Louis Freeh calls for Barron's resignation

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Hey Louis--go play with the monkey. What a stupid f-u-c-k. He can EABOD.

Needs to shut his mouth and take driving lessons and learn to not get drunk/stoned in the middle of the day.

What a total dick-headed statement by Freeh.

Penn State was fully entitled to hire an independent investigator and take actions based on said findings. Freeh was under no obligation to prove his findings out to any "reasonable doubt" standard.

But as regards criminal convictions, one DOES need to prove things beyond a reasonable doubt. The Commonwealth didn't do that as regards 2 of the 3 charges. Such is --- Spanier, does not face prison time on 2 of those 3 charges.

You'd think a former FBI director would realize the difference ........
Sounds like some folks like freeh are starting to get nervous about lack of conspiracy convictions and are now doing a full frontal press onslaught to spin.

Gotta love @lubrano comment at the end:

“Louis Freeh is a fraud. Period. End of story. I hope he still has the $8.3 million Penn State paid him because I want it back"
The fact that I have to defend The Barron of Sterno here says a lot about the depravity of louie the liar freeh.

God knows how many deaths (and cover ups of deaths) this despicable little monkey was responsible for while slithering about D.C. w/ unlimited power.

GFY louie.
"Graham Spanier, Gary Schultz and Timothy Curley were the most powerful men who ran the Pennsylvania State University. Today, they are convicted criminals. And Joe Paterno’s once iconic legacy is forever marred by his own decision to do nothing when he had the chance to make a real difference."

The motherfvcker continues:

"Barron and a coterie of ‘Paterno denier’ board members, alumni, cult-like groups such as Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship, a former professional football player, and certain elected state political hacks, have been nothing but apologists for Paterno, Spanier, Schultz and Curley, more concerned about bringing back a bronze statue than worrying about the multiple child victims who have forever been so grievously harmed on the PSU campus. Barron can do one last good act of service to PSU by resigning, and taking along with him board members like Anthony P. Lubrano and Albert L. Lord, who have no vision for PSU except a ‘rear-view’ one."
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I couldn't help but notice Penn State's statement on the verdicts, and yet nary a peep from them about their big 0 brethren and how to help victims and clean up mess.

Where's my bottle of tranya?
This is utterly bizzare. Why would Freeh say anything? This trial had nothing to do with Freeh or the Freeh Report. It wasn't even mentioned during the trial - unless I somehow missed it? This guy sounds worried. And WTF is with the shot at Barron???

He is horrified. He knows he was paid by a University to **** ourselves over. Now he is striking because maybe he knows the new guard isn't masochist dumbasses.
This is utterly bizzare. Why would Freeh say anything? This trial had nothing to do with Freeh or the Freeh Report. It wasn't even mentioned during the trial - unless I somehow missed it? This guy sounds worried. And WTF is with the shot at Barron???

I was wondering the same, did Barron piss in his Wheaties this morning or something? The only thing I could think of was Barron's statement saying the freeh report wasn't useful for making decisions but that was like 2 yrs ago.

Also very bizarre he would drag JoePa's name through the mud again when this trial had nothing to do with him and if anything proved freeh's contentions re: Joe were wrong!! Something is afoot here.
What a POS. But we already knew that. Go pound your chest some more
"Graham Spanier, Gary Schultz and Timothy Curley were the most powerful men who ran the Pennsylvania State University. Today, they are convicted criminals. And Joe Paterno’s once iconic legacy is forever marred by his own decision to do nothing when he had the chance to make a real difference."

The motherfvcker continues:

"Barron and a coterie of ‘Paterno denier’ board members, alumni, cult-like groups such as Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship, a former professional football player, and certain elected state political hacks, have been nothing but apologists for Paterno, Spanier, Schultz and Curley, more concerned about bringing back a bronze statue than worrying about the multiple child victims who have forever been so grievously harmed on the PSU campus. Barron can do one last good act of service to PSU by resigning, and taking along with him board members like Anthony P. Lubrano and Albert L. Lord, who have no vision for PSU except a ‘rear-view’ one."
What all that nonsense says is that we (not PSU) were the first to ever push back and call him on his utter bullshit conclusions with such a force that even in his decrepit state, he feels the need to lash out and defend his "opinion"...
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