So how many PSU players skip the bowl?

Oh look, it's the 829th iteration of Lando's annual bowl-games-don't-matter shtick, which ranks second in frequency (and monotony) only to his annual none-of-Penn-State's-wins-are-against-good-teams shtick.

As has been pointed out by more than one poster in this thread, by Lando's reasoning, next year's early-round NFL prospects should have sat out both the Rutgers and Michigan State games. In fact, by his logic, the certain 1st-round picks shouldn't play in any game after their team has been effectively eliminated from the playoffs.

At the end of the day, each player will make his own decision regarding the upcoming bowl game. It's not necessarily an easy or obvious call. I recall that many of the guys who sat out our bowl game against Arkansas a couple years ago ended up being late-round picks at best or didn't play a game in the NFL. Hard to see how they helped themselves by opting out.

Whatever choice this year's players make -- personally I hope they all play, though I doubt Chop (for one) will -- the games themselves are meaningful...especially a likely NY6 bowl against a top-10 opponent. Anyone who thinks they aren't meaningful should not watch...or comment here on the topic.
I never said that...they should play out the regular season but all we were playing for at that point us pride.

Actually Olu probably should have sat. Him returning this year was a mistake financially. The last thing he should have done is risk it more. Even Franklin sees that with how he rested him.
How do you know what his NIL is? Drafted in the 20's vs top 10 this year. No he was not going top 10 last year, so thats not a reason.
Oh look, it's the 829th iteration of Lando's annual bowl-games-don't-matter shtick, which ranks second in frequency (and monotony) only to his annual none-of-Penn-State's-wins-are-against-good-teams shtick.

As has been pointed out by more than one poster in this thread, by Lando's reasoning, next year's early-round NFL prospects should have sat out both the Rutgers and Michigan State games. In fact, by his logic, the certain 1st-round picks shouldn't play in any game after their team has been effectively eliminated from the playoffs.

At the end of the day, each player will make his own decision regarding the upcoming bowl game. It's not necessarily an easy or obvious call. I recall that many of the guys who sat out our bowl game against Arkansas a couple years ago ended up being late-round picks at best or didn't play a game in the NFL. Hard to see how they helped themselves by opting out.

Whatever choice this year's players make -- personally I hope they all play, though I doubt Chop (for one) will -- the games themselves are meaningful...especially a likely NY6 bowl against a top-10 opponent. Anyone who thinks they aren't meaningful should not watch...or comment here on the topic.
Right...we shouldn't comment on the topic of them not playing because they agree the game isn't important
How do you know what his NIL is? Drafted in the 20's vs top 10 this year. No he was not going top 10 last year, so thats not a reason.
Wait...why wasn't he going in the top 10 last year? He was better than Broderick Jones who went 14, Skoronski who went 11 and Wright who went 10. It would have been a coin toss for him or Paris to go first.

And the NFL is about the 2nd contract not the first. He delayed that a year.
Wait...why wasn't he going in the top 10 last year? He was better than Broderick Jones who went 14, Skoronski who went 11 and Wright who went 10. It would have been a coin toss for him or Paris to go first.

And the NFL is about the 2nd contract not the first. He delayed that a year.
No one had him in the top 10, 23rd or something was average slot
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No one had him in the top 10, 23rd or something was average slot
That's pretend he would have gone 15-30 for sake of argument
He made a financial mistake by returning to schools regardless--the 2nd contract matter
And he's a pure LT--he'd have gone ahead of Jones, Skoronski and Wright IMO but that's all speculation
Always taking the contrarion position just to argue and take over threads. So pathetic... get a life, man.
It's not "contrarian" at all.
What do you think I don't believe bowl games are meaningless? Or that players shouldn't be required by a contract to play in them?
We had a great year. Me not pretending a bowl game matters doesn't alter that.
There is no reason for Olu, Chop, Isaac, Joseph, Dixon, Theo, and King to play in a bowl game. All top 3 rd picks. The game is meaningless. They did their bit by helping get the team to the bowl. There is no incentive to win it. Same for the opponent’s top NFL eligible players. It’s the first game of 2024.
There are plenty of reasons to play and not many to not play. Everyone said Barkley shouldn’t play, but he did and how did it hurt him? It didn’t and I’m sure he had a great time playing one more game with his teammates.
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We had a great year. Me not pretending a bowl game matters doesn't alter that.

