Life is strange...but even stranger are the contra-commenters on CDT and Penn Live

Peetz Pool Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2014
So I clicked on bjf's post earlier today regarding Wendy S's most excellent LTE piece and somehow decided to read the "comments" section. I somehow got grossly intrigued by the contra-commenters.

Apparently they each need Facebook accounts to share their post-article wisdom which, in turn, made me research them via Google to see if they were real.....Are they? Sadly, I think so.

To wit....

David Bienus
Lab Technician who is employed by PSU to tend laboratory animals, yet finds time on PSU's payroll to post inflammatory comments on a public message board. If he has time to engage in such anti-productive endeavors that obviously distract him from his paid responsibilities, perhaps he should be terminated from employment. It probably wouldn't be a leap of intelligence to think that he's using PSU resources to do so. Who is this guy's boss that let's him get away with wasting my boss' donations?

Marie Meridith Butterball
Supposedly a PSU graduate who likes Joe Paterno, but doesn't have the mental capacity to grasp the fundamental issue of right vs. wrong. Mouthy, undereducated ___ comes to mind.

William Conrad
From his Facebook page, it appears he likes felines and other Farmville animals. In fact, most of his "friends" on Facebook are Farmville employees. I thought he must be a fake, but he's married to a feline-loving chick who also is addicted to FarmVille. He is maybe a graduate of Wayne State University and seems to like photos of decrepit Detroit bars. What would prompt a person from WSU to to be so pre-ococcupied with what goes on at PSU? My initial thought was he is some skunk bear Troll, but perhaps even I am giving him too much credit. Further, I hate to erroneously offend our conference brethren from the north.

Robert William MacMurray Smith
Firstly, no normal male requires 4 names to define themselves. That is a desperate tactic of washed-up former trophy wives who let themselves go....

Anyway, this guy is apparently employed by PSU and holds BS, MS and PHD degrees from same, yet .... after 20+ years has only elevated himself to the position of Research Associate Engineer. He finds time, on PSU's dime, to post contrarian crap on a newspaper's message board? He personifies "dead weight that needs to be terminated". As proof, he hasn't published bupkis since 2004 since he was credited with some ill-fated research on some acoustic cooling system. Crickets since. How this guy with 4 names is still gainfully employed by PSU causes one to scratch their head and gonads.

PSU is beyond hope and beyond ever seeing any of my dimes.

The above list of 4 names us just a sampling of mis-guided pinheads. I know 3 of the 4 are real many of the CDT/PennLive contra-commenters are real?
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So I clicked on bjf's post earlier today regarding Wendy S's most excellent LTE piece and somehow decided to read the "comments" section. I somehow got grossly intrigued by the contra-commenters.

Apparently they each need Facebook accounts to share their post-article wisdom which, in turn, made me research them via Google to see if they were real.....Are they? Sadly, I think so.

To wit....

David Bienus
Lab Technician who is employed by PSU to euthanize laboratory animals, yet finds time on PSU's payroll to post inflammatory comments on a public message board. If he has time to engage in such anti-productive endeavors that obviously distract him from his paid responsibilities, perhaps he should be terminated from employment. It probably wouldn't be a leap of intelligence to think that he's using PSU resources to do so. Who is this guy's boss that let's him get away with wasting my boss' donations?

Marie Meridith Butterball
Supposedly a PSU graduate who likes Joe Paterno, but doesn't have the mental capacity to grasp the fundamental issue of right vs. wrong. Mouthy, undereducated ___ comes to mind.

William Conrad
From his Facebook page, it appears he likes felines and other Farmville animals. In fact, most of his "friends" on Facebook are Farmville employees. I thought he must be a fake, but he's married to a feline-loving chick who also is addicted to FarmVille. He is maybe a graduate of Wayne State University and seems to like photos of decrepit Detroit bars. What would prompt a person from WSU to to be so pre-ococcupied with what goes on at PSU? My initial thought was he is some skunk bear Troll, but perhaps even I am giving him too much credit. Further, I hate to erroneously offend our conference brethren from the north.

Robert William MacMurray Smith
Firstly, no normal male requires 4 names to define themselves. That is a desperate tactic of washed-up former trophy wives who let themselves go....

Anyway, this guy is apparently employed by PSU and holds BS, MS and PHD degrees from same, yet .... after 20+ years has only elevated himself to the position of Research Associate Engineer. He finds time, on PSU's dime, to post contrarian crap on a newspaper's message board? He personifies "dead weight that needs to be terminated". As proof, he hasn't published bupkis since 2004 since he was credited with some ill-fated research on some acoustic cooling system. Crickets since. How this guy with 4 names is still gainfully employed by PSU causes one to scratch their head and gonads.

PSU is beyond hope and beyond ever seeing any of my dimes.

The above list of 4 names us just a sampling of mis-guided pinheads. I know 3 of the 4 are real many of the CDT/PennLive contra-commenters are real?

Conrad and Buterbaugh are frauds. You have trolls over there hi-jacking real persons names. Richard Bergis has 3 different FB accounts. Many of the names are your pal "Judas Trey Suevos Shuttlesworth" who has dozens of names.