OT: USA COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

Dear Lord get a clue---you can't one second say vaccines stop the spread and then I prove to you otherwise and you say they are breakthrough cases.
This not what I said at all. You have reading comprehension problems. Vaccines slow the spread and were more effective doing so with earlier variants. But that does not mean they have zero efficacy against omicron.
If there are more cases per 100K in the vaccinated population vs the unvaxxed then your argument has been proven wrong.
That is incorrect and it is sad that you don't understand the math behind this.
I've linked the data so many times go look for it. It's the UK surveillance report---anyone who has been following covid and hasn't heard of it is living under a rock! You can see how a government should be reporting data---they just don't agree with what it says!
I'm not doing your homework for you. You can either post the link or STFU.
This not what I said at all. You have reading comprehension problems. Vaccines slow the spread and were more effective doing so with earlier variants. But that does not mean they have zero efficacy against omicron.

That is incorrect and it is sad that you don't understand the math behind this.

I'm not doing your homework for you. You can either post the link or STFU.
Wow---you must be realted to Lajolla!

If you are actually DUMB enough to say that using the cases per 100K is incorrect in proving there are more cases in vaxxed then unvaxxed well you need to STFU because you're a MORON!


Meanwhile nothing you post is remotely accurate
I said this many months ago but VAERS data, in a vacuum, is useless. It is literally raw, self reported data. Anyone can report anything.

Kind of like if I change wikipedia to say that Ryan Day is the new coach at Michigan. LOL.

In order to get any value from the VAERS data you have to read the interpreted data products (reports) that are written based on the data.

The database is publicly available because it has to be (federally funded) but the raw data SHOULD NOT be used by the public to make any sort of conclusions about adverse effects.

You are correct about this from a a general "injury" perspective. For example, someone died in a car accident 2 days after a vaccine. Was it driver error, or was there potentially a side-effect from the vaccine that led to the accident? It's very hard to parse much of the data, especially at early stages.
However, there is an important stat that VAERS can provide and that is total deaths of people, for any reason, within X days of taking a vaccine. We have substantial historical data sets for vaccines, so we generally know about how many people will die in total in the days after taking a safe vaccine. For illustrative purposes, some people will die for reasons unrelated to a vaccine (ie heart attack, car accident, etc)within 3 days after getting a vaccine - this number is remarkably steady over time - so if vaccines A, B, C, D, E, and F, all have 2 deaths within 72 hours of vaccination, and vaccine G has 6 deaths, it suggests that vaccine G may be having an adverse effect that needs to be studied further. There is some VAERS data that suggests the C0VID vaxxes, and especially the Pfizer, have some issues.

Personal anecdote...I have a friend - his mother-in-law and her sister, both ~70yo, got vaxxed and both wound up in the hospital within 3 days with major heart issues. One died, one survived. It could be a coincidence, but it certainly suggests that something genetically caused them to have a significant reaction to the vaccine.
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How many of the Penguins were significantly ill? Including coaches (who are older and not an in as good a shape as the players)?

Zero, I believe is the correct answer.
Relevancy? Zero. None. Zilch.

Does anyone care whether Kris Letang's mile time with Covid is 5:15 and without Covid is 5:12?

Does anyone care whether Kris Letang's mile time with Covid (vaxxed) is 5:15 and unvaxxed is 5:17?

No. Think.

The point of all the penguins getting covid is that THE VACCINE DOESN'T STOP THE SPREAD. SO THERE IS NO REASON FOR A VACCINE MANDATE.
OK, so if the NYC study showing 49% of mortalities were "with" COVID and not from COVID hold true. And this below holds true (75% of mortalities wore with 4 or more comorbidities) the death rate really drops for healthy people dying OF COVID

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Relevancy? Zero. None. Zilch.

Does anyone care whether Kris Letang's mile time with Covid is 5:15 and without Covid is 5:12?

Does anyone care whether Kris Letang's mile time with Covid (vaxxed) is 5:15 and unvaxxed is 5:17?

No. Think.

The point of all the penguins getting covid is that THE VACCINE DOESN'T STOP THE SPREAD. SO THERE IS NO REASON FOR A VACCINE MANDATE.
you just broke NC's heart
This is factually incorrect. It was previously available under EUA (emergency use authorization) but as of August 2021 is now fully approved.

