OT: Need advice on dating a woman with kids

This "Advice Column" of responses is a textbook example of missing the forest for the trees.
Perhaps this young lady is a nice, quality individual, doing what she can to navigate through life despite some significant challenges. Or perhaps she is a train wreck.
In either case, the best "Advice" is for you to take an oath to never speak to, contact, or see this young lady again. Never. Don't even allow yourself to think about her.
If she is a quality individual, she doesn't deserve to have a someone like you in her life. If she is a train wreck, she certainly doesn't need another derailment placed in front of her.
Please, for her sake, and for her children's sake, forget that you ever met her.
I'm not the guy with the problem. You meant to respond to the OP.

Smashing is the farthest (or is it furthest) thing from my mind. Dashing is something I gave up for walking. And I want to stay far away from two children.

I used to know a band called Stormin' Norman and Suzy.
The answer is it depends. You need to figure out if it's the newness and the sex that's giving you these feelings or something more. She's obviously good at sex as she has two first place trophies as a result of her talents. Just like you told her everything she wanted to hear so you could get in her drawers, she could have pumped sunshine up your ass to make herself look like more than just sex.

You're coming across as a playboy in that first post, how do you know she's not just a mirror image of your usual self? Are you sure she wants a serious relationship with you? Could be she just has a cameo for you to play in her life that doesn't include a starring role. Maybe she sees you as a smash piece for fun and a deviation from her normal routine. Women can do the same thing some of us do.

Whatever the case may be keep in mind you're not dating one person, but three. Act accordingly.
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Need advice from some of the older members here or from those that have experienced dating a woman with kids. Recently I started seeing a girl a year older than me (29) with 2 kids. She was up front from the start and I didn't even think about it because she's smoking hot and I just was looking to smash. Unfortunately for me, turns out this chick is pretty awesome, UF alum, loves college football, intelligent and has a great career and her shit together. Hard not to like the girl....but she has 2 kids with I believe 2 different father's and is divorced. Usually I shun these types of women, but here I am
So my question dating a woman with 2 kids (albeit young) a terrible idea? Am I just asking for a life full of wanting to blow my brains out or is it not so bad if the person's right? Usually I have no quarrels with hitting and quitting at any time but i actually respect her and I made the mistake of assuming she was just another airhead so I told her everything she wanted to hear so I could smash. Anyone with experienced advice would be much appreciated! Lol

I say go for it. I can only speak from experience but I have been dating a girl for 12 years now and she had a daughter. I met her when the daughter was 18mos old(I have my own son 21 now) but I love the mother more than anything and have grown to love the daughter and treat her like she is my own. I am every bit a father figure to her. It was and is a truly great experience. Good luck with your decisions
Need advice from some of the older members here or from those that have experienced dating a woman with kids. Recently I started seeing a girl a year older than me (29) with 2 kids. She was up front from the start and I didn't even think about it because she's smoking hot and I just was looking to smash. Unfortunately for me, turns out this chick is pretty awesome, UF alum, loves college football, intelligent and has a great career and her shit together. Hard not to like the girl....but she has 2 kids with I believe 2 different father's and is divorced. Usually I shun these types of women, but here I am
So my question dating a woman with 2 kids (albeit young) a terrible idea? Am I just asking for a life full of wanting to blow my brains out or is it not so bad if the person's right? Usually I have no quarrels with hitting and quitting at any time but i actually respect her and I made the mistake of assuming she was just another airhead so I told her everything she wanted to hear so I could smash. Anyone with experienced advice would be much appreciated! Lol

Sounds like you will fill the "father void" in those two kids lives quite nicely.

BTW, There are (ahem) other alternatives, you know.

