John Ziegler Interview with Jeff Byers on WRSC-FM to Discuss Aaron Fisher Revelations

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Active Member
Feb 23, 2014
Here is a really interesting interview I did this morning with Jeff Byers on WRSC-FM in State College about my release of new information regarding Aaron Fisher. That post, amazingly, has been shared publicly by more than 1,300 people on Facebook. This is particularly remarkable given that it predictably received zero media help and was even censored by a couple of the more prominent (and fraudulent) Penn State pages. This is a sure sign that there are a lot of people in Aaron's community who feel very strongly that he did not tell the truth. For those who don't understand this fight, I leave you wit this: After three years of studying this case more closely than anyone, I am positive that Sandusky is innocent. How then, even if I am somehow wrong, could Joe Paterno or any of the administrators possibly be held accountable for any of this when they had 1/1000th of the information that I have now?
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One simple question: What good does your being "positive that Sandusky is innocent" do? Who really cares if you are positive or not? How does that help anybody with anything?

OK. That is 3 questions.
today is the deadline for JS to file the Post-Conviction Relief Act petition. petition and supporting exhibits supposed to be unsealed
This is what happens when you start with the outcome you desire and work backwards.
First of all, our legal system is predicated on innocent until proven guilty, so that's exactly how it's supposed to work. Second, nobody in this whole mess started with the premise that JS was innocent, including Ziegler.
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