Please stop disseminating false information.

Approved only for people 16 years of age and older. The vaccine continues to remain available for emergency use only authorization (EUA), for individuals 12 through 15 years.

We still won’t get the data used in its approval process for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. for another 8 months, only because of a US District Judge ruled in favor of Public Health and Medical Professionals that had sued the FDA under a Freedom of Information Act that demanded more transparency.

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman called the group’s FOIA request "of paramount public importance," and demanded that the FDA release 55,000 pages a month—which means all information should be available within eight months, Reuter’s Jenna Greene, who had been following the suit,
The FDA—citing staffing issues—agreed to release 12,000 pages by the end of January and a “minimum” of 500 pages a month going forward, the report said. The group found that number unacceptable and said there are more than 400,000 pages of data needed, which could mean it may be 2097 before all the documents are made public.
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Relevancy? Zero. None. Zilch.

Does anyone care whether Kris Letang's mile time with Covid is 5:15 and without Covid is 5:12?

Does anyone care whether Kris Letang's mile time with Covid (vaxxed) is 5:15 and unvaxxed is 5:17?

No. Think.

The point of all the penguins getting covid is that THE VACCINE DOESN'T STOP THE SPREAD. SO THERE IS NO REASON FOR A VACCINE MANDATE.
I've never claimed that the vaccine stops the spread of omicron.

But it does minimize symptoms and speed recovery time, which in term absolutely reduces the transmission rate.

I'm not arguing for a vaccine mandate but I support vaccine passports like we have in my jurisdiction (i.e. if you want to go to a restaurant you need to be fully vaxxed. If you don't want to get fully vaxxed, you can stay at home).
i still go back to the fact that in less than 18 months there are already TWO mutations that evade NATURAL IMMUNITY. Not mRNA vaccine immunity, these virus mutations are evading the human immune system and are doing so as you mention in speeds that defy comprehension. We are having a virus so transmissible it spreads around the world literally in a manner of weeks. When you look at it that way, I don't see this being natural. And the problem is that without understanding it's origin and really getting down in the weeds of the Wuhan lab and what they were doing, I am not sure how we as humans plan on stopping it.
And do you find it intriguing that cases of COVID-19 in China (any variant) are virtually non-existent? Is this a coincidence?
OK, so if the NYC study showing 49% of mortalities were "with" COVID and not from COVID hold true. And this below holds true (75% of mortalities wore with 4 or more comorbidities) the death rate really drops for healthy people dying OF COVID

I think this distinction is an important one and I've been arguing to clear this up since the very early days of covid.

But this doesn't change the facts that covid can make you quite sick and vaccines do help with that.
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Approved only for people 16 years of age and older. The vaccine continues to remain available for emergency use only authorization (EUA), for individuals 12 through 15 years.

We still won’t get the data used in its approval process for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. for another 8 months, only because of a US District Judge ruled in favor of Public Health and Medical Professionals that had sued the FDA under a Freedom of Information Act that demanded more transparency.

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman called the group’s FOIA request "of paramount public importance," and demanded that the FDA release 55,000 pages a month—which means all information should be available within eight months, Reuter’s Jenna Greene, who had been following the suit,
The FDA—citing staffing issues—agreed to release 12,000 pages by the end of January and a “minimum” of 500 pages a month going forward, the report said. The group found that number unacceptable and said there are more than 400,000 pages of data needed, which could mean it may be 2097 before all the documents are made public.
Gee, wonder which ones would be held to the last release. And then there is always the redactions of anything the peons shouldn’t bother their little brains with.
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OK, so if the NYC study showing 49% of mortalities were "with" COVID and not from COVID hold true. And this below holds true (75% of mortalities wore with 4 or more comorbidities) the death rate really drops for healthy people dying OF COVID

Basically it means people died early. I have a friend in health care who said that isn't necessarily a bad thing. He asked a good question---how much money was saved by these people dying? I'm not saying I agree with te premise but its a legit question. How much does the government spend to take care of a patient for a year? I know the numbers show excess deaths and won't argue that but what happens the year after this is over will be interesting.
Basically it means people died early. I have a friend in health care who said that isn't necessarily a bad thing. He asked a good question---how much money was saved by these people dying? I'm not saying I agree with te premise but its a legit question. How much does the government spend to take care of a patient for a year? I know the numbers show excess deaths and won't argue that but what happens the year after this is over will be interesting.
well, more people died in 2021 than in 2020.

