Oh Boy, here we go . . . Clifford sends out an alumni survey

Publicly, it seems that Penn State has not engaged Pegula. I thought we would see him donating all over the place. After making the hockey donations, he said he would be making more donations to the university. Either they have been private donations or they haven't happened. As much as barren deserves criticism, I doubt he is so dumb as to alienate the likes of Pegula.

Maybe Pegula will be financing Barbour's Wet Master Plan. I can see it now...the Pegula Natatorium....the Pegula Basketball Arena.......Pegula Stadium.
Intercollegiate Athletics
Mean and Median Salaries of Full-Time Employees
(as of 2015 fiscal year *)


FTE - 42 Mean Salary - $117,718
Other Professional:
FTE - 197 Mean Salary - $91,390
FTE - 42 Mean Salary - $38,249
FTE - 17 Mean Salary - $46,920

FTE = Full Time Employees.

* Data from Penn State Budget Office, 2015. Subsequent financial records have been deemed privileged and non-public.

Given the growth of head-count since 2016, that's a lot of "donations" required just to pay the salaries, benefits, and expenses of Athletics Administration.

Question, Barry, who or what kind of jobs would be included in "Other Professional?"
Question, Barry, who or what kind of jobs would be included in "Other Professional?"
@Art I was a little nonplussed by that as well. Obviously does not include the coaching staffs. Trainers/S&C/etc was first thing I thought of, but that can't be right.

But you have a $20MM salary load there and a ratio of approx 0.5 other professionals per student athlete. And remember that $20 mill is just SALARY. You gotta add in another 40% benefits load to get the all in cost.

Looking at the numbers just for the suits - we're up to about (roughly) $37MM all in just for the overhead (doing the numbers in my head). Now pay the coaches - and also pay the subsidy for the non-revenue sports - gotta be $40MM. That is a lot of cash.

Now we have a lot of revenue sources for big money, but this is a very, very expensive operation. There is no real money there to fund any master plans - it all has to be raised separately. When/if the economy takes another dump, they are going to be swimming in red ink.
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Regardless of anything the AA has or hasn't done with regards to Success with Honor and the Sandusky mess, what is the point of it?

When I graduated I got a free year or whatever. I never saw the benefits of joining and don't understand what one ever got from it, other than a lapel pin.
@Art I was a little nonplussed by that as well. Obviously does not include the coaching staffs. Trainers/S&C/etc was first thing I thought of, but that can't be right.

But you have a $20MM salary load there and a ratio of approx 0.5 other professionals per student athlete. And remember that $20 mill is just SALARY. You gotta add in another 40% benefits load to get the all in cost.

Looking at the numbers just for the suits - we're up to about (roughly) $37MM all in just for the overhead (doing the numbers in my head). Now pay the coaches - and also pay the subsidy for the non-revenue sports - gotta be $40MM. That is a lot of cash.

Now we have a lot of revenue sources for big money, but this is a very, very expensive operation. There is no real money there to fund any master plans - it all has to be raised separately. When/if the economy takes another dump, they are going to be swimming in red ink.

The announcement of details regarding Phase I of the Master Plan might help bring this all into focus.

That listed information - and breakdown - is from the PSU Budget Office (circa 2015-16). I have the PDF document from them - but I don't know if there is a way to link it directly into the post, so I simply typed in the data.
They have since "gone black" and won't provide any information.
One could try to contact them, and ask for further clarification - - good luck with that :)

Now, one would think that the members of the PSU Governance Board (the Board of Trustees) would be interested in fiscal data - like that - when they are pondering the budget and fiscal issues relevant to governing the organization. But, to the best of my knowledge, "no one cares to ask".

What we DO know, is that the Board of Trustees (as requested by Chairman Dambly) recently revised the "fiscal logistics" of Penn State ICA - with, IIRC, unanimous approval of the Board (though, it may have only been actively addressed by the Budget and Finance Committee - I would have to check to be sure).
In any event, those changes - which will now place the burden of financing PSU ICA projects onto the "general fund" (ie Student Tuition) - were clearly done because "there ain't no revenues left in ICA".
Again, with no one on the Board raising even an issue. Probably because (aside from the few folks profiteering from the relationship) no one even has the diligence to ask.

Responsible Stewardship. Indeed.

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Maybe Pegula will be financing Barbour's Wet Master Plan. I can see it now...the Pegula Natatorium....the Pegula Basketball Arena.......Pegula Stadium.
Yes, our own little Donald Trump.
This comment is not needed. Let's keep the national politics out of this--whichever way you roll.
Just a light-hearted jab at those that love to see their name on everything imaginable. But yeah, you're probably right. Some may take it as political.
Thanks for mentioning that. I hit the link and made no effort to conceal my loathing for the current leadership in both the AA and BOT.
Fair, I was tempted to fill it out also. But, I've come to the conclusion that these sort of things coming from Penn State are nothing more than window dressing and a waste of time. That said, if filling it out is any way cathartic, then it can serve at least some purpose
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Fair, I was tempted to fill it out also. But, I've come to the conclusion that these sort of things coming from Penn State are nothing more than window dressing and a waste of time. That said, if filling it out is any way cathartic, then it can serve at least some purpose
Yes. That's what it was for me. I'm sure, after reading a couple of my responses, they will just delete it, but I felt good when I hit the "send" button.:)
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Question, Barry, who or what kind of jobs would be included in "Other Professional?"
I was wondering that as well. Does facilities and the folks who take care of that come under this heading?? Like the stadium and arena mangers? I'd think it would include the guys and gals that do communications too.

This staff directory listing might be instructive. About 290 not counting specific sport coaches--which is about the number given by Barry. Coaches and their support staffs add another 150 positions or so (but some of those are filled by the same person--a number of the admin assts support multiple sports, so it's likely closer to 120).


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