Someday I would like to meet....

Obviously they don't want to touch the seat that was pissed on by the last guy who used that toilet. No mystery here.

So you're one of the guys who doesn't put the seat up? Karma is going to kick your @ss one day.
There are a number of intersections near me that are indicated "Right Turn Signal" and if it's red people will sit there until armageddon. Unless it says "No Turn On Red" you can make that right after you stop if it's safe to do so. Agree with the left turn thing too. Once you're in the intersection, you can make your turn after it goes red. You can't enter an intersection if it's red.

People aren't taught how to drive, that's the underlying problem.
Like to meet the guys who yell babbalouie or whatever right after a golf tee shot. Why do they think it's funny even though it only might have been funny the first time ever yelled, and never since?
Another mystery is the people who don't advance into the intersection when they are turning left.
The worst is people who leave a yawning gap between them and the car in front in the go straight or turn lane - thus pinning all the cars wanting to turn behind them by not moving up.
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There are a number of intersections near me that are indicated "Right Turn Signal" and if it's red people will sit there until armageddon. Unless it says "No Turn On Red" you can make that right after you stop if it's safe to do so. Agree with the left turn thing too. Once you're in the intersection, you can make your turn after it goes red. You can't enter an intersection if it's red.

People aren't taught how to drive, that's the underlying problem.

I inevitably get behind a guy EVERY SINGLE MORNING leaving my neighborhood that refuses to turn right on red. Every single morning. No matter what time I leave.

My peave is the guy who races to get ahead of you, even though there is nobody behind for miles, only to get off at the next exit.
The worst is people who leave a yawning gap between them and the car in front in the go straight or turn lane - thus pinning all the cars wanting to turn behind them by not moving up.

I tend to get irrationally annoyed when you are sitting at a stop sign, waiting to turn left....and a car is coming from the left, no turn signal, but slowing, slowing, slowing...and then they turn right with no turn signal. And you briefly make eye contact with this moron. I can never calibrate the right amount of anger, pity, incomprehension or amusement into my interaction with them.
Like to meet the guys who yell babbalouie or whatever right after a golf tee shot. Why do they think it's funny even though it only might have been funny the first time ever yelled, and never since?

When you say "meet the guys who yell babbalouie".....I assume you mean "meet the guys who yell babbalouie and beat them over the head repeatedly with a baseball bat".
I tend to get irrationally annoyed when you are sitting at a stop sign, waiting to turn left....and a car is coming from the left, no turn signal, but slowing, slowing, slowing...and then they turn right with no turn signal. And you briefly make eye contact with this moron. I can never calibrate the right amount of anger, pity, incomprehension or amusement into my interaction with them.

Or the guy that'll blow a stop sign to cut you off when there isn't a car for miles behind you.
Tailgaters are the drivers who tick me off the most. When i get one behind me, the closer they get, the slower i go.
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So you're one of the guys who doesn't put the seat up? Karma is going to kick your @ss one day.
Nope. I always put the seat up. I use my foot. However, as pointed out, this isn't so bright. My shoe gets contaminated and later I touch my shoe. Maybe somebody long ago thought about this and designed urinals!
On the not washing hands issue...I have a colleague who went to Yale about 40 years ago. He said that he was at a Harvard/Yale football game. He was leaving the bathroom and a Harvard guy looked at him and said at Harvard we learned to wash our hands before leaving the bathroom. To which he replied, at Yale we learned not to piss on our hands :)
Gotta save these, Judge, for Festivus!

Another mystery is the people who don't advance into the intersection when they are turning left.

My own favorite target of hatred on the roads is when you are the second car in the left turn lane, and there is a gap in oncoming traffic large enough to leave PLENTY of room for both cars to make the left turn, but the car in front of you creeps through the that the gap closes up on you and you're left hung out to dry praying you complete the left turn before getting creamed by the oncoming traffic.
On the not washing hands issue...I have a colleague who went to Yale about 40 years ago. He said that he was at a Harvard/Yale football game. He was leaving the bathroom and a Harvard guy looked at him and said at Harvard we learned to wash our hands before leaving the bathroom. To which he replied, at Yale we learned not to piss on our hands :)
It makes more sense to wash your pecker off after touching it with unwashed hands. TMI here from me, but I don't touch my boy when I take a leak. And if I washed my hands after, I'd just be going back to the pisser for more leakage -- running water at my age and all. Without proper planning I'd have to spend the rest of my life in there, back and forth.
How about when you are waiting in line to pay the toll (or check out at the grocery store) for several minutes. Then, the car in front of you gets to the booth and you see them start looking for the toll ticket...then, after giving the operator the ticket and finding the fee, finally rolling over to grab their wallet and fish through the change box in their car.
On the not washing hands issue...I have a colleague who went to Yale about 40 years ago. He said that he was at a Harvard/Yale football game. He was leaving the bathroom and a Harvard guy looked at him and said at Harvard we learned to wash our hands before leaving the bathroom. To which he replied, at Yale we learned not to piss on our hands :)

There is a comedian who has a routine where he says "I wash may hands and pecker in the morning, then I'm good for the whole day".
Regarding tailgating, I have a friend who has a good line. I was riding in his car one time with some guy 6 inches off his bumper and he said "If I was going to hell, there'd be somebody right on my ass trying to get there a minute sooner."
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Move over to the right lane!!!!!! They're not tailgating, they're trying to get somewhere!
Obviously, your reading comprehension is a little weak. Who said anything about being in the left lane? I don't cruise in the left lane and I don't drive slow. Some people apparently just have gotten into a habit of following too close. Are you one of them?
Obviously, your reading comprehension is a little weak. Who said anything about being in the left lane? I don't cruise in the left lane and I don't drive slow. Some people apparently just have gotten into a habit of following too close. Are you one of them?

It could be a product of driving in the NYC area. I like to leave a healthy space for the car in front of me, as you should, and there is just a steady stream of people from behind changing lanes to cut in front of you. Oh, and you don't use your turn signal to change lanes because people will speed up to stop you from changing lanes. Driving is just a joy around here. You can be in traffic that is at a dead stop, and someone will blow their horn to make you move up the 5 feet that just opened up in front of you. I've had several times people blow their horn THE SECOND, the mili-second, the light changes to get you to go. I mean, I'm staring at the light and don't even have time to get my foot to the gas before they blow their horn. It's very third-world-coutry-ish with the horn blowing.
Just having some fun with you BB. I will say that I feel like driving in general has gotten worse in my lifetime, but it is ridiculously bad since I moved from Jersey.
My son drives too close to other cars, especially on the highway. So much so I limit how much he drives my car when we go on trips. He lived in Michigan for a while and said they all drive like that. I said, "You're not from Michigan and you're no longer in Michigan!" He said they do it because it's safer so as not to let other cars cut in-between. I said, "Back off and let them then!" Aye carumba youth of today!