Super glad "you" had a great year, even though PSU played a bunch of crappy teams.

Now, since PSU's football season is over (in your mind), say goodnight until PSU's next meaningless football season and you can start all over again.
There is no reason for Olu, Chop, Isaac, Joseph, Dixon, Theo, and King to play in a bowl game. All top 3 rd picks. The game is meaningless. They did their bit by helping get the team to the bowl. There is no incentive to win it. Same for the opponent’s top NFL eligible players. It’s the first game of 2024.
No more meaningless than yesterday’s game.

And for the players that love competition it will likely be a much more competitive game to play in.
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Super glad "you" had a great year, even though PSU played a bunch of crappy teams.

Now, since PSU's football season is over (in your mind), say goodnight until PSU's next meaningless football season and you can start all over again.
We beat all those crappy teams which is what we should do. Now we need to take the next step
Our season is football isn't.
There are plenty of reasons to play and not many to not play. Everyone said Barkley shouldn’t play, but he did and how did it hurt him? It didn’t and I’m sure he had a great time playing one more game with his teammates.
And if they want to play great but its up to them
Risking injury was a mistake but his mistake to make
That's pretend he would have gone 15-30 for sake of argument
He made a financial mistake by returning to schools regardless--the 2nd contract matter
And he's a pure LT--he'd have gone ahead of Jones, Skoronski and Wright IMO but that's all speculation
As someone who knows a first round pick from last year and another agent, we’re just going to say that your assumption are not correct
As someone who knows a first round pick from last year and another agent, we’re just going to say that your assumption are not correct
Yes, because agents always know what is going to happen as do the kids getting drafted
For continued sake of argument, even if he didn't go in the first he should have entered the draft. Ask the agent, it's about the second contract not the first. That's where the money is. Delaying that is always a mistake.
Here’s something I’ve always found interesting. I understand the reasoning of players with NFL futures opting out of bowl games for fear of injury. Then oddly enough, most of them sign up to play in the Senior Bowl, or other such events. I know their NFL run productions, but are those not full contact games with an attendant risk of injury?
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Here’s something I’ve always found interesting. I understand the reasoning of players with NFL futures opting out of bowl games for fear of injury. Then oddly enough, most of them sign up to play in the Senior Bowl, or other such events. I know their NFL run productions, but are those not full contact games with an attendant risk of injury?
There's risk there too but it's a week surrounded by coaches and scouts. You make a good point but, for them, that's part of preparing for the draft. The bowl game isn't.
There's risk there too but it's a week surrounded by coaches and scouts. You make a good point but, for them, that's part of preparing for the draft. The bowl game isn't.
The point I’m making is, that if you are severely injured in a game it doesn’t matter if it’s a bowl game, or if you’re surrounded by coaches and scouts in an NFL production. Either way they’re going to say “Tough break kid, get back to us when you’re healthy”.

I fully understand that the purpose of participating is to improve one’s draft status. It’s the logic of avoiding one situation to participate in a similar situation that I find interesting. Somewhat like choosing to wrestle an Alligator because they’re friendlier than Crocodiles. Either one has an inherent risk.
The point I’m making is, that if you are severely injured in a game it doesn’t matter if it’s a bowl game, or if you’re surrounded by coaches and scouts in an NFL production. Either way they’re going to say “Tough break kid, get back to us when you’re healthy”.

I fully understand that the purpose of participating is to improve one’s draft status. It’s the logic of avoiding one situation to participate in a similar situation that I find interesting. Somewhat like choosing to wrestle an Alligator because they’re friendlier than Crocodiles. Either one has an inherent risk.
I get what you're saying but they're not comparable scenarios IMO.
The real purpose of the Senior Bowl is everything in the week leading up to the game not the game itself.
The bowl, for players like Olu and Chop, aren't going to impact their draft status--good or bad. The All Star games are like a job interview basically. I think Olu should skip those as well though.
You're in Lando's camp but I very strongly disagree. This is like a baseball pitcher who is going to be a free agent after the season saying he doesn't want to pitch in the playoffs and risk hurting his arm.

