OT: USA COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

Total Deaths now consistently under the curve. Meaning that for all policy purposes, the pandemic is over.

There is another poster who cuts and pastes a projected total deaths curve that goes a little further out than mine, and I wish he'd repost it with the latest projections. While I don't trust the projection completely, it is useful to see.

Variants - hahahahahaha - if the immunity provided by infection and recovery OR vaccination works against any given variant, then that Variant (meaning Delta in this case) means NOTHING. It doesn't matter if the variant is more or less impactful, or the cases are more or less severe.

It looks like Pfizer wants to release a booster shot. Last night the CDC and FDA both pushed back on that. Interesting there looks to be a little infighting

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Using a synthetic virus to stop covid. Gee, what could go wrong?

This is really clever. Sad to read that even a 50% reduction in wild type virus did not make a significant clinical impact, but I have to wonder if something like this would prevent or reduce long COVID ?
0.44M shots yesterday so total up to 331.6M with the 7 day rolling average at 0.73M. 86.6% of shots administered is the national average, 55.1% of population with 1+ dose (70.9% of the adult population), 47.6% of population fully vaccinated.

So far, 183 million Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine. At least 158 million people have completed a vaccination regimen.

16,812 positives reported yesterday compared to 17,188 week over week. 7-day rolling average is at 14,273.

Fatality was 251 compared to 202 yesterday and 292 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 209.

Hospitalizations reported 7 day rolling average is 12,419 compared to one week ago 12,012 up 3.4%.

Hospital admissions reported 7 day rolling average is 1,991 compared to one week ago 1,864 up 6.8%.

So vaccines falling off a cliff again with average down to 0.73M per day. The daily positives actually holding relatively steady at the 14K+ value for the last few days, be nice to see that stay below 15K. Hosptilizations on the rise.

0.0M shots yesterday (again no data reported for some reason) so total up to 331.6M with the 7 day rolling average at 0.73M. 86.6% of shots administered is the national average, 55.1% of population with 1+ dose (70.9% of the adult population), 47.6% of population fully vaccinated.

So far, 183 million Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine. At least 158 million people have completed a vaccination regimen.

19,347 positives reported yesterday compared to 17,628 week over week. 7-day rolling average is at 15,993.

Fatality was 261 compared to 251 yesterday and 312 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 208.

Hospitalizations reported 7 day rolling average is 12,703 compared to one week ago 12,032 up 5.6%.

Hospital admissions reported 7 day rolling average is 2,036 compared to one week ago 1,874 up 8.6%.

So starting to see an obvious uptick in cases and hospitlizations now. Interestingly California is a state along with Missouri that appear to be leading the charge of cases. My person opinion is that Cali is ripe for a small surge as they were locked down for so long that their natural immunity due to previous infection is just not there so could see them having an outbreak.
It looks like Pfizer wants to release a booster shot. Last night the CDC and FDA both pushed back on that. Interesting there looks to be a little infighting

Pfizer was teh company that I think did not take the govt money therefore has the most at stake in gaining profit with a booster, wouldn't that be true.
It looks like Pfizer wants to release a booster shot. Last night the CDC and FDA both pushed back on that. Interesting there looks to be a little infighting

Quite an odd stance by the CDC. They want kids to get vaccinated, even though the risk of adverse effects from the vaccine is much higher than covid itself, yet don't think anyone should get a booster.
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Pfizer was teh company that I think did not take the govt money therefore has the most at stake in gaining profit with a booster, wouldn't that be true.
I don’t believe they were actually part of the “program” but took $300m to start and find their research. Basically the government took 100% off the risk so that the process was streamlined

0.0M shots yesterday (again no data reported for some reason) so total up to 331.6M with the 7 day rolling average at 0.73M. 86.6% of shots administered is the national average, 55.1% of population with 1+ dose (70.9% of the adult population), 47.6% of population fully vaccinated.

So far, 183 million Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine. At least 158 million people have completed a vaccination regimen.