Approved only for people 16 years of age and older. The vaccine continues to remain available for emergency use only authorization (EUA), for individuals 12 through 15 years.

We still won’t get the data used in its approval process for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. for another 8 months, only because of a US District Judge ruled in favor of Public Health and Medical Professionals that had sued the FDA under a Freedom of Information Act that demanded more transparency.

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman called the group’s FOIA request "of paramount public importance," and demanded that the FDA release 55,000 pages a month—which means all information should be available within eight months, Reuter’s Jenna Greene, who had been following the suit,
The FDA—citing staffing issues—agreed to release 12,000 pages by the end of January and a “minimum” of 500 pages a month going forward, the report said. The group found that number unacceptable and said there are more than 400,000 pages of data needed, which could mean it may be 2097 before all the documents are made public.
Not sure your point here.

The Pfizer vaccine is fully approved for anyone over 16. That is what I posted earlier to debunk what WPT said (it is only experimental).

I'm not sure why the uproar over the FOIA request either. Medical data aren't going to be turned over to the general public without making sure there is no PII. That takes time. Additionally, there may be scientific publication concerns from the PIs (some scientists balk at having all of their data released before they have a chance to publish on it...I personally disagree with this and release all of mine as soon as it is QA/QC'd but I understand where they are coming from and to the point it is neither rare nor a conspiracy).
I've never claimed that the vaccine stops the spread of omicron.

But it does minimize symptoms and speed recovery time, which in term absolutely reduces the transmission rate.

I'm not arguing for a vaccine mandate but I support vaccine passports like we have in my jurisdiction (i.e. if you want to go to a restaurant you need to be fully vaxxed. If you don't want to get fully vaxxed, you can stay at home).
You realize that most of those Penguins that were infected were infected prior to omicron becoming prevalent.

The vaccine did not stop the spread, and only slowed the spread, of Delta.

I say no mandate, and we're going to defer to me at this point, as I've gotten everything right and the idiots that would be for a mandate have gotten most things wrong.

So, we're going with me. No more idiots like Fauci, Walensky (I want to see Walensky's Calc I tests - that woman is a ****ing idiot).
I think this distinction is an important one and I've been arguing to clear this up since the very early days of covid.

But this doesn't change the facts that covid can make you quite sick and vaccines do help with that.
yes...but as I've been arguing for two years, each person has their own risk profile. What we are seeing is that there have been a ton of scare tactics used here. They simply hid the data. Why? If you are healthy and under 50-ish, you've got almost nothing to worry about.

If half were "with" not from that takes the deaths down to 400,000. Then if 75% of deaths were with FOUR or more comorbidities, we are looking at a real death toll over two years of something like 50,000/year.
The power of natural immunity was recently affirmed in an Israeli studywhich found a 6.7 times greater level of protection among those with natural immunity vs. those with vaccinated immunity,” he said. Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world.

In September, Makary shared that there are more than 15 studies that have demonstrated the power of immunity acquired by previously having the virus. He referenced Israel “found that those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic COVID infection than those who were vaccinated.”
Wow---you must be realted to Lajolla!

If you are actually DUMB enough to say that using the cases per 100K is incorrect in proving there are more cases in vaxxed then unvaxxed well you need to STFU because you're a MORON!


Meanwhile nothing you post is remotely accurate
LOL. I post citations for everything I say. You post citations for nothing and don't understand basic math.

Just curious what your science background is. Do you have a STEM degree from PSU?
Basically it means people died early. I have a friend in health care who said that isn't necessarily a bad thing. He asked a good question---how much money was saved by these people dying? I'm not saying I agree with te premise but its a legit question. How much does the government spend to take care of a patient for a year? I know the numbers show excess deaths and won't argue that but what happens the year after this is over will be interesting.
What will happen after this is all over? That blue line that I graph will go UNDER the Orange line - because we will have taken out a lot of dry tinder.