PSU has played in more than 50 bowl games and by your logic players should have opted out of all but about 4. Was last year's Rose Bowl game meaningless?

What about the rivalry games when they don't have MNC implications? Should Washington vs Washington State not be played? Should the backyard brawl go away? What about next year's 12 game playoff. Do you think it's OK for players to opt out of those games? That doesn't happen anywhere else in sports.

Another consideration is the players who do want to participate and the fans. I think players who opt our are letting their teammates down. Fans spend a ton of money to attend these games. don't they deserve their team's best effort?
You misunderstand. I'm NOT in Landos camp. Read my posts and uou will see that. I think they should be contractually REQUIRED to play. This opting out is BS.
Right...we shouldn't comment on the topic of them not playing because they agree the game isn't important

What is this "we," Kemosabe? I said the people who think the bowl game is not important should not watch it. I mean, who would spend a precious four hours of their lives in such utterly meaningless fashion??

And since they are convinced of its meaninglessness and are therefore logically not going to watch it, they should also not waste energy commenting on it here since their commentary would have no value due to their prior conviction that the game has no meaning. Capiche, paisan?
What is this "we," Kemosabe? I said the people who think the bowl game is not important should not watch it. I mean, who would spend a precious four hours of their lives in such utterly meaningless fashion??

And since they are convinced of its meaninglessness and are therefore logically not going to watch it, they should also not waste energy commenting on it here since their commentary would have no value due to their prior conviction that the game has no meaning. Capiche, paisan?
You don't comprehend the word logic. If you and others refuse to acknowledge the reality of the situation I'll try to educate you. Where it would be illogical is if I used that bowl game as meaningful in any way. Such as criticizing Franklin if we lose.

This is a discussion on if players will opt out with people attacking those that do because they spend money going to scrimmages.
There is no reason for Olu, Chop, Isaac, Joseph, Dixon, Theo, and King to play in a bowl game. All top 3 rd picks. The game is meaningless. They did their bit by helping get the team to the bowl. There is no incentive to win it. Same for the opponent’s top NFL eligible players. It’s the first game of 2024.
It is only a relatively recent thing that people believe the bowl games mean nothing. It used to be a meaningful reward to the teams who had successful seasons but were not among the 2 - 4 teams playing for the NC. Players used to appreciate the vacation, the special treatment and the swag. The fact that the game was meaningful to the players made it meaningful to the fans and kept college football relevant through the holiday season.

If this unfortunate momentum continues, the bowl games will go away and, unless it is replaced by a larger college playoff (and I mean larger than 12), college football will be the loser. A lot of money / fan interest is generated from these games. It is part of the college football product, it produces a lot of money for the schools and it is part of the college football product that produces the NIL money.
You don't comprehend the word logic. If you and others refuse to acknowledge the reality of the situation I'll try to educate you. Where it would be illogical is if I used that bowl game as meaningful in any way. Such as criticizing Franklin if we lose.

This is a discussion on if players will opt out with people attacking those that do because they spend money going to scrimmages.

Yada, yada, yada.

You said the bowl game is meaningless.

If you either watch it or comment on it, we'll know you either don't believe what you said...or are a troll whose posts are meaningless.

Take your pick...
Yada, yada, yada.

You said the bowl game is meaningless.

If you either watch it or comment on it, we'll know you either don't believe what you said...or are a troll whose posts are meaningless.

Take your pick...
Because we're discussing kids not being allowed to skip it--follow the conversation for once
You can provide all types of "or" scenarios that are as stupid as....well we'll be nice.
I am following the discussion: you said the game is meaningless.

So are you going to watch it, Commando? And if so, why?
The game is meaningless hence the kids have no obligation to play which is the discussion
I'll watch it like I was the spring game, spring training, the Pro Bowl, MLB All Star game, etc. But I don't care who wins because it doesn't matter. Ideally some younger players will get snaps to help simulate real game action for next year. The only relevant part of the bowl is the extra practices.
I am following the discussion: you said the game is meaningless.

