The talking-heads keep saying it's unprecedented not to take an undefeated P5 Conf Champ... It's way worse than that.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2019
1 is UNPRECEDENTED to take any P5 team with MORE LOSSES over a P5 team that had LESS LOSSES, let alone taking TWO P5 teams with MORE LOSSES over a P5 team that had LESS LOSSES than either team.

In this article:

Inside the College Football Playoff committee's decision to leave out Florida State

This is excerpted directly from article:

"At the end of the day, everybody had the same goal in mind -- do we have the four best teams?" a committee member said. "And we all felt pretty good that we do."

This is utter bullshit and spin - and flies directly in the face of the "Selection Criteria" published by the CFP themselves - they published the "Selection Criteria" to justify controversial screwjob decisions they made in the early days of the CFP 4-Team Invitational including taking duhO$U despite having no Conference Title and having lost on the field of play to the team they were taken over that did have a Conference Title. The hypocritical and ever spinning (read: lying) CFP immediately justified their decision by stating that duhO$U was selected solely on the fact they had less loses and that things such as Conference Titles and Head-to-Head results were secondary criteria AFTER number of losses. They than published this "Selection Criteria" and said it was the criteria used for selecting teams. This is evidenced by the fact that a P5 team with MORE LOSES than another P5 team has never been selected over the P5 team with LESS LOSES - NEVER! Until this year when TWO P5 teams with MORE LOSSES were selected over a P5 team with LESS LOSES..... and then to explain this utterly UNPRECEDENTED move that diametrically contradicts the CFP's own published and stated "Selection Criteria" (and the prioritization of that Criteria), this CFP Committee Member makes a statement that is an utter lie by saying the "Selection Criteria" is simply "What we believe to be the 4 best teams" - nowhere in the published CFP "Selection Criteria" does it say anything even remotely like that - NOWHERE. The published "Selection Criteria" say nothing about Committee Member's prioritizing what they subjectively believe to be the "4 best teams"; rather, it lists specific "Selection Criteria" - most of which are objective and lists the priority of those criteria.

You have a CFP Selection Committee Member stating publicly that he ignored the CFP's published "Selection Criteria" in favor of his own made-up, make-it-up as we go along bullshit "criteria" and these are the people who are going to run the 12-Team Structure??? CFP is ridiculous that they allow biased unprofessional scumbags and hacks to run their sport including the Post-Season Championship - just blackeye after blackeye for the sport with these scumbag hacks (first it was that we didn't even need a Playoff at all to determine a Champion - becaise we had them and they were capable of doing that themselves based on their legendary respect for their own opinion - as in who "they believed was the best team"... notice how that arrogant hubris is still embedded in the Committee Member's statement?), but they just keep jugging right along.... Just disgusting.
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OK. You have an opinion and you are entitled to it. You think that final record should be the most important criteria for selection. Great. Thus, you think the final 4 should have been Michigan, Washington, FSU, and Liberty. All undefeated and all conference champs. Other people have other criteria that they prefer. My opinion is that the final 4 should have been Michigan, Alabama, Georgia, and Ohio State because I think those 4 schools have the most talent and are most capable of playing at the highest level. I am entitled to my opinion just like you are. There is no right and wrong answer.

You keep posting the same words over and over like you are expounding truth and every other opinion is a lie. Picking the final 4 is like picking the winner of the Miss America competition. Totally based on personal preference and subjective opinion. is UNPRECEDENTED to take any P5 team with MORE LOSSES over a P5 team that had LESS LOSSES, let alone taking TWO P5 teams with MORE LOSSES over a P5 team that had LESS LOSSES than either team.

