RBY today...


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001
Very excited about RBY's debut today! Wrestlestat has Tim Rooney winning by major decision, 8-0. I know very little about Rooney, but given RBY's pedigree, hard to see it going down this way. At the risk of pushing Roar's buttons, let's hear some predictions!
I'll go first: RBY Dec: 8-4.

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I thought I remember the announcers saying Rooney dropped from 149. A well put together 133 pounder that is a bit of a fire plug. I think RBY handles him convincingly. 5-6 point win
I think Desanto only best this kid by a point on Friday. I watched the match not sure of final score. Kid seemed a little slow on his feet. I see RBY by comfortable margin. From what we’re hearing from Shak, Hall, Cael on RBY I think we in for a nice surprise.

That being said, first match at rec Hall, nerves, expectations. Who knows.

I’m just looking to see the kid give 100% effort and let if fly
I predict a 3 point win for RBY.
Never know how a true freshman will do in their first season though. It's quite a transition and even the great ones have struggled at first.
I watched the rooney match and if you have flo I think you can go back and watch it from Friday. Very strong but he gassed very hard. If not for Desantos pace and Rooney lack of early season stamina, he probably wins that. Maybe it was the cut for Rooney. DeSanto kept trying to dump him and Rooney countered him well. Passed legs well, really had Austin on the ropes till the very end.

Will be a good test for RBY no doubt.
I watched the rooney match and if you have flo I think you can go back and watch it from Friday. Very strong but he gassed very hard. If not for Desantos pace and Rooney lack of early season stamina, he probably wins that. Maybe it was the cut for Rooney. DeSanto kept trying to dump him and Rooney countered him well. Passed legs well, really had Austin on the ropes till the very end.

Will be a good test for RBY no doubt.
I think Austin gets a little one track minded with that dump. It's like he wont stop going for it until he hits it one time. In his first match he had a more varied offensive attack.

The matches I have watched of RBY he held position well and pounced when there was an opening. DeSanto just goes all out all the time. Not always a good thing. Rooney will gas and RBY will win comfortably
I saw RBY in Vegas a couple years back when he was wrestling up a division. He lost to Ramos but looked very quick. All true freshman (not named spencer or zain) tend to stuggle a bit on the mat, but I expect RBY to be explosive on his feet all year long. Could be similar to Nick Lee in which come March he's in AA form.
I thought I remember the announcers saying Rooney dropped from 149. A well put together 133 pounder that is a bit of a fire plug. I think RBY handles him convincingly. 5-6 point win
If you look at Rooney’s profile on their roster, says he was a 152 state runner up in high school.
Wow, that was impressive. Rooney looked like a different wrestler against Desanto. He definitelty gassed in both matches, but he drove Desanto to the brink while it looked like 1/2 way through the match with RBY he realized this one wasn't happening. RBY is too fast, sneaky strong (which was my only area of concern), and he just broke him then pinned him.

My preseason prediction of an AA in the toughest weight in the nation might just be too conservative :) let's not get ahead of ourselves but I could not have been more impressed with that performance.
I've been following DeSanto since he was a 10th grader. I always felt he was a bit of a one hit wonder. I thought if someone could stop his dump, he didn't have much more in his bag of tricks except his relentless attacks. A well planned defense can handle his dumps. Then what's he got?
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I've been following DeSanto since he was a 10th grader. I always felt he was a bit of a one hit wonder. I thought if someone could stop his dump, he didn't have much more in his bag of tricks except his relentless attacks. A well planned defense can handle his dumps. Then what's he got?
I'm with you, we've both been watching him for years.

That's not to say hes not a damn good wrestler. He is. His pace is hard for many.

I don't think we need the Desanto comparison to be impressed with this performance. Stand alone, that's a true freshman coming in at 133 against a veteran kid coming down to 141 who was decent there.

