OT Hodor....GOT spoilers..Episode 5 Thread

I can't help feeling though, while the scene was still great, that they just killed off another 4 characters (including Summer), without getting much out of his trip to that tree. Unless, he now knows how to Warg into the past all on his own and that was the point. We didn't get to see R+L=J. We didn't get to see the Trident or anything cool like that, the building of the wall, Ned marching off to War the first time. A lot of potential I feel like was missed. Maybe throwing a bone to Martin for him to get this next book out first before revealing anything.

SPOILER ALERT: There is an explanation from the writers in the "Inside the Episode" that is on point relating to Bran's ability to continue having visions of the Past. It is discussed in the following link in the Notes for the episode:
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Where is BenJen Stark? Who will save Bran & Meera from the WWs? The Iron Born will join with Jon & Sansa to retake Winterfell. Theon will kill Ramsay. The Tarley army will also help retake Winterfell.
Great episode. As a book reader, it was the real first visceral shock that I got since Baelor in Season 1 (I started reading the books after that episode). Just wondering who the hell is going to lug Bran around now that Hodor is gone. It's going to be some slow trudging if Meera has to haul his sled around everywhere.

Now that Brienne is on her way to the Riverrun, it'll be interesting to see if they still merge in the Lady Stoneheart storyline. At this point, I actually hope they don't. Just think it's a step backward when things are finally moving forward (but that would be typical GRRM). Also, interesting to see where Theon/Yara are going. Will they head north to join forces with Jon (think it might be difficult for Theon to convince Yara of that) or are they going to merge Theon's storyline with Victarion?
Where is BenJen Stark? Who will save Bran & Meera from the WWs? The Iron Born will join with Jon & Sansa to retake Winterfell. Theon will kill Ramsay. The Tarley army will also help retake Winterfell.

The Iron Born seem to hate everyone who is not Iron Born, the exception being Theon who was raised with the Starks. Maybe Theon could convince Yara and their small crew to join Jon and Sansa but I got the impression they were small in number and the rest of the clan was with Uncle Euron.

Something significant has to happen shortly with Meera and Brandon. She can't lug him around in the snow for very long and Hodor can't hold the door forever... Can't wait to see where that story goes. What happened to the stag walker who helped Brandon get beyond the wall and didn't he also give some assistance to Sam and Co as they were fleeing the massacre beyond the wall? Maybe he (whomever he is) shows up again.
Yea, and now they want to test her to see if she is truly a "faceless person" by giving her an assignment to kill someone. Is it someone important? Is it part of revenge? NO and NO. It's some actress. And the person hiring the faceless people to kill this actress is a rival actress?? So basically she is signing up getting her ass kicked, losing her sight, to be a hired killer? Call me crazy, but she would have been better off keeping her little sword, and going out on her own to find Jon Snow at Castle Black.

The other total waste of 5 minutes last night was the scene with Danaerys. A sappy 5 minute scene where he tells her that he always loved her. Again. Yawn.
Any chance she doesn't kill her and just move on? I like Arya but have no idea where that can go.
Where is BenJen Stark? Who will save Bran & Meera from the WWs? The Iron Born will join with Jon & Sansa to retake Winterfell. Theon will kill Ramsay. The Tarley army will also help retake Winterfell.
Where is BenJen Stark? Who will save Bran & Meera from the WWs? The Iron Born will join with Jon & Sansa to retake Winterfell. Theon will kill Ramsay. The Tarley army will also help retake Winterfell.

As a book reader I was pretty convinced that BenJen was ColdHands (a mysterious character north of the wall who wears NightWatch attire, but seems to be undead, somewhere between the Mountain and those resurrected by Red Priestesses). ColdHands helps Bran et al north of the wall, but this character was not introduced in the TV show.

Apparently, GRRM has denied that BenJen=ColdHands, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but whatever, it's his story.
Great episode. As a book reader, it was the real first visceral shock that I got since Baelor in Season 1 (I started reading the books after that episode). Just wondering who the hell is going to lug Bran around now that Hodor is gone. It's going to be some slow trudging if Meera has to haul his sled around everywhere.