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Need advice from some of the older members here or from those that have experienced dating a woman with kids. Recently I started seeing a girl a year older than me (29) with 2 kids. She was up front from the start and I didn't even think about it because she's smoking hot and I just was looking to smash. Unfortunately for me, turns out this chick is pretty awesome, UF alum, loves college football, intelligent and has a great career and her shit together. Hard not to like the girl....but she has 2 kids with I believe 2 different father's and is divorced. Usually I shun these types of women, but here I am
So my question dating a woman with 2 kids (albeit young) a terrible idea? Am I just asking for a life full of wanting to blow my brains out or is it not so bad if the person's right? Usually I have no quarrels with hitting and quitting at any time but i actually respect her and I made the mistake of assuming she was just another airhead so I told her everything she wanted to hear so I could smash. Anyone with experienced advice would be much appreciated! Lol

The simple facts of how you describe yourself and her situation, and that you are even asking these questions (at 28 yo), should tell you everything you need to know. Leave (graciously, and not after "smashing") and don't look back.
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Maybe she sees you as a smash piece for fun and a deviation from her normal routine. Women can do the same thing some of us do.
I would not discount this possibility. She may not want a husband, or any more kids. Shew might just want the fun when you're together. This is actually exactly what happened with the first of my gf's described earlier. She tried really really hard to want to marry me, but she ended up just wanting to be friends with benefits basically.
Need advice from some of the older members here or from those that have experienced dating a woman with kids. Recently I started seeing a girl a year older than me (29) with 2 kids. She was up front from the start and I didn't even think about it because she's smoking hot and I just was looking to smash. Unfortunately for me, turns out this chick is pretty awesome, UF alum, loves college football, intelligent and has a great career and her shit together. Hard not to like the girl....but she has 2 kids with I believe 2 different father's and is divorced. Usually I shun these types of women, but here I am
So my question dating a woman with 2 kids (albeit young) a terrible idea? Am I just asking for a life full of wanting to blow my brains out or is it not so bad if the person's right? Usually I have no quarrels with hitting and quitting at any time but i actually respect her and I made the mistake of assuming she was just another airhead so I told her everything she wanted to hear so I could smash. Anyone with experienced advice would be much appreciated! Lol
I think you better move on. You don't really seem to get it when it comes to the children. It's not about you, it's about them. I don't want to seem harsh, but albeit only a post here, I am getting the impression that you aren't mature enough at this stage of your life to take on a family. That's not a slam, because most guys your age aren't ready for a family. But that's what it's all about, family and how you assimilate to their lives, not vice versa.
You smashed. Now it's time to dash.
That's a great line "Smash and Dash" Kind of like "Hit and Run" without a car. Someone once told me if you are sitting at a bar and an incredibly good looking women sits next to you one of three things should come to mind. 1. She is a terrible judge of men. 2. She must have really pissed off some other guy (in this case two guys) 3. It was the only seat at the bar left! It all leads to the same decision. Smash and dash! Sorry it's just the cynical me talking.
I think you better move on. You don't really seem to get it when it comes to the children. It's not about you, it's about them. I don't want to seem harsh, but albeit only a post here, I am getting the impression that you aren't mature enough at this stage of your life to take on a family. That's not a slam, because most guys your age aren't ready for a family. But that's what it's all about, family and how you assimilate to their lives, not vice versa.
Very well said.
That's a great line "Smash and Dash" Kind of like "Hit and Run" without a car. Someone once told me if you are sitting at a bar and an incredibly good looking women sits next to you one of three things should come to mind. 1. She is a terrible judge of men. 2. She must have really pissed off some other guy (in this case two guys) 3. It was the only seat at the bar left! It all leads to the same decision. Smash and dash! Sorry it's just the cynical me talking.
4. She's a hooker.
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Know that her kids will always come first. And if they don't then she has some growing up to do herself.

To the original poster, I suggest you take THIS (psuro's point above) to heart. Really take it to heart. Once it's really sunk in, ask yourself whether you're ready for, or even truly interested in, this relationship.
2 kids by different fathers and she's not married to either of them. So this is maybe a person who doesn't choose men very well.

Which you may want to consider. Do you represent mistake #3?

