2023 US Open

Mad dog 20/20 now that was a grape drink lol
Friday nights the old man would give me $5. $1.75 went to the old, retired career Navy cook that set up a pizza oven across town for a small pizza (quite good too!), $1.99 went for a bottle of grape MD 20/20, and the rest went to the designated driver ;) for that night.

I remember rolling into the house pretty late one night and having dad saying, "good for you" as I barfed purple cheese into the porcelain alter. Good times. Glad I had them -- and survived.
Hop N Gator at the Jersey Shore! Sometimes boosted with a shot of vodka. Had some memorable moments with my old friends and wrestling buddies.
Hop'n Gator! Man that brings back memories. I had a summer job at the Pittsburgh Brewing Company when they first came out with that vile stuff in '69. Malt liquor mixed with Gatorade.

Interesting place to work. They kept a fully stocked cooler in the break room and you could drink as much as you wanted, which was great for an underage college kid. And the drinking was not confined to the break room. One guy had a job sitting at the machine that withdrew returned empty bottles from their cases. He would drink a 42 bottle case of 7 ounce ponies before the meal break and another case afterwards. He sat on two stools - one for each cheek.

The best beer I ever had was straight from the bottle before it went through the pasteurizer. If a bottle was not filled to a line that a light displayed on the bottle, the bottle had to be emptied, either down a drain or down a throat. (Yeah, I know it was Iron City, but it was cold and it was good.)

This obviously was in the days before OSHA... the organization that later employed me for over thirty years.

Ah, memories.
Aaaw! This brought back a great memory of a Strawberry Hill party & fight while on R&R from USMC duty. So cheap that we could chuck full bottles at each other.
This board always astounds me as I learn every day. I never thought I would ever see the words USMC and Boones Farm Strawberry Hill wine in the same sentence.

Then when I realized it was used to practice hand to hand combat, it made sense!
Takes me back. I was in NYC 3-4 months of IBM training in 69-70. Returning to my hotel every night I stopped at a Deli, got a Hot Pastrami and a bottle of Ripple. Ripple was essentially Kool Aid with a punch.

I finally got to see the U20 57 kg final. I sure hope Luke L's freestyle savvy translates to folkstyle. Volk appeared much larger. He's a world champ, so he's probably pretty good. But Luke had an answer to everything Volk had to offer. Luke threw a honey of an ankle pick. And he has really impressive defensive skills.
Ripple! Used to drink it at PSU. After getting married, my wife and I named our first dog: Ripple. Great punch … light finish.
They still have this "shit" in the liquor store.. I bought a bottle for a party several years ago..
I thought surely one of my friends would be stupid enough to crack it open.. Nope.. I need a group of more courageous friends or ones that cant remember high school that well.
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That's how I remember it.. B&J was too expensive. But we manly men didn't drink coolers anyway, just Bud Light. Oh crap, nevermind.
I haven't heard the name Bartles and James in 40 years I shit you not is that still a thing
They still have this "shit" in the liquor store.. I bought a bottle for a party several years ago..
I thought surely one of my friends would be stupid enough to crack it open.. Nope.. I need a group of more courageous friends or ones that cant remember high school that well.
Shit was like a buck a gallon
They still have this "shit" in the liquor store.. I bought a bottle for a party several years ago..
I thought surely one of my friends would be stupid enough to crack it open.. Nope.. I need a group of more courageous friends or ones that cant remember high school that well.
I wasn't there, or I would have been stupid enough. Wait, that didn't come out right.
Did anyone else see Pat Mineo post about the Rainey twins. The smaller one tried to weigh in for the bigger one. Got caught and they dq’d both of them. This raises red flags across the board for these two, their coaches and if the one who won greco ever really weighed in? Interesting 🤔
Did anyone else see Pat Mineo post about the Rainey twins. The smaller one tried to weigh in for the bigger one. Got caught and they dq’d both of them. This raises red flags across the board for these two, their coaches and if the one who won greco ever really weighed in? Interesting 🤔
Twinning Arnold Schwarzenegger GIF by Laff
Did anyone else see Pat Mineo post about the Rainey twins. The smaller one tried to weigh in for the bigger one. Got caught and they dq’d both of them. This raises red flags across the board for these two, their coaches and if the one who won greco ever really weighed in? Interesting 🤔
Red flags across the board? They did something dumb in 9th grade. Let's see a pattern before dialing the drama up to 11.
Did anyone else see Pat Mineo post about the Rainey twins. The smaller one tried to weigh in for the bigger one. Got caught and they dq’d both of them. This raises red flags across the board for these two, their coaches and if the one who won greco ever really weighed in? Interesting 🤔
They got CAUGHT. Have you ever did something stupid a second time?

It was at world team trials, not at the local super trophy event. The one who was way over weight is the USA Rep for greco worlds. I don’t see how this isn’t a big deal. Red flags on integrity and character.
It was at world team trials, not at the local super trophy event. The one who was way over weight is the USA Rep for greco worlds. I don’t see how this isn’t a big deal. Red flags on integrity and character.
You bring up the integrity and character of 15 year olds often. On an anonymous message board.
Did anyone else see Pat Mineo post about the Rainey twins. The smaller one tried to weigh in for the bigger one. Got caught and they dq’d both of them. This raises red flags across the board for these two, their coaches and if the one who won greco ever really weighed in? Interesting 🤔
Pure genius and it would have worked if it weren't for those meddling kids and their dog.

I'll give them as pass assuming it was a one-time, poorly thought out, adolescent panic move due to a failed cut plan. Then again if more comes out it to indicate they have done it before in tourneys, then the concern ratchets up quickly. On one positive note, all is not lost, they just became even more attractive to Iowa or visa versa.
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Did anyone else see Pat Mineo post about the Rainey twins. The smaller one tried to weigh in for the bigger one. Got caught and they dq’d both of them. This raises red flags across the board for these two, their coaches and if the one who won greco ever really weighed in? Interesting 🤔
Was there any consequence for the coach? It seems the “adult in charge “ should have some responsibility in the situation
Pure genius and it would have worked if it weren't for those meddling kids and their dog.

I'll give them as pass assuming it was a one-time, poorly thought out, adolescent panic move due to a failed cut plan. Then again if more comes out it to indicate they have done it before in tourneys, then the concern ratchets up quickly. On one positive note, all is not lost, they just became even more attractive to Iowa or visa versa.
I’d love to know what Mom and Dad had to do with that situation. At age 15, I couldn’t imagine doing something of this nature without my Mom and Dad weighing in and giving guidance. If those controls were not in place, another red flag. These are kids for God’s sake. Teach them right from wrong.
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