Now that Brienne is on her way to the Riverrun, it'll be interesting to see if they still merge in the Lady Stoneheart storyline. At this point, I actually hope they don't. Just think it's a step backward when things are finally moving forward (but that would be typical GRRM). Also, interesting to see where Theon/Yara are going. Will they head north to join forces with Jon (think it might be difficult for Theon to convince Yara of that) or are they going to merge Theon's storyline with Victarion?
Lady Stoneheart? Victarion? Who dat? It's tough keeping track of all these characters.

Also, it has been several (5?) years since I read the books (the first three, since that was all that was out then). I cannot recall if the books touched on the subject, but what kind of benefit is there from becoming a Faceless Man/Woman? They are assassins, no? Big deal. Unless they attain some kind of special magical talent or other skill, I fail to understand why Arya is grinding through this boring, seemingly unending apprenticeship. "Personal growth" (in the form of leaving behind her desire for vengeance) does not seem a good enough reason, at all. In fact, I would rather that she chucked the whole thing, picked up Needle again, and went looking for more vengeance.
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Who will save Bran & Meera from the WWs?

Something significant has to happen shortly with Meera and Brandon. She can't lug him around in the snow for very long and Hodor can't hold the door forever... Can't wait to see where that story goes. What happened to the stag walker who helped Brandon get beyond the wall and didn't he also give some assistance to Sam and Co as they were fleeing the massacre beyond the wall? Maybe he (whomever he is) shows up again.

Rewatched the trailer and I have queued up the part right here. What Davos says right before this mysterious horse rider is shown seems to portend his living status.

Also, it does appear Yara is heading to Volantis and to Dani. I don't think Theon will accompany her, but who knows.
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Her film history suggests it's a good chance

Staying on the subject of Kinvara, did anyone notice she has quite the title? I don't recall Melisandre having one. Here is her complete title:

Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flametruth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light.

So, my question is, is she from the same order/temple as Melisandre? If so, why do they differ when it comes to believing who the 'promised one' is? Kinvara's title would suggest she's high ranking in her temple, right? Is Melisandre an outlier?
Rewatched the trailer and I have queued up the part right here. What Davos says right before this mysterious horse rider is shown seems to portend his living status.

Also, it does appear Yara is heading to Volantis and to Dani. I don't think Theon will accompany her, but who knows.

I didn't see any obvious reference to ColdHands in that clip, but I guess it's possible.
Can someone answer a question for me? I keep seeing this reference to coldhand and some have mentioned that he helped Bran get north of the wall to the 3 eyed raven. Was this on the show? I don't recall that at all. Or was that only in the books. Frankly I cant remember how Bran even got on the other side of the wall. Heck, I even rewatched all 5 seasons before this one and still don't recall it.
Since BenJen was the best 'scout' of the NW ever and he never returned it would make sense in 'Blood of my Blood' - Episode 6 that he would come around to save Bran (his nephew). Not sure if 'cold hands' is Benjen, but that would make sense as well.
The WW were born of dragon glass - that's why dragon glass can kill them.
Valayrian steel can also kill them - Jon's sword sure got the attention of the Head Honcho WW. Briennes sword is also Valayrian steel as is Jamie's.
Can someone answer a question for me? I keep seeing this reference to coldhand and some have mentioned that he helped Bran get north of the wall to the 3 eyed raven. Was this on the show? I don't recall that at all. Or was that only in the books. Frankly I cant remember how Bran even got on the other side of the wall. Heck, I even rewatched all 5 seasons before this one and still don't recall it.

Coldhands is not in the show, only the books.

In the books, Bran gets north of the wall through a secret tunnel at the Nightfort. This I shortly after he almost runs into Jon (when Jon is with the wildlings). I can't recall exactly how the show adapted it, but I think it was similar. They actually meet Coldhands once they are north of the wall.
Coldhands is not in the show, only the books.