In this article:

Inside the College Football Playoff committee's decision to leave out Florida State

This is excerpted directly from article:

This is utter bullshit and spin - and flies directly in the face of the "Selection Criteria" published by the CFP themselves - they published the "Selection Criteria" to justify controversial screwjob decisions they made in the early days of the CFP 4-Team Invitational including taking duhO$U despite having no Conference Title and having lost on the field of play to the team they were taken over that did have a Conference Title. The hypocritical and ever spinning (read: lying) CFP immediately justified their decision by stating that duhO$U was selected solely on the fact they had less loses and that things such as Conference Titles and Head-to-Head results were secondary criteria AFTER number of losses. They than published this "Selection Criteria" and said it was the criteria used for selecting teams. This is evidenced by the fact that a P5 team with MORE LOSES than another P5 team has never been selected over the P5 team with LESS LOSES - NEVER! Until this year when TWO P5 teams with MORE LOSSES were selected over a P5 team with LESS LOSES..... and then to explain this utterly UNPRECEDENTED move that diametrically contradicts the CFP's own published and stated "Selection Criteria" (and the prioritization of that Criteria), this CFP Committee Member makes a statement that is an utter lie by saying the "Selection Criteria" is simply "What we believe to be the 4 best teams" - nowhere in the published CFP "Selection Criteria" does it say anything even remotely like that - NOWHERE. The published "Selection Criteria" say nothing about Committee Member's prioritizing what they subjectively believe to be the "4 best teams"; rather, it lists specific "Selection Criteria" - most of which are objective and lists the priority of those criteria.

You have a CFP Selection Committee Member stating publicly that he ignored the CFP's published "Selection Criteria" in favor of his own made-up, make-it-up as we go along bullshit "criteria" and these are the people who are going to run the 12-Team Structure??? CFP is ridiculous that they allow biased unprofessional scumbags and hacks to run their sport including the Post-Season Championship - just blackeye after blackeye for the sport with these scumbag hacks (first it was that we didn't even need a Playoff at all to determine a Champion - becaise we had them and they were capable of doing that themselves based on their legendary respect for their own opinion - as in who "they believed was the best team"... notice how that arrogant hubris is still embedded in the Committee Member's statement?), but they just keep jugging right along.... Just disgusting.
After getting SEC bag money. I'm sure it wasn't petty cash and they felt damn good about their decision. The CFP owned and operated by the SEC.

No one kicked Florida States Ass!
OK. You have an opinion and you are entitled to it. You think that final record should be the most important criteria for selection. Great. Thus, you think the final 4 should have been Michigan, Washington, FSU, and Liberty. All undefeated and all conference champs. Other people have other criteria that they prefer. My opinion is that the final 4 should have been Michigan, Alabama, Georgia, and Ohio State because I think those 4 schools have the most talent and are most capable of playing at the highest level. I am entitled to my opinion just like you are. There is no right and wrong answer.

You keep posting the same words over and over like you are expounding truth and every other opinion is a lie. Picking the final 4 is like picking the winner of the Miss America competition. Totally based on personal preference and subjective opinion.

No, that's bullshit - the CFP absolutely does have published "Selection Criteria" and the "Selection Criteria" does not say every member will subjectively choose however they feel like. Complete nonsense claim that the CFP does not have published "Selection Criteria" or that they haven't stated numerous times that number of losses for P5 teams is not the primary criteria. These scumbags have zero credibility - they're the same a-holes who told us we didn't need a Playoff at all (that their fantastic opinions was more than sufficient)..... then they told us we didn't need more than 2 teams..... than it was we absolutely don't need more than 4 (including voting against accelerating to a 12-Team Structure THIS YEAR when they had the opportunity to avoid this entire mess - please do tell us how that wonderful fiduciary decision by these jackasses helped CFB and, most importantly, the parties with the largest vested interest - the student-athletes themselves???). They are lying, biased, self-serving scumbags and charlatans mostly making large sums of $$$ off the backs of these student-athletes that they routinely screw-over with their shenanigans and hubris. They have lost all credibility and have proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that they should not be running CFB's Post-Season Championship.
Keep in mind that our own John Urschel has previously served on the committee. I don’t see John as corrupt, a scumbag, a jackass, or any of the other names that you’re calling a group of people that had a very tough decision to make.
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Well, the 12 team playoff should assist. No way we see an undefeated team left out.

