

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
Have not seen this addressed, but what was up with all of the offsides penalties? Was Kent doing something odd to cause them? I don't think I've ever seen that many on one game.
Have not seen this addressed, but what was up with all of the offsides penalties? Was Kent doing something odd to cause them? I don't think I've ever seen that many on one game.

On the radio Jack Ham said it was cadence.
They also had a lot of odd formations to start with. I was surprised they didn’t try and play faster.
Windsor need to play better and has since Givens has been back, but need to step it up another notch for the Conference Games.
On the radio Jack Ham said it was cadence.
They also had a lot of odd formations to start with. I was surprised they didn’t try and play faster.

Woody Bennett was also making little moves with step back along with cadence. i thought this would be a flag for IP. i didnt realize the QB can be that animated with the cadence and movement.
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You have to give the other team credit. It was in their game plan -- they were doing something clever with the cadance to draw defense offsides.

The reason you do it is that it slows down the pass rush just a little. Penalty yards are a bonus.

Note that McSorley in the 1st half did exactly the same thing -- changed the cadance and drew their nose tackle into the neutral zone and then McGovern did his part and came out of his stance to draw the flag.

This is good coaching folks. It's all part of the game.
I am not sure if I heard this right, but I swear that Bennett was clapping twice, once loudly and then standing like he was looking over the offense, which caused the defensive line to jump. The first one was to simulate the snap and the second was for the actual snap.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
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I am not sure if I heard this right, but I swear that Bennett was clapping twice, once loudly and then standing like he was looking over the offense, which caused the defensive line to jump. The first one was to simulate the snap and the second was for the actual snap.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
I noticed the same thing. I remember being surprised I heard the clap from my seat.
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From what I could tell, on 95% on the snaps, Bennett clapped and the ball was snapped. On 5%, specifically in the first 2 drives, there would be a clapped then the center waited 1 second after the snap then snapped.

So the D line was jumping on the clap and not the ball movement.
Once they figured it out they were fine.
Have not seen this addressed, but what was up with all of the offsides penalties? Was Kent doing something odd to cause them? I don't think I've ever seen that many on one game.

My opinion from being there

It was “the clap”

Many teams use the clap as a “get ready” signal - like for a silent count or the next sound is go

Kent switchdd that up by actually, initially anyway, going on the clap

Then they would use the clap in the traditional way and our guys would jump as soon as they heard it
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