My Daughter is Dancing FTK

You should be proud. It takes a lot to be nominated and to get a spot in THON. My daughter danced two years ago....great weekend. I was proud too.

I understand the need for the changes with COVID, but another great event taken away/reduced due to the pandemic. It seems to me that there were other ways to do this than going to 100% virtual and mandatory sleep breaks...still a difficult challenge, but not the same challenge that the past 30 some years of dancers have done.

You should be proud of your daughter she signed up for the 46 hour THON and will raise money for a great cause.
Congratulations! It’s an experience she’ll cherish for a lifetime.

My daughter was involved each of her four years. We attended in 2018 when she worked and again in 2019 when she danced during her senior year.

Here’s my recap of the 2018 event for those unaware of what happens at THON.

That's great. THON is going to be challenging this year but the students deserve a lot of credit for keeping it going virtually. I have already donated hundreds this year. If you get that call from Lion Line(not sure if they are working though), please give them the time of day and donate.
Agree - as much as it annoys me that they can’t do it in person, you have to be proud of the creativity and drive it took to not just “cancel”. They found a way to make it happen.

This year is in many ways even harder on the dancers.... no 20K packed house to cheer them ion and keep them going. We will have dancers at our place in State College and the logistics of decorating, food, health checks, emotional supporT crews, etc is very impressive.

Made my $409 donation. There is a chance my daughter could dance next year. I am not certain how big a check I would write, but it would be a big one.

Congrats to all the dancers, support crew, and families involved. You should all be proud.
Daughter is in her junior year of nursing. Was able to work the THON floor last year as a "medical assistant" and loved every second of it. She couldn't work it this year because of being at Hershey Medical for the fall and spring semester but she's hoping to have a THON child next year. It will be very special for her to have a THON family since she will probably already know them from her clinical work in the pediatric unit this year. So proud of what these kids do.
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Agree - as much as it annoys me that they can’t do it in person, you have to be proud of the creativity and drive it took to not just “cancel”. They found a way to make it happen.

This year is in many ways even harder on the dancers.... no 20K packed house to cheer them ion and keep them going. We will have dancers at our place in State College and the logistics of decorating, food, health checks, emotional supporT crews, etc is very impressive.

Made my $409 donation. There is a chance my daughter could dance next year. I am not certain how big a check I would write, but it would be a big one.

Congrats to all the dancers, support crew, and families involved. You should all be proud.
10 $409 checks. 😎
Going strong, just finished a zoom call that the Thon support team set up. Will check out a Family Feud game they are playing at 3 pm
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