Minnesota alternate helmet this week


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2002
Fleetville, Pa.
More proof that alternate uniforms are not a good idea. ;)
It'll make the opposing players laugh so hard they won't be able to concentrate.
I like it. I enjoy the cartoon stuff though. IMO the Penguins have the best logo in sports and I like Miami's pelican but to each their own.
I like the helmets... I also like the Oregon helmets that have the cartoon duck. Of course, I don't think Penn State needs to mess around with this type of thing.
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Also, this appears to be copyright infringement of a Spongebob character.


That's not a gopher on their helmet, it's a phucking squirrel!
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The Minnesota's are in stiff competition for 3 star players and do these things for recruiting purposes to get attention. It looks silly as hell to our generation, but it's not about us. If the recruits like this stuff and it gets retweets etc. then the goofy helmet did it's job