OT: Lawn advice


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
I have lots of dead spots in my front yard. I took a shovel and lifted several sections of sod looking for grubs but I didn't find any. It's been a hit dry summer but I've watered and don't think that's the problem. Suggestions?
Factors That Can Contribute to Dog Pee Killing Grass. Dog urine burns are likely to occur when one or more of the following factors are involved: Female dogs: It sounds strange, but female dogs are more likely to kill the grass in your lawn than their male counterparts. This is attributed to the fact that, unlike male dogs that lift their hind leg and pee around to mark their territory, female dogs squat and empty their entire bladder in one spot.
Could be another turf damaging insect or a fungus. Many factors could be causing the issues. It has been a very difficult summer for cool season grass where I live in south jersey and lots of damaged turf. Any issues will be exaggerated when the lawn is u see intense stress. Do you have it treated professionally?
Could be another turf damaging insect or a fungus. Many factors could be causing the issues. It has been a very difficult summer for cool season grass where I live in south jersey and lots of damaged turf. Any issues will be exaggerated when the lawn is u see intense stress. Do you have it treated professionally?
I use turfbuilder or equavalent product. I have no idea what type of grass. I assume a normal mix of fescue, bluegrass, and perenial rye that is typical for a northern climate.
Turf builder is usually a high nitrogen product. High nitrogen can contribute to a fungus outbreak. I am in the business and we are seeing fungus growth at most properties. On really wet mornings you may see a a cotton like substance (fungus) growing in the areas you are having issues with. Can be treated or it will recover when weather cools down. Some aeration and over seeding early fall will help.
I have lots of dead spots in my front yard. I took a shovel and lifted several sections of sod looking for grubs but I didn't find any. It's been a hit dry summer but I've watered and don't think that's the problem. Suggestions?

Could be brown patch, especially if you have tall fescue.
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I have lots of dead spots in my front yard. I took a shovel and lifted several sections of sod looking for grubs but I didn't find any. It's been a hit dry summer but I've watered and don't think that's the problem. Suggestions?
what kind of grass?
"'This is a hybrid … of bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, featherbed bent and northern California sensemilia (sic),' Spangler said. 'The amazing stuff about this, is that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on the stuff.'"
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