For the Blogy team.....

PSU Soupy

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2008
(Others that have insight please respond)

Blogy Team and Coach, you are probably already working on this........if not hear are some questions that I have.

What was actually different on Friday with the offense (other than the game being on a Friday)?

MSU defense is putrid.....I get that, but we were significantly more potent offensively even in comparison to us versus Delaware/U Mass etc........

Was there a philosophical change? Removal of negative plays?

Things that I saw were the WR Screens were back. Quick screens to Singleton on the outside with 1 person to beat. More WRs than inthe past. One or two times looking deep....hit Evans on the one, but not that many deep passes.

Were the running plays different......maybe more outside zone......did they pull lineman more. It seemed different but not dramatically different.
I pointed out some differences was looking for a more detailed analysis.
MSU defense is putrid.....I get that, but we were significantly more potent offensively even in comparison to us versus Delaware/U Mass etc........

Was there a philosophical change? Removal of negative plays?

Things that I saw were the WR Screens were back. Quick screens to Singleton on the outside with 1 person to beat. More WRs than inthe past. One or two times looking deep....hit Evans on the one, but not that many deep passes.

Were the running plays different......maybe more outside zone......did they pull lineman more. It seemed different but not dramatically different.

I liked the play calling but it was probably not play-calling, it was what was happening at the line of scrimmage. MSU and Rutg. defensive lines got gassed in the 2nd half, and then suddenly PSU not only broke big runs but Allar could stand in the pocket without pressure. Also, there was no psychological pressure on the PSU O -- they could relax and do their thing because they didn't HAVE to score because the PSU D had MSU and Rutg. under control.

I highly doubt that the same play calling would have worked against Michigan and Ohio State because 1) Their defensive lines were in Allar's face in 2 seconds; 2) their linebackers and safeties filled holes and controlled PSU's run game; and 3) their corners and safeties didn't allow PSU receivers to get open.

Bottom line is, for PSU to be competitive with Ohio State and Michigan the last two years would have required PSU to have players of the quality of Ohio State and Michigan. PSU didn't have the QB, receivers or offensive line needed to be competitive these last two seasons. Better play-calling won't solve the problem. The only thing that solves the problem is better recruiting and player development.
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When you only have to worry about screwing air-headed sorority girls and football, better recruiting and player development don't matter.
It's about the Jimmy's and the joe's and Penn State has better ones, just like Michigan and OSU has better player's than us. Yuricich was a scapegoat and had to fall on the sword for Franklin being out recruited by hairball and day.
Michigan State just sucks.

After reading the entire thread, tboyer said it better haha
(Others that have insight please respond)

Blogy Team and Coach, you are probably already working on this........if not hear are some questions that I have.

What was actually different on Friday with the offense (other than the game being on a Friday)?

MSU defense is putrid.....I get that, but we were significantly more potent offensively even in comparison to us versus Delaware/U Mass etc........

Was there a philosophical change? Removal of negative plays?

Things that I saw were the WR Screens were back. Quick screens to Singleton on the outside with 1 person to beat. More WRs than inthe past. One or two times looking deep....hit Evans on the one, but not that many deep passes.

Were the running plays different......maybe more outside zone......did they pull lineman more. It seemed different but not dramatically different.
It is posted on Facebook and not complimentary for Yurcich.

Focused on the run game. For the first time in 3 years, Penn State committed to and executed what we thought was going to be a hallmark of the Yurcich offense since it was a hallmark of his best Oklahoma State offenses -- the wide/outside zone run scheme. Additionally, it was pleasant to see Allar operate out of Pistol as much as he did, as that formation eliminates the non-threat of him pulling and keeping, which allowed 13 and 10 to get downhill much faster -- it took away the mesh point, which just slows everything down.

Ohio State eventually did the same thing during the transition from Fields to CJ Stroud -- get away from zone read/read option stuff when the QB isn't a run threat -- but, like Penn State, it took a long time for them to come to that realization.

Focused on the run game. For the first time in 3 years, Penn State committed to and executed what we thought was going to be a hallmark of the Yurcich offense since it was a hallmark of his best Oklahoma State offenses -- the wide/outside zone run scheme. Additionally, it was pleasant to see Allar operate out of Pistol as much as he did, as that formation eliminates the non-threat of him pulling and keeping, which allowed 13 and 10 to get downhill much faster -- it took away the mesh point, which just slows everything down.

Ohio State eventually did the same thing during the transition from Fields to CJ Stroud -- get away from zone read/read option stuff when the QB isn't a run threat -- but, like Penn State, it took a long time for them to come to that realization.

Any commentary on the passing game between yall? Allar definitely seems to thrive against zone coverage.

Focused on the run game. For the first time in 3 years, Penn State committed to and executed what we thought was going to be a hallmark of the Yurcich offense since it was a hallmark of his best Oklahoma State offenses -- the wide/outside zone run scheme. Additionally, it was pleasant to see Allar operate out of Pistol as much as he did, as that formation eliminates the non-threat of him pulling and keeping, which allowed 13 and 10 to get downhill much faster -- it took away the mesh point, which just slows everything down.

Ohio State eventually did the same thing during the transition from Fields to CJ Stroud -- get away from zone read/read option stuff when the QB isn't a run threat -- but, like Penn State, it took a long time for them to come to that realization.
There is a false assumption here. Oklahoma State did not feature the wide/outside run scheme. They featured a multi-tiered passing game which set up the wide/outside run scheme. We simply lacked the talent to set up the run game due to years and years of ineffective recruiting at multiple positions.
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Watching the film…..Sparty d was terrible, especially the d line. They were so slow they looked like they had lead shoes on. 97 and 99 couldn’t move laterally to save their lives! Missed several tackles that would have been one or two yard gainers instead of ten.
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