That's what will happen, and I think your instinct is telling you that.
You are correct about this from a a general "injury" perspective. For example, someone died in a car accident 2 days after a vaccine. Was it driver error, or was there potentially a side-effect from the vaccine that led to the accident? It's very hard to parse much of the data, especially at early stages.
However, there is an important stat that VAERS can provide and that is total deaths of people, for any reason, within X days of taking a vaccine. We have substantial historical data sets for vaccines, so we generally know about how many people will die in total in the days after taking a safe vaccine. For illustrative purposes, some people will die for reasons unrelated to a vaccine (ie heart attack, car accident, etc)within 3 days after getting a vaccine - this number is remarkably steady over time - so if vaccines A, B, C, D, E, and F, all have 2 deaths within 72 hours of vaccination, and vaccine G has 6 deaths, it suggests that vaccine G may be having an adverse effect that needs to be studied further. There is some VAERS data that suggests the C0VID vaxxes, and especially the Pfizer, have some issues.

Personal anecdote...I have a friend - his mother-in-law and her sister, both ~70yo, got vaxxed and both wound up in the hospital within 3 days with major heart issues. One died, one survived. It could be a coincidence, but it certainly suggests that something genetically caused them to have a significant reaction to the vaccine.
Personal anecdotes do not make for scientifically rigorous conclusions.

It is not that VAERS the data are useless, it is that the raw data need to be interpreted and summarized. This has been done by CDC and FDA scientists.
The power of natural immunity was recently affirmed in an Israeli studywhich found a 6.7 times greater level of protection among those with natural immunity vs. those with vaccinated immunity,” he said. Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world.

In September, Makary shared that there are more than 15 studies that have demonstrated the power of immunity acquired by previously having the virus. He referenced Israel “found that those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic COVID infection than those who were vaccinated.”
Surely we are done with this ridiculous nonsense.

Is there anyone STILL arguing that vaccine immunity is superior to natural immunity?

I mean, how stupid are people? Seriously. Do they need to "believe the peer reviewed science" and otherwise, they know nothing?

We have 21 fully vaxxed Pitttsburgh Penguins. Of that number, 17 have gotten Covid. So, of that group, VE = 1-17/21 over a 5 month period = 20% vaccine effectiveness against infection.

Now of the 17 that have gotten Covid (natural immunity), how many have gotten Covid twice? Exactly 1. One. As in NIE = 1-1/17 = 93% natural immunity effectiveness against infection, although over only a mean time of about 3 months.
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Personal anecdotes do not make for scientifically rigorous conclusions.

It is not that VAERS the data are useless, it is that the raw data need to be interpreted and summarized. This has been done by CDC and FDA scientists.
The same ones that were for mask mandates with no evidence whatsoever.

I mean, to put it in the words of midwit journalists everywhere, "Without Evidence, CDC and FDA "scientists" say a mask mandate willl......zzzzzz"
Not sure your point here.

The Pfizer vaccine is fully approved for anyone over 16. That is what I posted earlier to debunk what WPT said (it is only experimental).

I'm not sure why the uproar over the FOIA request either. Medical data aren't going to be turned over to the general public without making sure there is no PII. That takes time. Additionally, there may be scientific publication concerns from the PIs (some scientists balk at having all of their data released before they have a chance to publish on it...I personally disagree with this and release all of mine as soon as it is QA/QC'd but I understand where they are coming from and to the point it is neither rare nor a conspiracy).
Bottom line is their has been less than full transparency about the rushed to market vaccines since they were introduced over a year ago and people are entitled to full information and disclosure about any vaccine, which wasn’t FDA approved until late August, 7 months after it was being widely administered and often mandated. This is still a free country and right to choose is paramount, especially relative to ones health. AND for millions of healthy people, acquired natural immunities are more effective than the vaccines any way. (No matter what the media claims attempting to debunk that fact )
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Personal anecdotes do not make for scientifically rigorous conclusions.

It is not that VAERS the data are useless, it is that the raw data need to be interpreted and summarized. This has been done by CDC and FDA scientists.
Boy, we sure do agree on that one - personal anecdotes make for bad science.

Someone ought to let Steve G, Tgar, and the like in on this. All they do is give anecdote after anecdote - "I know a guy, 47 yo, healthy, rabid trumper, anti-vaxxer, he came into the hospital blahblahblbhalblah"
You realize that most of those Penguins that were infected were infected prior to omicron becoming prevalent.

The vaccine did not stop the spread, and only slowed the spread, of Delta.

I say no mandate, and we're going to defer to me at this point, as I've gotten everything right and the idiots that would be for a mandate have gotten most things wrong.

