Mauti - More sense than Jay. Mauti for BOT (link)

If you think football doesn't impact the bottom line at universities you should find a new hobby. Nice reasoning, Jay, on down voting football enhancements.
Out over my skis. Did Coach Franklin call them and give his opinion or did they really understand what the expenditures are doing to increase value? In the world of CF PSU take a backseat to nobody.
Good questions. Donors funded the first phase of the Lasch renovation to the tune of $35mm+. That wasn't enough, so the University authorized $40mm of borrowing to fund Phase 2. I understand there is another phase to come to the tune of another $35mm.
What is funny. is here in Fairfax county I refuse to vote for increase in school and parks bonds. Why is a college AD wanting to borrow money.
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Are you suggesting that the BoT direct Ms. Excellence to adjust her priorities, with more money allocated to the football program (good idea). Or are you looking for the BoT to come up with funding outside of the Athletic Department i.e. mandatory fees levied on the students (not such a good idea)?

Me? Neither, really. Some here want to see more money spent to improve football facilities. If that is to happen at PSU, then I would support the former, but I would want to see where the money would come from (i.e., which programs would lose this left pocket, right pocket game, how much they would lose, and the impact of such losses). I would never support fees levied on students to support football expenditures. Best of all would be contributions from well-heeled donors to address facility needs.

Aw hell. Why am I concerned? Sandy’s got this.
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Nobody is saying that this is a Joe-supporter vs. Franklin-supporter scenario. But the old heads that refuse to "pony up" and financially support the program today, because of what happened ten years ago, are in fact, taking it out on Franklin and the current regime. The JoeBots need to die off so we can get back to winning again.
So riddle me this, Wizard. You're upset with the Joebots because they won't blindly hand over money and because of their actions, they're hamstringing Franklin. But they also need to die off so that Penn State can win again. You see the complete lack of logic in those two ideas, don't you? They're already not giving enough, according to you. So what does their dying off have to do with anything? Seems like you just wanted to rant and weren't worried about making illogical statements. Carry on.
And they can ask for the bowl money back and invest it into the football program
So riddle me this, Wizard. You're upset with the Joebots because they won't blindly hand over money and because of their actions, they're hamstringing Franklin. But they also need to die off so that Penn State can win again. You see the complete lack of logic in those two ideas, don't you? They're already not giving enough, according to you. So what does their dying off have to do with anything? Seems like you just wanted to rant and weren't worried about making illogical statements. Carry on.
We're surrounded by idiots.
You refuse to vote for it, but it always passes. Every time the Fairfax public school district wants to renovate some high school it is over $100 million and just sails through
My children didn’t go to McLean HS. Last HS to get a terf field. So yes my 27,000 in tax dollars are the last to vote yes
Actually it's heartwarming to see the outpouring of support for will last here until at least the first quarter tomorrow.
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Clearly you have never been to Ann Arbor. Michigan's facilities are vastly superior to ours. It is not even close.
Not sure if this is sarcasm or not. I was there once, before renovations. My seat in the corner curve was pie shaped, about 8 inches in the front and larger in the back, but I don't have a pie shaped ass. When I got there, my seat was taken by people who had tickets. I inquired with the ?ushers and they said they couldn't do anything, so I sat on the steps. They told me I could not sit there. I explained and they said they couldn't do anything.
So, did they fix this?
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Don't worry, Bob. There is no right answer. Enjoy the process. I don't think anyone's used the Socratic method for pedagogical purposes on this board before. And to think it's almost toast. Sad.


“Enjoy the process.”

Whatever PSU’s leaderers do, please respect their decision.

Even when there’s no right answer, I guess wrong. 😞
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So riddle me this, Wizard. You're upset with the Joebots because they won't blindly hand over money and because of their actions, they're hamstringing Franklin. But they also need to die off so that Penn State can win again. You see the complete lack of logic in those two ideas, don't you? They're already not giving enough, according to you. So what does their dying off have to do with anything? Seems like you just wanted to rant and weren't worried about making illogical statements. Carry on.
Confusing these people with facts!
So riddle me this, Wizard. You're upset with the Joebots because they won't blindly hand over money and because of their actions, they're hamstringing Franklin. But they also need to die off so that Penn State can win again. You see the complete lack of logic in those two ideas, don't you? They're already not giving enough, according to you. So what does their dying off have to do with anything? Seems like you just wanted to rant and weren't worried about making illogical statements. Carry on.