Otherwise, I agree with others, the OP doesnt sound at all ready for fatherhood. Chance of it ending well is pretty remote.
Need advice from some of the older members here or from those that have experienced dating a woman with kids. Recently I started seeing a girl a year older than me (29) with 2 kids. She was up front from the start and I didn't even think about it because she's smoking hot and I just was looking to smash. Unfortunately for me, turns out this chick is pretty awesome, UF alum, loves college football, intelligent and has a great career and her shit together. Hard not to like the girl....but she has 2 kids with I believe 2 different father's and is divorced. Usually I shun these types of women, but here I am
So my question dating a woman with 2 kids (albeit young) a terrible idea? Am I just asking for a life full of wanting to blow my brains out or is it not so bad if the person's right? Usually I have no quarrels with hitting and quitting at any time but i actually respect her and I made the mistake of assuming she was just another airhead so I told her everything she wanted to hear so I could smash. Anyone with experienced advice would be much appreciated! Lol

You don't need any relationship advice. You answered your own question quite emphatically. Just reread what you posted as many times as needed until it's obvious.
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...there are biological fathers and there are men who step up and provide the home and love that nurtures a child forever, and they are not necessarily exclusive, but too often it turns out that way...
...which do you want to be is the question only you can answer...
She's got crazy eyes...and if you don't know what those are, watch How I Met Your Mother. I may be kidding...I'll let you know when I get to her eyes.
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Need advice from some of the older members here or from those that have experienced dating a woman with kids. Recently I started seeing a girl a year older than me (29) with 2 kids. She was up front from the start and I didn't even think about it because she's smoking hot and I just was looking to smash. Unfortunately for me, turns out this chick is pretty awesome, UF alum, loves college football, intelligent and has a great career and her shit together. Hard not to like the girl....but she has 2 kids with I believe 2 different father's and is divorced. Usually I shun these types of women, but here I am
So my question dating a woman with 2 kids (albeit young) a terrible idea? Am I just asking for a life full of wanting to blow my brains out or is it not so bad if the person's right? Usually I have no quarrels with hitting and quitting at any time but i actually respect her and I made the mistake of assuming she was just another airhead so I told her everything she wanted to hear so I could smash. Anyone with experienced advice would be much appreciated! Lol

Your life is 90% different with the responsibility of/for kid(s). If you like/love your life the way it is, run. Fast. You'll find another. If you're not particularly happy with your current life, go for it. It might be just what you need.

You're welcome.
She's got crazy eyes...and if you don't know what those are, watch How I Met Your Mother. I may be kidding...I'll let you know when I get to her eyes.

I don't know. Once you get to the eyes, the glasses make it kinda tough to tell if she's got crazy eyes.
I don't know. Once you get to the eyes, the glasses make it kinda tough to tell if she's got crazy eyes.
I still haven't made it to the eyes yet. Total freak too and as a single guy in my late 20's I don't think I can be blamed too much for going into it without the purest of intentions. The fun bags hypnotized me so I deflect all responsibility
I still haven't made it to the eyes yet. Total freak too and as a single guy in my late 20's I don't think I can be blamed too much for going into it without the purest of intentions. The fun bags hypnotized me so I deflect all responsibility

Did you graduate from Smeal?
Everyone here is on the same page for once it seems.

With kids in the picture there are many rules both you and her should follow. If she isn't insisting on things like you not sleeping over etc. than she isn't protecting her kids and that should be a warning.

It is hard being young with kids, because you want to still have your life and you haven't resigned yourself to the fact that you gave that up by having kids.

The actions of the woman will let you know if she is someone you should invest in.
Actually posting a photo of her (especially one like that) further confirms the fact that you're woefully immature for your age and are not in any ready for children.

Seriously, if you don't grow up, you're going nowhere in life. Your shit stinks too.
Oh come on man i never claimed to be a saint. Sure of course I need to grow up but that's why i asked for advice. Nothing forces you to grow up faster than commitment and responsibilities and it's all a matter of whether you're in it for the right reasons or not
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Oh come on man i never claimed to be a saint. Sure of course I need to grow up but that's why i asked for advice. Nothing forces you to grow up faster than commitment and responsibilities and it's all a matter of whether you're in it for the right reasons or not

Yeah, and posting photos in a thread like this is totally respectful and a great way to get advice.

