PETA wants to replace Punxsutawney Phil

PETA can have my weather prognosticating groundhog when they pry it from my cold dead hand.
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Reportedly, they want to replace Phil with a robot.
So given the way things are in this country, this may be Phil’s last appearance.
You know I can’t believe I am saying that, but the ...... is real these days.
Snowflakes are ruining the country and this message board
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Keep dreaming. They leave more trash in the woods and oceans than anyone.

You know those green, still-undeveloped areas along the Atlantic Coast?
The ones between the outlet malls and condos?

You're welcome.
PETA can have my weather prognosticating groundhog when they pry it from my cold dead hand.

I’ll agree to robot Phil if Groundhog Day is the only day he actually gets to go outside.
Retire Phil? First it was Mr Peanut and now Phil. What’s next, Animal Crackers? Oh, wait....
I mean at least this event led to a decent Bill Murray flick, I can think of several others that are much dumber. For example when award shows (Emmys) award awards to other award shows. Bonus points for anyone who knows the reference.
It is an excellent movie.... keep the groundhog.
Not to worry Groundhog Day fans. Punxsutawney can still have their events tonight. Apparently under recent PETA announcements if they call Phil a “companion” and not a ‘“pet” then everything should be ok. ;)
Phil is an Emotional Support Groundhog
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You believe in
Reportedly, they want to replace Phil with a robot.
So given the way things are in this country, this may be Phil’s last appearance.
You know I can’t believe I am saying that, but the ...... is real these days.
You believe in PETA , and you believe in the tooth fairy.
PETA once went to protest a live nativity scene, only to find out the only animals there were humans.