What's really amusing is the funding passed, yet the idiots want to portray a victory as a loss. I guess negative publicity is good for the program they purport to love and support?
The fact that some think Mike Mauti would be a good trustee for no reason other than “he’ll rubber stamp football expenditures” is pretty sad.
I’d like a trustee who knows something about higher education and who has leadership skills. Contrary to popular belief on this board, there are more important things than football.
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I’d like a trustee who knows something about higher education and who has leadership skills. Contrary to popular belief in this board, there are more important things than football.

You'd think with 150 trustees they could find at least one.
I’d like a trustee who knows something about higher education and who has leadership skills. Contrary to popular belief in this board, there are more important things than football.
Not to fanboys....
What's really amusing is the funding passed, yet the idiots want to portray a victory as a loss. I guess negative publicity is good for the program they purport to love and support?
Sounds like winning a game by 3 or 4 scores, but the BWI CAC is still not happy? At least they are consistent.
There is enough bullshit spread in this thread to fertilize every farmable acre in Pennsylvania.
1. In the last years of Joe's life, no one and I mean no one every mentioned Jay Paterno as the HC in waiting. Perhaps fanboys did....but the discussions around the program were centered on which influential trustees supported Scrap and those that leaned LJ. It is known that the summer before Joe's final season....a certain trustee called to gauge the interest of Mike London (yep) at Virginia. Evidence that Joe had indeed shared with certain trustees that 2011 would be his last.

2. I'm wondering what evidence we have that Lavar Arrington would have a better perspective than Jay Paterno on what's best for PSU? How long was Lavar Arrington actually on campus? How many years since he spent more than a few days here? Why do we assume that Jay has nefarious goals and reasons for his decisions, but Lavar is a true blue 100% selfless warrior for "dear old State?"

3. I am a proud JoeBot, yet I am often taken to task for my staunch defense of James Franklin. So I really have to question the IQ of anyone who makes statements like " you are either for (behind) James Franklin or you are against him....LOL

4. My impression of James Franklin is that he is a principled, thoughtful and dynamic leader. A man who is more than capable of representing himself. My opinion of him would be somewhat diminished if he was secretly encouraging Lavar Arrington to be his spear.

5. No one has ever presented one ounce of evidence that there is any animosity or acrimony between any member of the Paterno Family and the Franklin Family. I find this sort of speculation to be counterproductive and frankly detrimental to the PSU football program.

6. Jay Paterno is a member of the board of trustees because he was elected by his constituency, the alums of the university. If they don't like what he's doing, can retire him when his term expires. Note to stupid fanboys (worse than just normal fanboys) It would behoove you to look at the trustees who are not duly elected by alums if you have a beef with university governance.
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Not sure if this is sarcasm or not. I was there once, before renovations. My seat in the corner curve was pie shaped, about 5 inches in the front and larger in the back, but I don't have a pie shaped ass. When I got there, my seat was taken by people who had tickets. I inquired with the ?ushers and they said they couldn't do anything, so I sat on the steps. They told me I could not sit there. I explained and they said they couldn't do anything.
So, did they fix this?
You should have sat on someone’s lap and exclaimed “we’re in my seat”.
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Nobody has made the case that this one project would be the tipping point for student fees. And it probably would not be
Over the course of Barbour's tenure, the Athletic Department generates a surplus of $10mm in a good year, significantly less in a typical one.

Then start with $25mm (Barbour's number) already borrowed to cover the hole created by Covid 19, $40mm for (this) Lasch Phase 2, and another $35mm for Lasch Phase 3.

So when does the debt get paid off? No high finance here, just simple arithmetic.
Where did the thread about an incredibly generous donation go?
It's on page 2 now.

So you won't support the current football program run by CJF? Who had nothing to do with what you're mad about. Because of something done 10 years ago by people that are no longer part of the program?
Two separate issues…

One, I fully support Franklin and the team. I buy tickets, attend and cheer.

Two, won’t give a donation to the school until they fully honor Joe. Not one cent. Did not attend PSU but once donated thousands of dollars. Haven’t donated a dime in 10 years. Won’t do it till until they honor Joe. My guess is there are hundreds, maybe thousands just like me.

