OT: I didn't know paczki were so big in Michigan! Who knew?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2003

For those of you unaware of paczki, pronounced pawnch-kee, they are defined as a traditional Polish doughnut, filled with jam or another sweet filling and covered with powdered sugar or icing.

My mom used to make paczki and she filled them with prunes. Talk about a delicacy right out of the hot grease, oh man. I know that Oakmont Bakery (I hope those of you who were in town for the U.S. Open got a chance to go there) sells a large variety of paczki this time of year. (Link below) Compared to my mom's, Oakmont's Bakery's are paczki on steroids. My mom just put powdered sugar on them.

What reminded me of them were articles I came across about paczki in Michigan.

I didn't realize paczki were so big there. Just like I didn't realize Dyngus Day is huge in Buffalo.
Who knew? Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, Kiedy my żyjemy.
Yes, paczki are very big in Michigan. Traditionally, they are made in Hamtramck, near Detroit.
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For those of you unaware of paczki, pronounced pawnch-kee, they are defined as a traditional Polish doughnut, filled with jam or another sweet filling and covered with powdered sugar or icing.

My mom used to make paczki and she filled them with prunes. Talk about a delicacy right out of the hot grease, oh man. I know that Oakmont Bakery (I hope those of you who were in town for the U.S. Open got a chance to go there) sells a large variety of paczki this time of year. (Link below) Compared to my mom's, Oakmont's Bakery's are paczki on steroids. My mom just put powdered sugar on them.

What reminded me of them were articles I came across about paczki in Michigan.

I didn't realize paczki were so big there. Just like I didn't realize Dyngus Day is huge in Buffalo.
Who knew? Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, Kiedy my żyjemy.
Na zdrowie!
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Every grocery store in Traverse City has boxes of them right now. I had never heard of them until I moved here. A glorified jelly doughnut, with extra fat added.

We call them ponczki and my mom's look like this.

She usually fills hers with lekvar and fries them in lard. My mom also makes some the the best chrustcziki around, very light and flaky.
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Every grocery store in Traverse City has boxes of them right now. I had never heard of them until I moved here. A glorified jelly doughnut, with extra fat added.

A glorified jelly doughnut, with extra fat added????? A glorified jelly doughnut......That's like saying Scarlett Johannson is just ok.

Chocolate and vanilla cream paczki as well.
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I used to see them in the Giant on Duke Street in Alexandria. Not sure why, I don't even think that's a big Polish area.

The local lent donuts were called Kinklings where I grew up in Maryland.

For those of you unaware of paczki, pronounced pawnch-kee, they are defined as a traditional Polish doughnut, filled with jam or another sweet filling and covered with powdered sugar or icing.

My mom used to make paczki and she filled them with prunes. Talk about a delicacy right out of the hot grease, oh man. I know that Oakmont Bakery (I hope those of you who were in town for the U.S. Open got a chance to go there) sells a large variety of paczki this time of year. (Link below) Compared to my mom's, Oakmont's Bakery's are paczki on steroids. My mom just put powdered sugar on them.

What reminded me of them were articles I came across about paczki in Michigan.

I didn't realize paczki were so big there. Just like I didn't realize Dyngus Day is huge in Buffalo.
Who knew? Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, Kiedy my żyjemy.
I thought the phonetic pronunciation was "poonch-key"
My baby ha made packing stuffed with prunes. I don't remember powdered sugar, but that would have been just fine by me.

They've become big business in the Pittsburgh area, Oakmont Bakery is on the other side of the world for me son I have to settle for the Bethel Bakery rendition. I'm sure that Graham's and Potomac do just fine too.

The problem is these bakeries make them too big - not that Dibbs can't down one at a sitting.

What I wouldn't give for a hot bowl of duck soup with dumplings.
I believe at one time Hamtramck, MI had the largest polish community in the US. PSU linebacker, Keith Karpinski, was from Hamtramck I believe.
Don't know if Hamtramck was ever as large as Chicago. ChiTown has the largest Polish community outside of Warsaw I believe.
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I thought the phonetic pronunciation was "poonch-key"
I have heard and have said both punch-key and poonch-key.
The OP is correct, paczki are just HUGE in Michigan. I never heard of them growing up in PA (and I am part Polish), but they are literally everywhere from mid-Jan to Fat Tuesday (and linger for about a week after).
Last year I stood in line after working out (in shorts) in a blizzard at my local bakery.
The most I have ever had in one day was 3, which is maybe 1500-2000 calories.
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