With that said, I believe they made the correct decision. FSU was not the same team and very well would have been rolled on imo.
No, that's bullshit - the CFP absolutely does have published "Selection Criteria" and the "Selection Criteria" does not say every member will subjectively choose however they feel like. Complete nonsense claim that the CFP does not have published "Selection Criteria" or that they haven't stated numerous times that number of losses for P5 teams is not the primary criteria. These scumbags have zero credibility - they're the same a-holes who told us we didn't need a Playoff at all (that their fantastic opinions was more than sufficient)..... then they told us we didn't need more than 2 teams..... than it was we absolutely don't need more than 4 (including voting against accelerating to a 12-Team Structure THIS YEAR when they had the opportunity to avoid this entire mess - please do tell us how that wonderful fiduciary decision by these jackasses helped CFB and, most importantly, the parties with the largest vested interest - the student-athletes themselves???). They are lying, biased, self-serving scumbags and charlatans mostly making large sums of $$$ off the backs of these student-athletes that they routinely screw-over with their shenanigans and hubris. They have lost all credibility and have proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that they should not be running CFB's Post-Season Championship.
OK. I give up. I'm sure if your darling team Liberty University played either Alabama or Texas then Liberty would easily beat Alabama or Texas. You can rant and rave all you want but you are expressing an opinion, not facts.

The CFP Selection Committee protocol is published at this link. There is plenty of room in the selection protocol for common sense. My opinion is that common sense supports the final decision of the committee. This is just my opinion and I appreciate that others have differing opinions and that is OK.
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Keep in mind that our own John Urschel has previously served on the committee. I don’t see John as corrupt, a scumbag, a jackass, or any of the other names that you’re calling a group of people that had a very tough decision to make.
Why do you think he left? If one or 2 people on a committee have integrity and are not corrupt, then you believe the whole committee is not corrupt? Good grief!
The committee is not corrupt and they aren't in bed with the SEC. They picked the 4 teams who were in their minds the best. Not the most deserving. I also think they felt that they had a little more leeway this year given that it's the last year of 4 teams so there really won't be long-term backlash.

My only problem with the committee is that they use one criteria for the top 4 and other criteria for the rest of the teams. Probably because only the top 4 matter. Case in point - if you say that it's the best teams and you are excluding FSU because of their QB situation, then they should be below UGA and maybe below Ohio State but they don't have the guts to make that move.
Keep in mind that our own John Urschel has previously served on the committee. I don’t see John as corrupt, a scumbag, a jackass, or any of the other names that you’re calling a group of people that had a very tough decision to make.

LMFAO, he is not one of the P5 Commissioners (or former Commissioners) that run the show and have been making $$$ off of college-athletes backs for years on years while routinely screwing them over. By the way, do you personally know what his top 4 were? Yea, I didn't think so. Do tell, are the scumbags running the CFP (and JE is not one of the people "running the CFP" genius) responsible for voting down an opportunity to move to a 12-Team Structure THIS YEAR rather than face their bullshit yet again? Do they deserve criticism for their own inane actions??? Aren't these the same overflowing with hubris, a-holes who told us for years that a playoff wasn't even needed? Then it was only a 2 team single game was necessary? Then it was 4 was more than enough including voting down moving to 12-Team Structure THIS YEAR? (Now they're telling us that they were facing an unwinnable decision because there were more deserving teams than slots, looking for sympathy for their position - nevermind that they were the cause of the problem by refusing to move the 12-Team Structure to THIS YEAR when they had the opportunity... LMAO, you couldn't make this $hit up.). Gee, sounds like they deserve tremendous criticism for their "management decisions" that have routinely harmed large groups of student-athletes - the primary party these corrupt a-holes are supposed to be fiduciaries for....
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Why do you think he left? If one or 2 people on a committee have integrity and are not corrupt, then you believe the whole committee is not corrupt? Good grief!

