??? Let's hope.
According to the ESPN app..... another free showing of the NCAA Finals will happen on Friday, June 30 @ 9:00 pm.

Set the DVD now!

YES! We recently upgraded the Comcast equipment in our house and I lost all the wrestling on my DVR including this past NCAAs.
Sorry to disappoint, but the entire wedding consists of four people. My bride and two of her kids and me. How's that for simple. Getting married on the balcony of a hilltop home overlooking the Smoky Mountains. And yes, it will be an open bar for me and the missus after the kids retire for the evening.

BUT, if we ever meet up, the first drink is on me. Maybe the Scuffle??? Let's hope.

You didn't even invite tomsc? Cold. :D

Hopefully we return to the Scuffle next season and if we do I will be there (have been every year we have gone) and the first round is on me.
You didn't even invite tomsc? Cold. :D

Hopefully we return to the Scuffle next season and if we do I will be there (have been every year we have gone) and the first round is on me.
I know, right? Tom and I have talked about meeting at the Scuffle. Let's hope so!
My mom was from Dunnstown and my father Glen Union up toward Renovo. I lived on Woods Ave near the Flemington line near the old Hammermill plant.

In high school, I used to bike down woods ave on my way to Belles Springs golf course (and back) every day during the summers. Practice and play all day and then ride over to the college and shoot hoops all evening. My grandmother thought I was strange....and had no friends. :)

I'm from the NE Phila area, but stayed with my grandmother during the summer, who lived on Mt Vernon St (tiny street), behind Weis market and Taggert park toward Bald Eagle creek. Cost my Dad $30 a year for me to play golf as much as I wanted up there. For me, no brainer.

My grandfather had a cabin on Hyner run road on the way up to Renovo. Small world.
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According to the ESPN app..... another free showing of the NCAA Finals will happen on Friday, June 30 @ 9:00 pm.

Set the DVD now!
Is there a way to record/save them to a laptop or tablet? We don't have DVR now...