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More Violet. Less you.
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My favorite take about It's a Wonderful Life came from an episode of King of Queens. Arthur had never seen the movie but with Kerry's coaxing he watched it one evening just before Christmas. The next morning's conversation went something like this:
Kerry: So Dad what did you think of the movie last night?
Arthur: Big swing and a miss.
Kerry: What?? Dad, that's classic American cinema.
Arthur: No ... the movie made no sense. When it was Pottervile they had it all. Bars, casinos, dancing girls... and then George Bailey came along and ruined everything.
That's funny Tallahassee. This is one of my favorite movies. I think I was in my 20's before I saw the film. It chokes me up every time. It puts me in mind of my Dad's tales of what life was like when he was a kid. I don't know how much is sentimentality on the part of Pop, or Frank Capra for that matter. As I get older with each passing year I have many great memories of my youth but the "good ol' days weren't always good" as the song says. Maybe tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems either.
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My favorite take about It's a Wonderful Life came from an episode of King of Queens. Arthur had never seen the movie but with Kerry's coaxing he watched it one evening just before Christmas. The next morning's conversation went something like this:
Kerry: So Dad what did you think of the movie last night?
Arthur: Big swing and a miss.
Kerry: What?? Dad, that's classic American cinema.
Arthur: No ... the movie made no sense. When it was Pottervile they had it all. Bars, casinos, dancing girls... and then George Bailey came along and ruined everything.