If you think football doesn't impact the bottom line at universities you should find a new hobby. Nice reasoning, Jay, on down voting football enhancements.
Please enlighten me.
PSU has a budget , I believe, in excess of 2 billion.
Agree that successful team attracts applicants and generally raise the academic profile of the school. Attracts endowment money.
Football may gross what $125 million and net maybe $50 million, maybe. And most schools are lucky if they break even.
So, I guess I should find a new hobby, given the thorough analysis that was provided.
I’m wondering how much CFB is teetering on the brink of destruction? Hear me out - I’m not saying the sport is going anywhere, but the model we have known is on life support and the plug has been pulled. These kids are semi-professional, and the top echelon are probably full-blown pros. With the ncaa officially obsolete, how many schools will close up shop on their FB programs (or render themselves also-rans because they can’t keep up with the Jones’s)? How many D1 programs will be left standing when the dust settles? How much will it cost to compete in the new format?

IMO, Jay is right to ask these sorts of questions.
Many programs will perish over time.
IMHO, we are left with a "Super League" anchored by southern schools with less professional competition. Everyone else slowly reverts back to what CFB used to be...student-athletes playing football.
Nobody cares about the minors. When CFB becomes semi-professional, interest and money will wane.
Well, according to Brandon Short people aren't donating as much because of how PSU treated and continues to treat Paterno. Perhaps the PSU administration should consider addressing the root cause of the problem.
Well, it's not just that--for me. It more has to do with the relationship between the alumni and fans and what the administration did. While I don't believe there was any culpability in Paterno's part, I do understand how reasonable people might disagree. The real issue is how the administration also sold out the fans and alumni by accepting collective guilt on their behalf when the NCAA demanded it. Again, I understand why--the media fury etc. But they never apologized for it.

I had a long lunch discussion last week with a PSU staffer from my college (who works in fund raising) about this issue. The person was a recent graduate and did not know as much about some of these issues--and what happened to some of the alums outside the PSU bubble. I noted that PSU lost a endowed scholarship as a result. Instead, we are endowing a fund at a nonprofit we support. He was thankful I was frank about the issues and noted that there's quite a number of alums who won't even meet with PSU folks.

There's one other issue I have--and that's the takeover of Alumni Council by a small cabal. That impacts my feeling about the institutution as a whole. But, it really is a separate issue (excepting that the same methods were used to take over the BOT). I may reconsider giving to PSU at some point, if an apology happens (I'm not holding my breath). The Alumni Association? Never.
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Well, it's not just that--for me. It more has to do with the relationship between the alumni and fans and what the administration did. While I don't believe there was any culpability in Paterno's part, I do understand how reasonable people might disagree. The real issue is how the administration also sold out the fans and alumni by accepting collective guilt on their behalf when the NCAA demanded it. Again, I understand why--the media fury etc. But they never apologized for it.

I had a long lunch discussion last week with a PSU staffer from my college (who works in fund raising) about this issue. The person was a recent graduate and did not know as much about some of these issues--and what happened to some of the alums outside the PSU bubble. I noted that PSU lost a endowed scholarship as a result. Instead, we are endowing a fund at a nonprofit we support. He was thankful I was frank about the issues and noted that there's quite a number of alums who won't even meet with PSU folks.

There's one other issue I have--and that's the takeover of Alumni Council by a small cabal. That impacts my feeling about the institutution as a whole. But, it really is a separate issue (excepting that the same methods were used to take over the BOT). I may reconsider giving to PSU at some point, if an apology happens (I'm not holding my breath). The Alumni Association? Never.

While I agree with this, it was the psu bot who actively created and fed the media narrative, so I don't agree they were merely responding to or afraid of the media, nor the notion that any of them were reasonable or trying to be in any shape or form.
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While I agree with this, it was the psu bot who actively created and fed the media narrative, so I don't agree they were merely responding to or afraid of the media, nor the notion that any of them were reasonable or trying to be in any shape or form.
The core leadership of the BOT knew precisely what they were doing and were in lockstep with Corbett and the OAG (where he was still the puppet master). There may have been 15 or more BOT who had no idea what was really going on, or what the plan was. There were deer in the headlights.
Once they got Spanier out of the way.....Rodney the Meek was a more ways than one.
While I agree with this, it was the psu bot who actively created and fed the media narrative, so I don't agree they were merely responding to or afraid of the media, nor the notion that any of them were reasonable or trying to be in any shape or form.
I'm not sure they created anything. It was a firestorm. I'm not minimizing their contribution to that situation either. It wasn't good. They may have fed it. Maybe. Certainly, some members of the BOT were a lot more culpable than others. My point was more that, even today, Penn Staters are conflicted about Joe's role. However, there should have been no question about the alumni and fans. So what the BOT did to the alumni deserves an apology. I'd like that from the current administration. Not expecting anything from the old guard.

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