So are you going to watch it, Commando? And if so, why?
He will watch and post throughout the game how Allen is great and singleton sucks and how when we win how meaningless the game is and how terrible the opponent is. It’s the same every game and every year.
All of that is great...until you start saying the players have to share your opinion and play in these games
As usual you completely miss the point. I don't blame the players for doing what they think is best for their careers. I blame the NCAA for an effed up system of unlimited free agency and allowing players who aren't committed to their team for the entire season which includes post season. It's not good for the game and certainly not good for the fans who spend a fortune to support their team. I don't believe any other college or professional sport allows this.
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He will watch and post throughout the game how Allen is great and singleton sucks and how when we win how meaningless the game is and how terrible the opponent is. It’s the same every game and every year.
Singleton doesn't "suck"--he's just not as good as Allen
And I won't say anything about the quality of the opponent. Unlike you and others I don't pretend everyone is good.
As usual you completely miss the point. I don't blame the players for doing what they think is best for their careers. I blame the NCAA for an effed up system of unlimited free agency and allowing players who aren't committed to their team for the entire season which includes post season. It's not good for the game and certainly not good for the fans who spend a fortune to support their team. I don't believe any other college or professional sport allows this.
No other collegiate sport has games at the end of the season for those that don't make the playoff. I guess the NIT but I doubt any of those kids are turning pro.

I do agree with you about the Free Agency aspect. It's good for the players but will Deone Walker leave Kentucky? Will Noah Fifita leave Arizona? That's the part that sucks not guys like Levis who should be leaving.

And while that may be your point that's not everyone's point. Some care way more about Penn State than the players.
The new bottom line:
If you’re not playing for the national championship, you aren’t playing for anything worthwhile.
An extra game on film is of little use to a player expected to go in the top half of the draft. They are much better off getting totally healthy and starting their pre-combine preparation.
Same can be said for most players considering a jump into the portal. Why risk a potential injury that could limit the interest of other schools.
On the flip side, bowl games become an opportunity for reserve/depth players to make an impression for next season.
The game is meaningless hence the kids have no obligation to play which is the discussion
I'll watch it like I was the spring game, spring training, the Pro Bowl, MLB All Star game, etc. But I don't care who wins because it doesn't matter. Ideally some younger players will get snaps to help simulate real game action for next year. The only relevant part of the bowl is the extra practices.

So it's meaningless...but you're going to watch it anyway...and you don't care who wins.

Thanks, Commando. Bowl game aside, you've pretty much given your own game away.
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So it's meaningless...but you're going to watch it anyway...and you don't care who wins.

Thanks, Commando. Bowl game aside, you've pretty much given your own game away.
What are you talking about?
We're all dumb enough to believe a bowl system that made sense decades ago still works today.
Do you watch the spring game? It's the same thing
No other collegiate sport has games at the end of the season for those that don't make the playoff.
You could have been a Yankees fan this year and they were not going to make the playoffs. But guess what? If you went to a game you still got a chance to see Gerrit Cole and Aaron Judge. Back in the day Michael Jordan talked about the fans who came to see him play and how it felt like he was doing them a disservice to not give it his all every game or at least play at a really high level, giving them their money's worth.
You could have been a Yankees fan this year and they were not going to make the playoffs. But guess what? If you went to a game you still got a chance to see Gerrit Cole and Aaron Judge. Back in the day Michael Jordan talked about the fans who came to see him play and how it felt like he was doing them a disservice to not give it his all every game or at least play at a really high level, giving them their money's worth.
And they were pro athletes being paid--not college kids being asked to play after they've already determined to move on with their life.
You're clueless
How so? You're talking about pro athletes being paid to play a sport and comparing that to college kids that you want to play in a bowl game instead of preparing for the draft so you (or others) can watch them?
Root for them in the pros and enjoy watching the younger kids get some snaps.
Chop Robinson and Olu Fashanu have been great players for us. If the elect to skip the bowl game then respect that decision. It's not difficult to be an adult and comprehend why they may decide it's not in their best interest to play.

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