Also, I specified the parties "running" the CFP (the same group of Conf Commissioners that ran the BCS.... etc...) - JE was nothing more than a silent vote on that Committee - he did not control it.
My problem lies with the arbitrary nature of it. Prior to this selection, the Committee maybe made questionable or subpar choices but they were always consistent. They always valued fewest losses. And winning a CCG. And head up head and common opponents came into play when appropriate.

This decision threw that all out the window. And nothing destroys faith in a product like being arbitrary and looking like favoritism. It’s just a terrible move for the CFP as it tries to build faith in their product and makes it look like they are beholden to specific teams or leagues over accomplishments on the field. Just awful.
Why do you think he left? If one or 2 people on a committee have integrity and are not corrupt, then you believe the whole committee is not corrupt? Good grief!
He left because others on the committee were corrupt? I would love to read about his thoughts on that. Do you have a link by chance.
My problem lies with the arbitrary nature of it. Prior to this selection, the Committee maybe made questionable or subpar choices but they were always consistent. They always valued fewest losses. And winning a CCG. And head up head and common opponents came into play when appropriate.

This decision threw that all out the window. And nothing destroys faith in a product like being arbitrary and looking like favoritism. It’s just a terrible move for the CFP as it tries to build faith in their product and makes it look like they are beholden to specific teams or leagues over accomplishments on the field. Just awful.

Yeah, it’s always been an arbitrary process.

We’ve seen teams lose in their conference championship game and yet still move on with the “logic” that they shouldn’t be punished for playing an extra game.

Winning conference championships and head to head mattered until it was PSU/ OSU and then it didn’t. The number of losses was most important.

Now this year, the number of losses and conference championships suddenly didn’t matter- it was more the eye test.

The committee basically does what it wants and pivots its reasoning year after year.

That said, I think they got the 4 correct teams. Georgia was good but played no one all year until Alabama and lost. I saw Florida St several times this year, (including in person at Pitt), and wasn’t impressed. I didn’t see them as a top 4 team even before their QB issues. Their games against Florida and Louisville to end the year were not impressive.
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Why do you think he left? If one or 2 people on a committee have integrity and are not corrupt, then you believe the whole committee is not corrupt? Good grief!
I think he left because his three year term of 2020 to 2022 ended last year, and it was time for someone to replace him like they do with everyone else when their three year term ends. But what do I know.
We're at 68 on the basketball side with 36 at-large bids, and we still get the drama of people up in arms that the committee missed on the teams that didn't make the cut.

True but there’s many more basketball teams with parity compared to football.

Plus, the arguments are never that team X was left out and they were one of the best teams that could win the national title. The argument is usually team X is better than team Y, (but neither has a realistic shot at winning a basketball title).

I’m sure there will be similar complaints in the expanded playoff that teams 11 and 12 aren’t better than teams X and Y. That’s a given.

The real issue will be saving a spot for a G5 team that holds out a legitimate P5 team from the playoff. Look at this year. 10-2 Oklahoma, (who beat Texas), would have missed the playoff just so #23 Liberty could be added.
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He left because others on the committee were corrupt? I would love to read about his thoughts on that. Do you have a link by chance.
I spoke with him right after I outed you for irrational post of the month. You address your foolish argument and I will supply a link... Lol 😆 what a wussy, divergent response.
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My problem lies with the arbitrary nature of it. Prior to this selection, the Committee maybe made questionable or subpar choices but they were always consistent. They always valued fewest losses. And winning a CCG. And head up head and common opponents came into play when appropriate.

This decision threw that all out the window. And nothing destroys faith in a product like being arbitrary and looking like favoritism. It’s just a terrible move for the CFP as it tries to build faith in their product and makes it look like they are beholden to specific teams or leagues over accomplishments on the field. Just awful.
I understand that opinion but I don't see it as arbitrary. It still gets back to most deserving vs. best.