So, we're going with me. No more idiots like Fauci, Walensky (I want to see Walensky's Calc I tests - that woman is a ****ing idiot).
And that's the bottom line--if they don't stop the spread then why would you mandate it. Ultimately that's what I mean when I say they don't work.
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What will happen after this is all over? That blue line that I graph will go UNDER the Orange line - because we will have taken out a lot of dry tinder.

That's what will happen, and I think your instinct is telling you that.
exactly, and then a conspiracy quack might say was this for some population control. Thats why the question--how much money was saved from the deaths could be a legitimately asked.

👉Highly recommend:
👉 Video release:
👉And this more detailed release:
The CANADA HEALTH ALLIANCE is a non-profit network of healthcare professionals from across Canada whose common goal is to reclaim and protect each individuals’ right to health freedom through education and empowerment.
We are medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, pharmacists, therapists, homeopaths, nutritionists, health coaches and other healthcare practitioners who seek uninhibited access to the highest quality healthcare available, continued freedom of choice and true informed consent for all Canadians through collaboration and unified action.

We, as professionals informed by current research oppose these public health measures:
* The use of an inappropriate and misapplied test i.e. RT-PCR to determine policies
* Mismanagement of hospitals and other medical facilities with unnecessary COVID restrictions
* Lockdowns of businesses
* Closure of churches and other places of worship
* Closure of facilities such as schools, daycares, gyms and special needs care centres
* Closure of playgrounds, parks, and other recreational facilities
* Inordinate and ubiquitous hand-washing with disinfectants
* Mandated and inappropriate physical distancing
* Mandated and inappropriate mask wearing
* Promotion or requirement of COVID-19 vaccination with inadequately trialed, experimental gene-modifying products
* Mandated and inappropriate social isolation
* Quarantine of asymptomatic people
* Misrepresentation of the COVID situation in the media
* The use of fear and other psychological manipulation to coerce the public into following harmful mitigation measures
* The lack of transparency and accountability of public health agencies
* The failure to promote evidence based preventative and therapeutic treatments
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Boy, we sure do agree on that one - personal anecdotes make for bad science.

Someone ought to let Steve G, Tgar, and the like in on this. All they do is give anecdote after anecdote - "I know a guy, 47 yo, healthy, rabid trumper, anti-vaxxer, he came into the hospital blahblahblbhalblah"
Glad we agree on that. Anecdotes are not helpful.
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Bottom line is their has been less than full transparency about the rushed to market vaccines since they were introduced over a year ago and people are entitled to full information and disclosure about any vaccine, which wasn’t FDA approved until late August, 7 months after it was being widely administered and often mandated. This is still a free country and right to choose is paramount, especially relative to ones health. AND for millions of healthy people, acquired natural immunities are more effective than the vaccines any way. (No matter what the media claims attempting to debunk that fact )
Three points here:

1) I disagree that there has been less than full transparency, at least compared to other FDA authorizations. Raw data is only usually shared much much later in the process for reasons I have stated above. Having said that, I don't work for FDA or CDC (although I am in a sports league with a lot of those folks) so if someone has more documentation about what is "normal" for transparency, please share.

2) There are no vaccine mandates that will force anyone to get vaccinated. Having said that, there absolutely CAN (and will) be vaccine requirements for education (not new, kids have needed vaccines for other things for years), employment (not new for some jobs), and other venues (e.g. restaurants, which is new, but restaurants are obviously not a Constitutionally guaranteed right).

3)I don't think we have enough data to know how effective natural immunity is. I think you are right in that there is certainly a natural immunity component, but that doesn't really translate into a reasonable public health strategy (e.g. please get covid so you have immunity....from covid).
The same ones that were for mask mandates with no evidence whatsoever.

I mean, to put it in the words of midwit journalists everywhere, "Without Evidence, CDC and FDA "scientists" say a mask mandate willl......zzzzzz"
I've never been in favor of mask mandates and don't think that masking does anything.

That doesn't change the fact that vaccines work and everyone should get vaccinated.
Three points here:

3)I don't think we have enough data to know how effective natural immunity is. I think you are right in that there is certainly a natural immunity component, but that doesn't really translate into a reasonable public health strategy (e.g. please get covid so you have immunity....from covid).
I think for your point #3, natural immunity should be counted as the same as being vaccinated and it is not. That is the rub for most people.
again, they did stop the spread of the original variant.
No they didn't. First the original covid 19---Alpha I guess wasn't even here when vaccinations started. Now Beta which popped its head up in the winter of 2020 was already decreasing when vaccines came out. The cases barely noticeable before any % of the population that would have made a difference were vaccinated.