I'd expect the talent to win out but was unprepared for the total annihilation I witnessed.
I've been following DeSanto since he was a 10th grader. I always felt he was a bit of a one hit wonder. I thought if someone could stop his dump, he didn't have much more in his bag of tricks except his relentless attacks. A well planned defense can handle his dumps. Then what's he got?
The record would say “instability”
I was impressed with RBY’s patience, especially for his first time under the lights at Rec Hall. He didn’t rush it, try to force moves that weren’t there, or give up on viable moves. Showed great wrestling intelligence and ability to follow a game plan for a true freshman.
Lets face it Rooney was big strong guy who wrestled 4 matches this weekend and if he wrested 150+ in highschool he might not have had much left at 133 this weekend. That aside RBY flashed, and dashed, showed power, strength, & strategy commensurate a seasoned veteran.

I could not have come away from that match more impressed and am eager to see him build on that performance next weekend.

Verk made me happy too. There was a moment with the body lock where I thought oh no, but he powered through it with Cenzo-like core and upper body strength.

Yes, it was only Kent State, but both 'rookies' delivered right out of the gate.

RBY's blast double was among the quickest I've seen. His speed/quickness will separate him from others. He did get out of position a few times today, and a strong whizzer saved him...but those may be takedowns against the better guys.

My feeling is that he will be a fan favorite, fun to watch. He'll be in every match he wrestles, but will take a lump or more along the way. Doubt he'll like that too much, and will turn it into a big positive. I'm excited to watch him develop.
RBY's blast double was among the quickest I've seen. His speed/quickness will separate him from others. He did get out of position a few times today, and a strong whizzer saved him...but those may be takedowns against the better guys.

My feeling is that he will be a fan favorite, fun to watch. He'll be in every match he wrestles, but will take a lump or more along the way. Doubt he'll like that too much, and will turn it into a big positive. I'm excited to watch him develop.
i'll give ya a negative.... didn't see him wrestle from the bottom!
i'll give ya a negative.... didn't see him wrestle from the bottom!
I was surprised Rooney didn't choose top in the third. Most guys fresh out of HS struggle on bottom, RBY chose neutral, that would have been a red flag to me as a coach and would have tested him there.
RBY was slick. That first attempt was quick and just missed. The blast double was from too far away, but was so fast it is still effective.
Excited for the future here.
RBY's blast double was among the quickest I've seen. His speed/quickness will separate him from others. He did get out of position a few times today, and a strong whizzer saved him...but those may be takedowns against the better guys.

My feeling is that he will be a fan favorite, fun to watch. He'll be in every match he wrestles, but will take a lump or more along the way. Doubt he'll like that too much, and will turn it into a big positive. I'm excited to watch him develop.
I agree that he'd have been taken down by better wrestlers if he let them in that deep, but maybe he approaches those matches differently. I probably would've said something similar about Cenzo when he came up--loose to a fault and he'll pay against better guys, but those pay days have been rare. I'd rather see a young guy too loose than too tight because I think the too-loose guys have higher ceilings, more willingness to develop.
I agree that he'd have been taken down by better wrestlers if he let them in that deep, but maybe he approaches those matches differently. I probably would've said something similar about Cenzo when he came up--loose to a fault and he'll pay against better guys, but those pay days have been rare. I'd rather see a young guy too loose than too tight because I think the too-loose guys have higher ceilings, more willingness to develop.

This times a million! I love seeing a true freshman willing to let it fly. It is what we all saw in Nick Lee last year that made what he accomplished at the end of the year possible. RBY looks like yet another great one. Just wait until Lee and RBY graduate-PSU will fall back to earth.
This times a million! I love seeing a true freshman willing to let it fly. It is what we all saw in Nick Lee last year that made what he accomplished at the end of the year possible. RBY looks like yet another great one. Just wait until Lee and RBY graduate-PSU will fall back to earth.
Nick Lee's and Bravo-Young's graduations are the next generation's prognostication. The current HR prognosis is as soon as Nolf, Nickal and Nevills leave.
HR is a slow learning enviroment.
Nick Lee's and Bravo-Young's graduations are the next generation's prognostication. The current HR prognosis is as soon as Nolf, Nickal and Nevills leave.
HR is a slow learning enviroment.
Once Cael develops senior dementia, and Casey is in a nursing home, then PSU will fall back to earth. :)
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I got a kick out of RBY "helping" Rooney back to center shortly before the fall. He knew he had him broke.
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