Losing a QB is a bid deal. If they look even reasonably good without the first string QB, they are in. But they didn't look good and it was the QB that made that team go. So yeah they are 13-0 but you can pretty much discount that record because they aren't close to the same team that won the previous 11 games. It sucks but that's the way it is.

This whole situation is one of the reasons I don't like a 12-team playoff. Now we need to put in Liberty just because they're undefeated? Give me a break. And guess what, eventually one of these garbage teams will upset the best teams or maybe a star player gets injured in one of these games that shouldn't have to be played and the whole thing is devalued.
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And guess what, eventually one of these garbage teams will upset the best teams or maybe a star player gets injured in one of these games that shouldn't have to be played and the whole thing is devalued.

That's what people want from a playoff, don't they? Winner takes all. If somebody loses to Liberty, so be it. It's how it goes. If anything, it adds value. In the next 10 years, I doubt anybody desires the top 4 seeds to win out every time.

Injuries happen as well. A star getting injured in a bowl is worse than suffering it in a playoff game.
I understand that opinion but I don't see it as arbitrary. It still gets back to most deserving vs. best.

Losing a QB is a bid deal. If they look even reasonably good without the first string QB, they are in. But they didn't look good and it was the QB that made that team go. So yeah they are 13-0 but you can pretty much discount that record because they aren't close to the same team that won the previous 11 games. It sucks but that's the way it is.

This whole situation is one of the reasons I don't like a 12-team playoff. Now we need to put in Liberty just because they're undefeated? Give me a break. And guess what, eventually one of these garbage teams will upset the best teams or maybe a star player gets injured in one of these games that shouldn't have to be played and the whole thing is devalued.

How precisely does a favored a higher seeded team losing on the field of play (especially given that the top 4 have a bye to 2nd RD) "devalue" the Championship Playoff??? Since when does being ranked higher mean you don't have to win on the field especially when the two teams didn't play during regular season? Your statement is bizzare quite frankly - a team not able to beat another undefeated team on the field of play (or any team that they did not face during season) does not devalue the Championship, quite the opposite, it increases the value of the Championship.
How precisely does a favored a higher seeded team losing on the field of play (especially given that the top 4 have a bye to 2nd RD) "devalue" the Championship Playoff??? Since when does being ranked higher mean you don't have to win on the field especially when the two teams didn't play during regular season? Your statement is bizzare quite frankly - a team not able to beat another undefeated team on the field of play (or any team that they did not face during season) does not devalue the Championship, quite the opposite, it increases the value of the Championship.
OK. Let's be precise. The playoff team decision is all about money. TV ratings rule the roost. The TV ratings for Michigan - Alabama will be higher than the ratings for Michigan - Liberty or Michigan - FSU. That is the precise reason why teams with perceived better players and perceived better chances to play football at a very high level are chosen. If Michigan played Liberty the game would probably be over in the first quarter, viewers would tune out, and ratings would be low. This means less money for the NCAA and money is what the playoffs are all about.
That's what people want from a playoff, don't they? Winner takes all. If somebody loses to Liberty, so be it. It's how it goes. If anything, it adds value. In the next 10 years, I doubt anybody desires the top 4 seeds to win out every time.

Injuries happen as well. A star getting injured in a bowl is worse than suffering it in a playoff game.
Yeah, that seems like actually one of the good things that could come out of this - an underdog would get the opportunity to show on the field that they belong. And truly have a shot at the “championship”.
I understand that opinion but I don't see it as arbitrary. It still gets back to most deserving vs. best.

It’s completely arbitrary because fewest losses has consistently been the first and most important criteria in all the previous years. Ignoring that now makes the whole process suspect
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OK. Let's be precise. The playoff team decision is all about money. TV ratings rule the roost. The TV ratings for Michigan - Alabama will be higher than the ratings for Michigan - Liberty or Michigan - FSU. That is the precise reason why teams with perceived better players and perceived better chances to play football at a very high level are chosen. If Michigan played Liberty the game would probably be over in the first quarter, viewers would tune out, and ratings would be low. This means less money for the NCAA and money is what the playoffs are all about.
I’ll add that it’s not just the CFP games that benefit but kicking out Louisville from the Orange Bowl helps the other NY6 ratings too. And ESPN controls all those games.
True but there’s many more basketball teams with parity compared to football.