19,347 positives reported yesterday compared to 17,628 week over week. 7-day rolling average is at 15,993.

Fatality was 261 compared to 251 yesterday and 312 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 208.

Hospitalizations reported 7 day rolling average is 12,703 compared to one week ago 12,032 up 5.6%.

Hospital admissions reported 7 day rolling average is 2,036 compared to one week ago 1,874 up 8.6%.

So starting to see an obvious uptick in cases and hospitlizations now. Interestingly California is a state along with Missouri that appear to be leading the charge of cases. My person opinion is that Cali is ripe for a small surge as they were locked down for so long that their natural immunity due to previous infection is just not there so could see them having an outbreak.

Say goodbye to what’s left of our freedom. It’s over. LOCK. IT. DOWN. o_O
Say goodbye to what’s left of our freedom. It’s over. LOCK. IT. DOWN. o_O

i am actually wondering when the fear porn ramps back up as there is no doubt there is an increase in cases. the super good news is the fatality rate is not going up which is in reality the ultimate indicator. politicians are just waiting for this as without the fear porn, they lose all the power and control they had and the emergency powers would be taken away. but if they can scream about how the delta variant and lambda variant is increasing case load, then they can hang onto those power that much longer. next you will see teacher union reps saying have to be virtual school next year.
Wait for it.......No football this fall.
Training camp right around the corner. Would guess the Ivy League pin heads are also licking their chops to cancel the season again.

But to their credit, we don't want a repeat of the horrific scenes that played out last year with organized sports. Hundreds of high school kids died on the field from Covid. The NFL lost a dozen good men in their prime during the season. Even the NBA and MLB, with super tight controls and bubbles, lost a few players, but more specifically, elderly coaching staffs and scouts were totally wiped out from asymptomatic spread of this disease. We know NASCAR got totally destroyed after all of their return from the Sturgis Bike rally that killed all 250,000 attendees according to a reliable Johns Hopkins death model. And all for a little game to keep us amused.

Per Bob, back to the basement, but now I'm really in trouble as we have no basements in Texas
i am actually wondering when the fear porn ramps back up as there is no doubt there is an increase in cases. the super good news is the fatality rate is not going up which is in reality the ultimate indicator. politicians are just waiting for this as without the fear porn, they lose all the power and control they had and the emergency powers would be taken away. but if they can scream about how the delta variant and lambda variant is increasing case load, then they can hang onto those power that much longer. next you will see teacher union reps saying have to be virtual school next year.
I'm not sure. At the voting booth, it favors the political party not in power if the pandemic still has a grip on everyday life. Obviously at the national level, we just flipped power with the previous administration being dragged down by the thought that we were not overcoming the pandemic quick enough. So if there is a considerable relapse in the pandemic and another round of restrictions and lock downs then the current administration will look even worse and people will want change.

It's one thing to not be overcoming COVID fast enough for people, it's another thing to take positive momentum and then head back to a dark place again. l don't think those currently with power want that on their record. So I think we'll get a bunch of cheerleading and less criticism and they'll be very careful about doing anything that looks like a step backwards. Politically it would be a big problem.
i am actually wondering when the fear porn ramps back up as there is no doubt there is an increase in cases. the super good news is the fatality rate is not going up which is in reality the ultimate indicator. politicians are just waiting for this as without the fear porn, they lose all the power and control they had and the emergency powers would be taken away. but if they can scream about how the delta variant and lambda variant is increasing case load, then they can hang onto those power that much longer. next you will see teacher union reps saying have to be virtual school next year.
Agreed but I don't think this is just "politicians". The media makes money off of FUD: Fear, uncertainty and doubt. They work hard to evoke an emotional response. You aren't seeing a ton of articles or news segments done on how well the vaxxines are working, how low the hospitalizations and deaths are. You don't hear them saying "if we extend current trends, we will be out of the woods by this fall and the COVID 19 flu will resemble the risks taken during a normal flu season". What they say is "COVID cases are increasing! Historical death rates are 1%. So extrapolating these numbers, we could see deaths resembling October of 2020!!!" That gets people to watch, get emotional, and continue to watch to get updates so they can keep their families safe. it is why people are wearing masks while driving in their cars with nobody around.
i am actually wondering when the fear porn ramps back up as there is no doubt there is an increase in cases. the super good news is the fatality rate is not going up which is in reality the ultimate indicator. politicians are just waiting for this as without the fear porn, they lose all the power and control they had and the emergency powers would be taken away. but if they can scream about how the delta variant and lambda variant is increasing case load, then they can hang onto those power that much longer. next you will see teacher union reps saying have to be virtual school next year.

