OT: Torn bicep (distal)

Nashville Lion

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2005
Hey this past weekend I competed in an extreme fitness competition on Friday that involved running, pull-ups, dips, pushups, make a long story short....was really sore sat and sunday and this morning my left arm around bicep is swollen. I went to internist due to swelling and he basically said you have torn your bicep...I have an 8 am appt with orthopedic surgeon.

Anyone gone through this...what kind of stuff should I expect? How is the surgery? Rehab? Etc?

Thanks in advance.
Damn It NL - I've Warned You Before About Exercising!

When you get that urge, head for the big screen and the remote control.....wait a few hours, the urge to exercise should be long-gone!
Re: Damn It NL - I've Warned You Before About Exercising!

I know man... I did this thing called the Maltz was crazy....400 m run, 50 pull-ups, 200 m fireman carry, 50 dips, 100 pushups, 50 knees to elbows, 400 m run for time. I just thought I over exerted myself but now my arm is like a dang balloon. I am hoping my internist is wrong..I will know more in the morning.
As with any surgery expect pain with it. Although not all doctors decide to operate on this injury, they will look at your lifestyle extra curricular activities to see if it is worth surgery. Also depending on how they reattached the bicep you will most likely be in an immobilizer for 4 - 6 weeks. Also depends on the doctor, each surgeon has their own protocol and they can vary drastically from one to the next. I have never had this procedure done but I hear that is the worst part. The first 4- 6 weeks (depending on the MD) physical therapy will be pretty basic, you go in they stretch your arm for you to prevent it from locking, but you won't be able to do much of anything until the doctor clears you. The strength will come back relatively quickly once your cleared simply because you will use it a lot. Seems to be a pretty routine procedure compared to most. Good luck.
Re: Did you fell a pop or a strain or did just appear after the fact ? **

I do not remember a pop or big moment where something happened...that is why I was not worried this weekend....just thought I over did it and needed to rest. Then this morning it got really swollen. I will know more tomorrow after I see ortho....
I ruptured the tendon on my bicep ...

... when I was sixty five doing curls. Probably a different injury but I had no pain and have what the Dr's call Popeye muscles. A bulge on my left bicep. The doctor did not want to fool with it at this age. He opined I might loose 10% of the strength in that arm. So, I live with it. But, a bicep tear is probably more serious than a ruptured tendon, so good luck. Curious, how old are you?
I have arthritis in both elbows

from leaning on damp bars
. Hope this cheers you up a little. I'm facing a prostrate removal. Small abdomen incision and released after 24 hours but I will have a catheter and bag for a week. After that I will have minimal control of my bladder for about 6 weeks. Prospect for recurrence is very small There are certainly many much worse kinds of cancer to have. Good luck and go easy after the rehab and everyone make sure that you have your PSA checked at least annually after the age of 50 or 55.
Did you ever solve your knee problem?

I think it was the outside of your IT band if I remember right. I have the same issues with mine and just have to really stretch them out.
Re: Did you ever solve your knee problem?

Yes, running issue resolved but it took about a year....several months of physical therapy...and really taking it easy...I would get better and then run too far or too fast and have a set back.

I am wondering if it could be a rupture rather than tear....doc seems to think tear though...but orthopedic doc will know best.
Re: I have arthritis in both elbows

hey of luck with everything man. I hope it goes well.
Geeze Nashville, I'm sorry to hear that. I know nothing about your

injury, but I'm confident you'll have a full recovery. All the best.
Re: I have arthritis in both elbows

Originally posted by robbrunskill:
from leaning on damp bars
. Hope this cheers you up a little. I'm facing a prostrate removal. Small abdomen incision and released after 24 hours but I will have a catheter and bag for a week. After that I will have minimal control of my bladder for about 6 weeks. Prospect for recurrence is very small There are certainly many much worse kinds of cancer to have. Good luck and go easy after the rehab and everyone make sure that you have your PSA checked at least annually after the age of 50 or 55.
All the best to you robbrunskill.
i rarely injure myslef while sitting on the couch....

I commend your effort to be fit and all, but there is a price. That being said, it takes far less for someone in poor fitness to injure themselves.
I had it in each arm

Both they said did not need surgery.
It will all depend on the tear.

The first one did not hurt unless I did something.
The second one I heard the sound like crunching a soda can.
6 weeks of PT.
Re: I had it in each arm

I could live with no surgery...that is what I am hoping for but my internist said to expect surgery. I did not hear anything...just thought I strained something. Getting older sucks!!!

And I work out all the time....I guess I over did it.

Thanks for all the responses.
Nashville Lion- tore my R bicep muscle at age 64 cutting / lifting a small log. Got MRI and went Ortho Dr ( a good one in the area). Thorough exam and he indicated no surgery needed at my age. He said I will have the Popeye muscle and some loss of strength but NO surgery. He told me that John Elway played part of his NFL career with similar injury. Very little rehab recommended and other than the bulging muscle and some loss of strength I am OK 4 yrs later. Told me the good news is the rotator cuff is fine! I believe if I were younger and an active life style he would have done surgery. At 69 I can still hit my driver as far or farther than most my age!
Thanks for sharing your story Nittany Jim....glad you are okay and that it went relatively smoothly. I do not golf. My injury is down around at least that is what I think at this appt is in about 2 hours. Being younger I am guessing surgery will be my route although even at my is not like I need to be a powerlifter....but I am sure doc will see go under the knife. I dread that part and the immobilization. I can still remember having casts from broken arms growing up...they are not much fun....especially in the spring when it is grass cutting time.
Never had that injury. Best wishes for successful surgery and full recovery. Remember, the harder you eork afterwards, the better the recovery results.
It went pretty well. the orthopedic doctor said that based on the physical exam and my movement and strength he thinks I am dealing with partial tear rather than full rupture. He said it is still very very swollen and so he thinks there is some damage. I went this afternoon and got an MRI with contrast at about 3 I am now going to be waiting for the results. Thanks for checking on me...
UPDATE: No major tear....thank good ness. Doc was surprised....based on the amount of edema. He said that I have probably a grade II sprain of the bicep. He wants to see me back in about 2 basically no lifting of any type until then....and then possibly some PT. Doc said i dodged a bullet and to take it easier next time.
Originally posted by Nashville Lion:
UPDATE: No major tear....thank good ness. Doc was surprised....based on the amount of edema. He said that I have probably a grade II sprain of the bicep. He wants to see me back in about 2 basically no lifting of any type until then....and then possibly some PT. Doc said i dodged a bullet and to take it easier next time.
Terrific news Nashville. Now, please join me in a game of shuffleboard.

Fairgambit....your post made me laugh out loud. I just showed it to my wife and we both got a great laugh. Thank you brother. you made my night...and yes, let's play some shuffle board. I am done with crossfit type stuff. Getting too old for that. My mind still thinks I am 21 but I am not....LOL.

Consider consulting with her...I am a PT and she does excellent work, but she may be retired.....great surgeon
yes, about 8 years ago -tore left bicep tendon and had it repaired surgically. wore a sling for 8 weeks, very strict on any movement at all. even slept with the sling on. The worst part comes after taking the sling off as bending and exercise is a very slow process. Add about 2-3 weeks until 100%. Good luck.