In the books, Bran gets north of the wall through a secret tunnel at the Nightfort. This I shortly after he almost runs into Jon (when Jon is with the wildlings). I can't recall exactly how the show adapted it, but I think it was similar. They actually meet Coldhands once they are north of the wall.

Thanks. Yeah I remember when he almost met Jon and said he s going north of the wall just never remember how he got there. I guess the show really didn't show it that I can remember.
You knew THIS was coming....
Lady Stoneheart? Victarion? Who dat? It's tough keeping track of all these characters.

Spoilers for non-book readers

Lady Stoneheart is the name of resurrected Catelyn Stark, who was brought back to life by Thoros of Myr after dying at the Red wedding.

Victarion is another brother of Baelon Greyjoy who wants to be king of the Iron Islands but loses to Euron. Euron then sends him to Mereen as an envoy and to propose a marriage to Daenerys on behalf of Euron.

Neither character is on the show so people speculate show characters will take on parts of their storylines.
Agree, but sadly the Arya storyline is one that really took a turn for the worse. I actually liked her parts when she was a little bad-a$$ and traveling with The Hound. I thought the interaction between Arya and Hound was excellent. I wish they would have just kept moving that storyline along as Arya & Hound made their way towards someone in Arya's family such as Jon Snow (I believe that is where she was heading).
I agree. Its time to move here story line along or kick it to the curb. Like someone said. It takes away from the interesting story lines.

They could do her whole bit in a20 min segment during the whole season. Instead we get 15 mins every week
I agree. Its time to move here story line along or kick it to the curb. Like someone said. It takes away from the interesting story lines.

They could do her whole bit in a20 min segment during the whole season. Instead we get 15 mins every week

I truly believe she will have an amazing role in "ending" someone else's storyline (someone on her list?). Hers was one of the more gripping stories until she made it to the house of the faceless men and here we continue to sit and care less about the character.
In the last episode we saw some of what made Arya.. well... Arya. I suspect she will never truly become one of the faceless and perhaps her time there will be over soon and she will slip back into Westeros. I hope Needle is still buried in the rocks where she left it.
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This may or may not deserve it's own thread but Mashable looked up who would inherit the Iron Throne if Tommen were to die and you will not believe the answer. Yes, I am gonna make you hit the link bc it is too good to spoil.

I've seen that before and have also seen that there are many strong doubts (to the point of many calling it fraudulent) of the Baratheon family tree which indirectly branches off to who you're mentioning.

Also, Robert used his ties to the Targaryen bloodline through an ancestor to make his claim when he rebelled against the Mad King. I'm not sure if that Targaryen link would exist in the supposed alternate branch or if it would matter.
I've seen that before and have also seen that there are many strong doubts (to the point of many calling it fraudulent) of the Baratheon family tree which indirectly branches off to who you're mentioning.

Also, Robert used his ties to the Targaryen bloodline through an ancestor to make his claim when he rebelled against the Mad King. I'm not sure if that Targaryen link would exist in the supposed alternate branch or if it would matter.

Did you read the article? The heir wouldn't come from Robert's bloodline. Or did I misread the article?
Did you read the article? The heir wouldn't come from Robert's bloodline. Or did I misread the article?

The article states it would come from someone most closely related to the Baratheon family tree, I understand that. There are also credibility concerns about that family tree quoted, but no one would ever know for sure unless GRRM spoke out either way.

My other comment about Robert was somewhat unrelated. From what I understand, when Robert took over in his rebellion, he did so in force, yes, but he also justified his takeover partially with his Targaryen blood that came from a female on his side of the family tree. So he was essentially saying he deserved the throne for multiple reasons, force and blood. I was never of the opinion that the Targ blood really mattered as it was a clear takeover, but some feel it did. I was just saying that the branch of the family tree that this article goes down may or may not have also had that Targaryen blood, whether that actually matters or not.
The article states it would come from someone most closely related to the Baratheon family tree, I understand that. There are also credibility concerns about that family tree quoted, but no one would ever know for sure unless GRRM spoke out either way.