Yup. Fall will be here soon. That means unvaccinated kids could be back in school, in close proximity to one another and their teachers, indoors. Can’t have that.
They'd better be careful. Private schools and homeschooling are booming. This will further exacerbate the gap between the haves and have nots.
Ultimately this hurts inner city minorities disproportionately. They need in person school to get their best shot for a better life. Sad that teacher's unions are so willing to fail them.
Ultimately this hurts inner city minorities disproportionately. They need in person school to get their best shot for a better life. Sad that teacher's unions are so willing to fail them.

Best shot? o_O
Until you're prepared to deny the teachers unions funding, they have no reason whatsoever to be worried.

Schools here are funded, mostly, from property taxes. And it is a two-edged sword. If you keep the schools well funded, they are better, and people want to live there driving property taxes up and creating a flywheel effect. But if people live in an area where they send their kids to private schools they are no longer as willing to approve a tax increase since they don't directly benefit (but do indirectly as their property values increase). That really creates a balance for both sides; pro and con public schools.

Locally, and the pandemic could be the case, several school districts went for increased funding but failed. In one, it was the first funding increase asked for in over 30 years that failed. This was for one of the top public schools in the state where even wealthy people send their kids because the quality of education is as good as the private/catholic schools. Asking around the community as to why the levy failed, many people pointed to homeschooling and an increase in private school attendance due to disciplinary and/or curriculum differences.
Best shot? o_O
Yes I know the NBA and NFL are often pitched but that is winning the Powerball. If inner city minorities want a better life then the highest probable path (just like non-minorities) is through education. But most inner city minorities don't often have good private school options, someone home during the day helping them figure out distance learning, or sometimes even a decent computer and internet to log in, and a portion of them don't have a stable life or meals without in person classes.

