Kane has resigned...

Somewhere Corbutt is smoking a big cigar with the boys and telling everyone "We got her..." just like he puffed his chest out announcing to everyone that they got Joe...

Maybe she releases Gansler's report now.
It's up to Castor now, and he had essentially said two months ago that ....nothing to see here that's criminal....maybe Gansler said that!! I'm in a very angry mood.:mad:

  • Kane is convicted
  • Kane will be relieved of her position now, and the corrupt can breath freely that there will be no further investigations into Corbett's cronies in the next three months
  • Rafferty, a Corbett ally, is elected to the OAG position
  • The entire populace of Pennsylvania is relived that the state law enforcement is now controlled by a sane, upstanding and respected state senator and return the OAG to policing real crime, NOT the vindictive motives of the previous administration
  • The Second Mile will be pushed aside and soon forgotten...the MSM will continue to be in cadence with the wishes of Corbett's cronies.
  • The fired persons of the AG's office will discreetly return to office...of course this will be over looked by the media
  • Possibly the Three Musketeers will spend the rest of their lives on the court docket

These guys ALL have that ability to strike the

"I care.....Seriously.....Really - quite laughing......I REALLY do care"

(often times with some nice "Flag" props in the background)

Well...maybe not Fina. That rat-bastard NEVER looks like anything other than a jerk-off weasel :)

Maybe we will eventually find that one of them has at least a trace of morality and courage......I doubt it - but I would LOVE to be proven wrong.

step...i bet the other moron named Corbutt is all over this on his radio show...
I don't tune into him, maybe on the 1/2 hr trip home to see what poison he's spreading to his audience. I did several rounds of email with the fool, here is how I ended the conversations..........

Hey Steve Corbett, Kathleen’s dropping by to say “ Love ya Steve
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or maybe perjury & leaking are crimes. Just a possibility.
Exactly. Too many here are projecting their (totally justified) anger over CSS and especially Joe onto all things GOP. Kane was no white knight, and if this GOP mafia that supposedly exists was as all powerful as some here claim then neither Kane nor Wolf would ever have been elected in the first place. As if Kane, a relatively low level county prosecutor from coal country who happened to be attractive and married to a rich, politically connected man, didn't leverage HER democrat, labor union, Clintonion political network to leapfrog from obscurity to attorney general, a job for which she was thoroughly unqualified.
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Kane was pretty stupid. Getting revenge in politics is the game. Telling your entire staff it appears is just plain stupid. Kane could have gotten Fina and the others without committing perjury and announcing to several staff members what she was doing. It had to be done much more subtly and it would have taken longer but the end result would have been there is her exposing Fina and his cabal.
Nah. If that was the case, Frank Fina would have been in jail a long time ago.

Or maybe...perjury & leaking are crimes that are selectively enforced by people in law enforcement that are more interested in politics than the law.

True. But still, I'm ok whenever they are enforced. I wish in all cases, but the lack of some cases to come to fruition excuses noone.
Kane was stupid. She was playing a game for which she didn't know the rules. She was a split-season baseball prospect trying to play in the majors. She was a Class A football freshman who assumed she could become Central Catholic's starting quarterback. She was a golfer who won the club championship who thought she could beat Jordan Spieth playing from the tips.

You get what I'm saying.

That doesn't excuse the fact that her own party left her hanging without support and without a lifeline. They were more interested in protecting the status quo than protecting her, because she beat their favored candidate. And she was too inexperienced to realize that she was being set up.
I can't for the life of me understand the obsession to defend Kane on this board. Yes Fina, Corbett, et al are corrupt political pieces of crap. That is undeniable. They hurt Penn State in a big way and for that they deserve the wrath of this board.

But Kane was an inept, in over her head light weight AG from day one. She ended up not being the answer to any problems Penn State or even the State of Penn has. You can't help either when you are too freaking stupid and unhinged to keep your head above the fray. She instead became obsessed with revenge and handed them her own head on a platter. Truly unbelievable how many colossal mistakes and miscalculations she made.

In full disclosure, I generally vote R but not always. I did not vote for Corbett the second time. I can't stand him. I did vote for Kane knowing she was a light weight for the AG job but hoping she would help Penn State somehow. She decidedly did not end up helping Penn State. The Moultin Report was a joke that did not advance the ball in any meaningful way.

My sense is this Kane obsession here mostly falls along political lines and at this point probably belongs on the test board. But before that happens let me just say...F Corbett, F Fina, F Seth, F the porno Supremes, F Louie, F the OGBOT while I'm at it, and yes....F Kane too. Good riddance.
I can't for the life of me understand the obsession to defend Kane on this board. Yes Fina, Corbett, et al are corrupt political pieces of crap. That is undeniable. They hurt Penn State in a big way and for that they deserve the wrath of this board.

But Kane was an inept, in over her head light weight AG from day one. She ended up not being the answer to any problems Penn State or even the State of Penn has. You can't help either when you are too freaking stupid and unhinged to keep your head above the fray. She instead became obsessed with revenge and handed them her own head on a platter. Truly unbelievable how many colossal mistakes and miscalculations she made.

In full disclosure, I generally vote R but not always. I did not vote for Corbett the second time. I can't stand him. I did vote for Kane knowing she was a light weight for the AG job but hoping she would help Penn State somehow. She decidedly did not end up helping Penn State. The Moultin Report was a joke that did not advance the ball in any meaningful way.

My sense is this Kane obsession here mostly falls along political lines and at this point probably belongs on the test board. But before that happens let me just say...F Corbett, F Fina, F Seth, F the porno Supremes, F Louie, F the OGBOT while I'm at it, and yes....F Kane too. Good riddance.

30 years of voting and never voted for a D before. Broke rank and voted for Kane because I thought she would help Penn State. She sucked.

Moral of the story: never vote for a D.
30 years of voting and never voted for a D before. Broke rank and voted for Kane because I thought she would help Penn State. She sucked.

Moral of the story: never vote for a D.
No disrespect, but be careful what you wish for. If Trump is elected I'll bet my right olive that the Feds will drop their investigation of this godawful mess.
What Federal Investigation? Is this the same one that is going to have Erickson in handcuffs?

No disrespect, but be careful what you wish for. If Trump is elected I'll bet my right olive that the Feds will drop their investigation of this godawful mess.
I can't for the life of me understand the obsession to defend Kane on this board. Yes Fina, Corbett, et al are corrupt political pieces of crap. That is undeniable. They hurt Penn State in a big way and for that they deserve the wrath of this board.

But Kane was an inept, in over her head light weight AG from day one. She ended up not being the answer to any problems Penn State or even the State of Penn has. You can't help either when you are too freaking stupid and unhinged to keep your head above the fray. She instead became obsessed with revenge and handed them her own head on a platter. Truly unbelievable how many colossal mistakes and miscalculations she made.

In full disclosure, I generally vote R but not always. I did not vote for Corbett the second time. I can't stand him. I did vote for Kane knowing she was a light weight for the AG job but hoping she would help Penn State somehow. She decidedly did not end up helping Penn State. The Moultin Report was a joke that did not advance the ball in any meaningful way.

My sense is this Kane obsession here mostly falls along political lines and at this point probably belongs on the test board. But before that happens let me just say...F Corbett, F Fina, F Seth, F the porno Supremes, F Louie, F the OGBOT while I'm at it, and yes....F Kane too. Good riddance.

With you 100%, I never understood this about her. She said all the right things to get elected, but did none of them. She turned out to be a huge mess.
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