Cases in PA went from 5194/100K on 1/1 to 7375.2/100K on 3/1 to 9130.5/100K on 5/1

So in the first 4 months vaccines were available cases went up 75%

On 3/1 only 967K Pennsylvanians were fully vaxxed

On 5/1 3.9 Million

The Beta variant went away on its own because of the weather change not vaccines. Which is exactly what happened the summer before.
I've never been in favor of mask mandates and don't think that masking does anything.

That doesn't change the fact that vaccines work and everyone should get vaccinated.
I would be more precise in choice of language and say vaccines ‘help’ instead of vaccines ‘work‘. Almost all vaccines for other illnesses stop the illness......small pox, measles, etc, etc. And when people hear the term ‘vaccine’ that is their expectation. And when expectations are not met you get disappointment and cynicism.

Use precise language, manage expectations, and get better buy in.
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No they didn't. First the original covid 19---Alpha I guess wasn't even here when vaccinations started. Now Beta which popped its head up in the winter of 2020 was already decreasing when vaccines came out. The cases barely noticeable before any % of the population that would have made a difference were vaccinated.

Cases in PA went from 5194/100K on 1/1 to 7375.2/100K on 3/1 to 9130.5/100K on 5/1

So in the first 4 months vaccines were available cases went up 75%

On 3/1 only 967K Pennsylvanians were fully vaxxed

On 5/1 3.9 Million

The Beta variant went away on its own because of the weather change not vaccines. Which is exactly what happened the summer before.
June 2020 USA 7 day average in daily positives was 22-24k range. June 2021 it was in the 14-15k range and that is with a much more opened up society and much better access to testing.
I think for your point #3, natural immunity should be counted as the same as being vaccinated and it is not. That is the rub for most people.
I don't disagree with you in principle but I can foresee some issues with that in terms of documentation. I think there are still issues with false positive PCR tests (another topic for another time) and possibly even with other rapid tests. I think we'd have to agree on a testing framework with a national reporting system (which I'm sure people would object to on privacy basis).

Obviously "taking people's word for it" isn't a good option.
you do recognize that it is most likely the patient misheard as I have also not heard of anybody definitely testing for Omicron or Delta variant in a normal setting. the test to distinguish does exist, but that is not something that I think is normal. see attached article.

I realize that we are in a life threatening pandemic and that two people that were previously very sick from Covid a year ago both heard the same thing from the doctor and they in turn repeated the same thing to me in two different discussions where I specifically asked them to repeat it. You are a good poster and your content is appreciated, but I am not discussing this further. I provided first hand information from a patient and tried to share it in a thread where it is relevant. You all do what you what. I am out of this thread. I will not respond to good posters here in this thread and bad ones go straight to ignore.

As to the patient, he went to the same ER that I did yesterday and they would have done the monoclonal antibodies, but it was now too long since he became positive. The good news is that he is finally starting to feel better today. No more updates unless he goes south.
I don't disagree with you in principle but I can foresee some issues with that in terms of documentation. I think there are still issues with false positive PCR tests (another topic for another time) and possibly even with other rapid tests. I think we'd have to agree on a testing framework with a national reporting system (which I'm sure people would object to on privacy basis).

Obviously "taking people's word for it" isn't a good option.
isn't there anti-body tests now that can be given? so just like a vaccine card, if you have a positive antibody test than that is the same as vaccination.
June 2020 USA 7 day average in daily positives was 22-24k range. June 2021 it was in the 14-15k range and that is with a much more opened up society and much better access to testing.
These are total cases per 100K

In PA2020
may 1st 457cs
July 1st 757

May 1st - -- 9130/
July 1st--- 9583

300cs per 100K in 2020
453cs Per 100K in 2021
isn't there anti-body tests now that can be given? so just like a vaccine card, if you have a positive antibody test than that is the same as vaccination.
My daughter's college won't even take a positive test from from the 1st week in December to not get the vaccine. But they also can't test her for athletics for 90 days. Science!