So yeah, it is their best shot. It is actually the best shot for most American children. It's just that many have much greater support available to them. We owe it to these kids to give them in person classes. Their risks are so much greater when not in school.
From the CDC data that showed myocarditis rates many times higher than the expected rate among kids, combine with the recent studies showing kids (especially healthy ones) have an extremely tiny chance of severe illness from covid.
so not from CNN?
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From the CDC data that showed myocarditis rates many times higher than the expected rate among kids, combine with the recent studies showing kids (especially healthy ones) have an extremely tiny chance of severe illness from covid.
Thank you. Where can I see that data? I'm having a hard time getting rates by age. I can find the number of cases but not correlated to the number of immunizations. Also, where are adverse effects rates by age listed? I don't want to quote this to others without data from trusted sources. It will be good to see what sources you trust.
Thank you. Where can I see that data? I'm having a hard time getting rates by age. I can find the number of cases but not correlated to the number of immunizations. Also, where are adverse effects rates by age listed? I don't want to quote this to others without data from trusted sources. It will be good to see what sources you trust.
I posted a link to the adverse effects by age in the Olympics thread
Thank you. Where can I see that data? I'm having a hard time getting rates by age. I can find the number of cases but not correlated to the number of immunizations. Also, where are adverse effects rates by age listed? I don't want to quote this to others without data from trusted sources. It will be good to see what sources you trust.
Agreed but I don't think this is just "politicians". The media makes money off of FUD: Fear, uncertainty and doubt. They work hard to evoke an emotional response. You aren't seeing a ton of articles or news segments done on how well the vaxxines are working, how low the hospitalizations and deaths are. You don't hear them saying "if we extend current trends, we will be out of the woods by this fall and the COVID 19 flu will resemble the risks taken during a normal flu season". What they say is "COVID cases are increasing! Historical death rates are 1%. So extrapolating these numbers, we could see deaths resembling October of 2020!!!" That gets people to watch, get emotional, and continue to watch to get updates so they can keep their families safe. it is why people are wearing masks while driving in their cars with nobody around.
I always find it interesting when the media says Hospitalizations have doubles or triples in this given area but they never give the numbers - did it go from 1 to 3 - that is triple but does that really mean anything? it si not in their interest for this to go away or even be realistic about the current state of COVID.
Thank you. Where can I see that data? I'm having a hard time getting rates by age. I can find the number of cases but not correlated to the number of immunizations. Also, where are adverse effects rates by age listed? I don't want to quote this to others without data from trusted sources. It will be good to see what sources you trust.
I always find it interesting when the media says Hospitalizations have doubles or triples in this given area but they never give the numbers - did it go from 1 to 3 - that is triple but does that really mean anything? it si not in their interest for this to go away or even be realistic about the current state of COVID.
Agreed... it's a tell. they play with numbers by using percentages, selectively using time slots, and manipulating trends. when the deaths are down but we saw a one-week increase of infections in a state from 1,000 to 1,101. You'll hear something like this: "New COVID 19 infections increased over ten percent in one week! This trend suggests we will double infections by September. If historic mortality rates persist, we will be losing over 100 souls per day in the state this fall. This is back to May 2020 rates; the peak of infection deaths. And, if so, we could see lockdowns again!"

It is kind of like Oak Island when they find a nail. "Could this be a nail that is old? And if so, can it be from a pirate? Does that mean it was from a pirate ship? And as we all know, Pirates had treasures so is this from a pirate ship or treasure box? Is that treasure still on the island in the "money pit" or elsewhere on the island? Stay tuned next week while we drill another hole."
I don’t believe they were actually part of the “program” but took $300m to start and find their research. Basically the government took 100% off the risk so that the process was streamlined

This is not accurate for Pfizer, they undertook the risk of R&D if their vaccine was not ultimately approved, they would not get paid if they didn't deliver an approved vaccine.

Here's a couple pertinent quotes from the article you linked....

"Although Pfizer didn't receive government funding this spring toward research and development of the vaccine, it nevertheless received one of the largest Operation Warp Speed supply contracts to date on July 21.

"That nearly $2 billion contract will pay for 100 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine at a price of $19.50 per dose if the vaccine is OK'd by the Food and Drug Administration. The government also has the option to buy up to 500 million more doses. The other Operation Warp Speed agreements pay for vaccines regardless of FDA approval or authorization."

If you actually read the report this table was pulled from, you see that of the very small number of cases that occurred, almost all cases were treated and symptoms were resolved.
The risk of getting Covid-19 for someone not getting the vaccine and having permanent life altering results or death are much greater than any risk from getting the vaccine.
Why am I not surprised that you are a source of antivax misinformation?
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Agreed... it's a tell. they play with numbers by using percentages, selectively using time slots, and manipulating trends. when the deaths are down but we saw a one-week increase of infections in a state from 1,000 to 1,101. You'll hear something like this: "New COVID 19 infections increased over ten percent in one week! This trend suggests we will double infections by September. If historic mortality rates persist, we will be losing over 100 souls per day in the state this fall. This is back to May 2020 rates; the peak of infection deaths. And, if so, we could see lockdowns again!"

It is kind of like Oak Island when they find a nail. "Could this be a nail that is old? And if so, can it be from a pirate? Does that mean it was from a pirate ship? And as we all know, Pirates had treasures so is this from a pirate ship or treasure box? Is that treasure still on the island in the "money pit" or elsewhere on the island? Stay tuned next week while we drill another hole."
The media knows that many people are either very bad at math or are too lazy to think critically. Sheep get herded.