Purdue's QB that transfered to LSU and Florida


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2013
They said that the coach WAS TERRIBLE AND DID not know the names of his own players. He just showed up for a paycheck and was laughing all the way to the bank. Appleby, who transferred said he loves Purdue but he was wasting his time there with that coaching staff. He starts for Florida and Lething starts for LSU. lololololololololololololololololo The coach who is fired will not have to sell water melons for a living, he is now has millions from Purdue. What a freaking joke!
They said that the coach WAS TERRIBLE AND DID not know the names of his own players. He just showed up for a paycheck and was laughing all the way to the bank. Appleby, who transferred said he loves Purdue but he was wasting his time there with that coaching staff. He starts for Florida and Lething starts for LSU. lololololololololololololololololo The coach who is fired will not have to sell water melons for a living, he is now has millions from Purdue. What a freaking joke!

You seem to have gotten lost on your way to the Purdue board.
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You make yourself sound like an ignorant 12 year old by your tone and choice of words. Please go away, we don't need other board's rejects setting up shop.
Thanks for the heads up. I shall do likewise!
That's why I graduated and you are a student! lololololoolol Do you know how many have fluked out of Purdue but I have my degree and in fact A Master's LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!! I can laugh now! PS Purdue kicked me out of their board because I was not positive! Therefore, I quit giving them MONEY! Those idiots lost out big time and I saved more money! lolololoplplopl;ol;ol;ol;ol;ol;ol;olololololololoolol!
That's why I graduated and you are a student! lololololoolol Do you know how many have fluked out of Purdue but I have my degree and in fact A Master's LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!! I can laugh now! PS Purdue kicked me out of their board because I was not positive! Therefore, I quit giving them MONEY! Those idiots lost out big time and I saved more money! lolololoplplopl;ol;ol;ol;ol;ol;ol;olololololololoolol!
I hope it's that you're drunk and not that Purdue is giving out degrees to people with IQs < 80
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They're actually giving out degrees for trolling now? For someone that proclaims to be so educated you sure go through an awful lot of trouble to sound dumb. You sound about as educated as a Wal-Mart Wolverine or a bus station Buckeye.
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Penn State scored 62 points on a terrible team not a good team. Look at the Sagarin Poll, you will see Penn State will not move up because they ae expected to win big, Purdue will drop because they were not suppose to lose by 40. Purdue is ranked at the bottom of all Divisional one teams. Just terrible recruiting getting left overs and can't sell Purdue as a good school to 4 star or 5 star players. The whole damn staff needs to go!
Penn State scored 62 points on a terrible team not a good team. Look at the Sagarin Poll, you will see Penn State will not move up because they ae expected to win big, Purdue will drop because they were not suppose to lose by 40. Purdue is ranked at the bottom of all Divisional one teams. Just terrible recruiting getting left overs and can't sell Purdue as a good school to 4 star or 5 star players. The whole damn staff needs to go!
Another "21 Guns" disciple

Maybe our fan base is not as unique as I thought
Oh, re- hire the moron they have as a coach, he ONLY gave up 62 freaking points! lolololololololololololololololololololololololoololl He also recruited these fine football players! lolololololololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!