It seems like you've got a bit more than immaturity to deal with in your life.
Oh come on man i never claimed to be a saint. Sure of course I need to grow up but that's why i asked for advice. Nothing forces you to grow up faster than commitment and responsibilities and it's all a matter of whether you're in it for the right reasons or not
Don't get forced to grow up. I believe you won't have these questions when you're with the right one.
Yeah, and posting photos in a thread like this is totally respectful and a great way to get advice.

It seems like you've got a bit more than immaturity to deal with in your life.
You guys are the ones requested one I had no plans of uploading before that. Yes I have a lot of growing up to do still, I don't have any responsibilities besides work so I haven't had to really yet. That doesn't mean I don't want to be an actual adult and be a responsible man someday. I care about this person and didn't think much before getting involved about the circumstances and now that I do want to grow up and take it serious it's forcing me to think about the circumstances and make a decision.
Don't get forced to grow up. I believe you won't have these questions when you're with the right one.
She's the right least for me. I've dated a lot of women and usually don't take them all that seriously or get too attached, but this one broke tradition. If someone makes you want to become a better person and happy then that's all that counts. My only need for advice was not because I was afraid of the kids and such, but because I truly do want to become a father someday(my own)..i think I'd be okay with helping to raise someone else's kids for the right person as long as I could have my own eventually and get to experience that. I had a great father and I I want nothing more than to emulate him. But if she doesn't want anymore kids Im pretty sure I would never be happy no matter how perfect the person was because being a dad someday to me is more important than finding the right person. Everyone has baggage I'm not exactly prince charming so I need to be realistic as well
She's the right least for me. I've dated a lot of women and usually don't take them all that seriously or get too attached, but this one broke tradition. If someone makes you want to become a better person and happy then that's all that counts. My only need for advice was not because I was afraid of the kids and such, but because I truly do want to become a father someday(my own)..i think I'd be okay with helping to raise someone else's kids for the right person as long as I could have my own eventually and get to experience that. I had a great father and I I want nothing more than to emulate him. But if she doesn't want anymore kids Im pretty sure I would never be happy no matter how perfect the person was because being a dad someday to me is more important than finding the right person. Everyone has baggage I'm not exactly prince charming so I need to be realistic as well
Father- biologic sperm donor
Dad- the man who responsibly raises the kids, and has the emotional investment in seeing a child raised into a productive adult.
You can most certainly be a beloved Dad.
In the short amount of data provided, I don't think you are ready.
Tread slowly, and carefully.
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Wasn't expecting this thread to blow up like this lol just wanted some opinions from those that have dated a single mom because this is a first for me
I still haven't made it to the eyes yet. Total freak too and as a single guy in my late 20's I don't think I can be blamed too much for going into it without the purest of intentions. The fun bags hypnotized me so I deflect all responsibility

Oh come on man i never claimed to be a saint. Sure of course I need to grow up but that's why i asked for advice. Nothing forces you to grow up faster than commitment and responsibilities and it's all a matter of whether you're in it for the right reasons or not

You guys are the ones requested one I had no plans of uploading before that. Yes I have a lot of growing up to do still, I don't have any responsibilities besides work so I haven't had to really yet. That doesn't mean I don't want to be an actual adult and be a responsible man someday. I care about this person and didn't think much before getting involved about the circumstances and now that I do want to grow up and take it serious it's forcing me to think about the circumstances and make a decision.

She's the right least for me. I've dated a lot of women and usually don't take them all that seriously or get too attached, but this one broke tradition. If someone makes you want to become a better person and happy then that's all that counts. My only need for advice was not because I was afraid of the kids and such, but because I truly do want to become a father someday(my own)..i think I'd be okay with helping to raise someone else's kids for the right person as long as I could have my own eventually and get to experience that. I had a great father and I I want nothing more than to emulate him. But if she doesn't want anymore kids Im pretty sure I would never be happy no matter how perfect the person was because being a dad someday to me is more important than finding the right person. Everyone has baggage I'm not exactly prince charming so I need to be realistic as well

Wasn't expecting this thread to blow up like this lol just wanted some opinions from those that have dated a single mom because this is a first for me

All of this shows that you have issues with confidence, validation, common sense, and respect for yourself. You've also came out of the closet as a narcissist.

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