Plus, the arguments are never that team X was left out and they were one of the best teams that could win the national title. The argument is usually team X is better than team Y, (but neither has a realistic shot at winning a basketball title).

I’m sure there will be similar complaints in the expanded playoff that teams 11 and 12 aren’t better than teams X and Y. That’s a given.

The real issue will be saving a spot for a G5 team that holds out a legitimate P5 team from the playoff. Look at this year. 10-2 Oklahoma, (who beat Texas), would have missed the playoff just so #23 Liberty could be added.
Which is why we get 24 sooner than later
I’ll add that it’s not just the CFP games that benefit but kicking out Louisville from the Orange Bowl helps the other NY6 ratings too. And ESPN controls all those games.
Yep. This is all about college football fans being able to watch competitive exciting games which produce high TV ratings and plenty of money from advertisers.

In my opinion Louisville shouldn't be in any bowl game since they lost to hapless pitt but that is just my opinion.
It’s completely arbitrary because fewest losses has consistently been the first and most important criteria in all the previous years. Ignoring that now makes the whole process suspect
You think the "whole process" is suspect. Do you think that Alabama and Texas paid off committee members to seed them in the final 4? Maybe pretty coeds from Alabama and Texas visited committee members in their hotel rooms? What are you suggesting?
I understand that opinion but I don't see it as arbitrary. It still gets back to most deserving vs. best.

Losing a QB is a bid deal. If they look even reasonably good without the first string QB, they are in. But they didn't look good and it was the QB that made that team go. So yeah they are 13-0 but you can pretty much discount that record because they aren't close to the same team that won the previous 11 games. It sucks but that's the way it is.

This whole situation is one of the reasons I don't like a 12-team playoff. Now we need to put in Liberty just because they're undefeated? Give me a break. And guess what, eventually one of these garbage teams will upset the best teams or maybe a star player gets injured in one of these games that shouldn't have to be played and the whole thing is devalued.
What a convoluted web you and your kind weave ...the more 🐂 squat you all add to your argument the less credible it is. Hard to tell which worm 🕳️ it resides in at this point.
OK. Let's be precise. The playoff team decision is all about money. TV ratings rule the roost. The TV ratings for Michigan - Alabama will be higher than the ratings for Michigan - Liberty or Michigan - FSU. That is the precise reason why teams with perceived better players and perceived better chances to play football at a very high level are chosen. If Michigan played Liberty the game would probably be over in the first quarter, viewers would tune out, and ratings would be low. This means less money for the NCAA and money is what the playoffs are all about.
The Liberty vs UM example is interesting. Would God interfere and smite out the peninsular devil with a victory for Liberty? 😂
This is the line that gets me, Corrigan said the coaches had conversations about: "Who do they want to play? Who do they not want to play?"

If that's really the question, then you put Georgia in because they're still the team no one wants to play.
This is the line that gets me, Corrigan said the coaches had conversations about: "Who do they want to play? Who do they not want to play?"

If that's really the question, then you put Georgia in because they're still the team no one wants to play.
Yeah Georgia should have been in IMO
Thankfully this improves greatly next year. They could have put FSU at 4 knowing they're going to get a Bama/FSU matchup in the quarters as Liberty beating Bama is a reach. Plus only 4 major conferences next year helps.
In the 2017-18 NFL football season, imagine if the commissioner eliminated the Philadelphia Eagles from playoff contention after Carson Wentz's season ending injury? Stating the Eagles are a different team with Nick Foles.
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In the 2017-18 NFL football season, imagine if the commissioner eliminated the Philadelphia Eagles from playoff contention after Carson Wentz's season ending injury? Stating the Eagles are a different team with Nick Foles.
When FBS creates auto bids that won't be used. Next year you'll be happier apparently.