My other comment about Robert was somewhat unrelated. From what I understand, when Robert took over in his rebellion, he did so in force, yes, but he also justified his takeover partially with his Targaryen blood that came from a female on his side of the family tree. So he was essentially saying he deserved the throne for multiple reasons, force and blood. I was never of the opinion that the Targ blood really mattered as it was a clear takeover, but some feel it did. I was just saying that the branch of the family tree that this article goes down may or may not have also had that Targaryen blood, whether that actually matters or not.

Sorry, I read the article and it seemed to clearly state that Cersei would be Tommen's heir should he die without one of his own. Is that who you thought it was? How she gets it is this (assuming Robert is the legitimate King, and since Jaime Lannister and Tyrioin Lannister cannot be King for different reasons):

That exhausts this generation of Baratheons. And according to this unbelievably extensive Baratheon family tree, you have to go all the way back to Robert's great-great-great-great-grandfather to find anyone in his family who sired another line that survived.

A hundred and fifty years before Robert was even born, an aristocrat called Corwen Baratheon married a woman named Leyne and had six kids. One of them, Arion, was Robert's great-great-great grandfather. The next one down to have surviving kids was Elyanna, who married a Lord named Mathin. Lord Mathin Lannister.

Mathin fathered Jason, who fathered Demon, who fathered Gerold, who fathered Tytos Lannister. And who was Tytos' firstborn son? Tywin Lannister.
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That exhausts this generation of Baratheons. And according to this unbelievably extensive Baratheon family tree, you have to go all the way back to Robert's great-great-great-great-grandfather to find anyone in his family who sired another line that survived.

A hundred and fifty years before Robert was even born, an aristocrat called Corwen Baratheon married a woman named Leyne and had six kids. One of them, Arion, was Robert's great-great-great grandfather. The next one down to have surviving kids was Elyanna, who married a Lord named Mathin. Lord Mathin Lannister.

Mathin fathered Jason, who fathered Demon, who fathered Gerold, who fathered Tytos Lannister. And who was Tytos' firstborn son? Tywin Lannister.

The legitimacy of this reported family tree and the connection to Tywin has been questioned. I'm not a book reader so I can't comment on if it was actually detailed to this level in the books.
The legitimacy of this reported family tree and the connection to Tywin has been questioned. I'm not a book reader so I can't comment on if it was actually detailed to this level in the books.

Okay, but I noticed the Baratheon branch in question does not involve a Targaryen. Still, pretty wild.
So my overall theory here is that someone is going to point this out to Cersei, or she already knows, and when she finally realizes she's lost all control of Tommen to Margery then the season two scene in the throne room becomes foreshadowing. Jaime finds out she's responsible and fulfills the prophecy from the books about her younger brother.
I think the one thing Cersei actually cares about more than power is her children so I don't see her killing Tommen. But, I expect them to all die before her either way.

I could still see Jaime killing her if she goes complete mad if Tommen dies, the same way he put down the Mad King (especially if Cersei shares the Mad King's obsession with wild fire and she uses the "burn them all" line that triggered Jaime the first time around). There is a very interesting shadow scene in the season trailer that I'm interested to see if it's a flashback or an actual event.
I think the one thing Cersei actually cares about more than power is her children so I don't see her killing Tommen. But, I expect them to all die before her either way.

I could still see Jaime killing her if she goes complete mad if Tommen dies, the same way he put down the Mad King (especially if Cersei shares the Mad King's obsession with wild fire and she uses the "burn them all" line that triggered Jaime the first time around). There is a very interesting shadow scene in the season trailer that I'm interested to see if it's a flashback or an actual event.

Agreed, I don't see her taking Tommen's life. Now if his life comes to an untimely end, then hell hath no fury...
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