I still can't believe people are acting like this is some travesty. I think everyone here would expect us to beat FSU if we met this week in a playoff game and beat them easily.
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OK. Let's be precise. The playoff team decision is all about money. TV ratings rule the roost. The TV ratings for Michigan - Alabama will be higher than the ratings for Michigan - Liberty or Michigan - FSU. That is the precise reason why teams with perceived better players and perceived better chances to play football at a very high level are chosen. If Michigan played Liberty the game would probably be over in the first quarter, viewers would tune out, and ratings would be low. This means less money for the NCAA and money is what the playoffs are all about.

Wrong, the levels of over simplification in this are beyond ridiculous. The Championship Playoff is fundamentally about winning on the field of play from a "competition" standpoint - the fact they make money from the broadcast is utterly irrelevant to winning on the field of play. Your strawman argument is akin to saying the NFL doesn't need a Playoff and Superbowl because they should just crown the team with the largest National TV audience??? One has zero to do with the other.

You IN FACT stated that an undefeated lower ranked team beating an undefeated higher ranked team "devalues" the Championship - which is utter nonsense and bullshit. First of all, your notion that only a couple teams draw large National TV audiences is BS to the extreme. The underdog team would end up having to play another team with a huge National TV audience in the next round.... etc.... Zero evidence that people will not turn-in, in massive numbers for the Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and Championship regardless of who advances. BTW, your argument of a 12-Seed beating a 1-Seed in 1st Round is impossible (i.e., utter bullshit) as the Top 4 Seeds in the 12-Team Structure get Byes to the Quarter-Final. So you're saying that people won't tune into a Semi-Final game because a Top 4 Seed lost??? That's such unproven bullshit and nonsense, I don't even know where to start with it. This year is a good example - undefeated Liberty (12 Seed) beats 5 Seed UGa. Liberty would then play #4 Alabama in 2nd Round (the 1/4s) - so you're saying no one tunes into this Quarter-Final Game??? LOL
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Wrong, the levels of over simplification in this are beyond ridiculous. The Championship Playoff is fundamentally about winning on the field of play from a "competition" standpoint - the fact they make money from the broadcast is utterly irrelevant to winning on the field of play. Your strawman argument is akin to saying the NFL doesn't need a Playoff and Superbowl because they should just crown the team with the largest National TV audience??? One has zero to do with the other.

You IN FACT stated that an undefeated lower ranked team beating an undefeated higher ranked team "devalues" the Championship - which is utter nonsense and bullshit. First of all, your notion that only a couple teams draw large National TV audiences is BS to the extreme. The underdog team would end up having to play another team with a huge National TV audience in the next round.... etc.... Zero evidence that people will not turn-in, in massive numbers for the Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and Championship regardless of who advances. BTW, your argument of a 12-Seed beating a 1-Seed in 1st Round is impossible (i.e., utter bullshit) as the Top 4 Seeds in the 12-Team Structure get Byes to the Quarter-Final. So you're saying that people won't tune into a Semi-Final game because a Top 4 Seed lost??? That's such unproven bullshit and nonsense, I don't even know where to start with it. This year is a good example - undefeated Liberty (12 Seed) beats 5 Seed UGa. Liberty would then play #4 Alabama in 2nd Round (the 1/4s) - so you're saying no one tunes into this Quarter-Final Game??? LOL
I'm really starting to think that you are a rabid Florida State fan just posting smack on a Penn State message board because your are pissed that your team got shunned.

What do you thing would happen if Liberty played Michigan, Alabama, Georgia, or even Penn State for that matter? The score would be 21 - 0 midway through the first quarter and the fans who tuned in would tune out. This would not even be a fair game. It would be like the Penn State - Delaware game. Ratings would be about a quarter of the ratings for a game like Michigan - Alabama. Please turn off your rose colored blinders and get real.