Male cheerleaders on NFL sidelines this fall


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2001

Rams and Saints.
And how do we know these so called "male cheerleaders" don't identify as female?

For that matter, how do we know that the "female cheerleaders" we've had up to now don't identify as male? Maybe we've had male cheerleaders all along but just didn't know it.

(And yes, I am joking, although if people can truly identify as whatever they want then the above makes perfect sense.)
Can't tell if serious, but if so just one more reason not to watch NFL of which there are many reasons.

Oh, it's serious, and I'd just like to point out how sexist the rams and saints are for doing this. All the players are male, 99.9% of the coaches and refs are male. Now, these teams are increasing the wage gap even more and taking employment opportunities away from women by allowing men to be cheerleaders. Is nothing sacred? Why do you hate women Saints and Rams?
And how do we know these so called "male cheerleaders" don't identify as female?

For that matter, how do we know that the "female cheerleaders" we've had up to now don't identify as male? Maybe we've had male cheerleaders all along but just didn't know it.

(And yes, I am joking, although if people can truly identify as whatever they want then the above makes perfect sense.)
yeah...along those same lines, I watched a movie, Atomic Blonde, where she beat the living daylights out of some dudes. Why is she NOT being brought up on charges?
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Reminds me of one of the all-time call-ins to a sport talk show. Happened on Austin’s the Horn when “SEC Guy” called in about A&M to the SEC. the caller happened to be a Houston radio guy who came clean a bit later, but it was hilarious drive time humor. 3:15-3:52 is when he gets into male cheerleaders, but the whole thing is a pretty funny send up of your typical blinkered SEC fan.

It was amazing how many people took this guy seriously.

Good call NFL, I'm sure the majority of fans want to see that. Can we get more commercials too?

In the first NFL game on TV this year, the HoF game last week, they now and then took commercial breaks in the middle of a drive and Al Michaels commented at one point that this is something new they're trying out. So that should be interesting.
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In the first NFL game on TV this year, the HoF game last week, they now and then took commercial breaks in the middle of a drive and Al Michaels commented at one point that this is something new they're trying out. So that should be interesting.

+1. They also seemed to have a lot of flags and reviews. Something i thought they were trying to eliminate. And this new defensive rule is going to be as "clear" as the "catch" rule was last year.
You do know that there are Male cheerleaders on College teams right?
This isn't the Gay version of "Hit the Floor".

You serious, Clark? Guess I’ll have to mow the lawn on Saturdays now. Way to burst my bubble!
You do know that there are Male cheerleaders on College teams right?
This isn't the Gay version of "Hit the Floor".
It'll be interesting to see how the NFL male cheerleaders are featured. In college, the male cheerleaders usually work in tandem with one of the females for lifts and other such moves. The male cheerleaders also provide some muscle for other routines which require someone in a position which requires more size and strength than a female can provide. Also, both the male and female cheerleaders need acrobatic abilities for many of the things they do.

If the NFL male cheerleaders are simply going to be guys dancing on the sideline then it'll be really weird. I'm not a Steelers fan but I like the fact they don't have cheerleaders.
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You do know that there are Male cheerleaders on College teams right?
This isn't the Gay version of "Hit the Floor".

Actually it is. The NFL has already had men help cheerleaders with stunts just like they do at college games. These 2 cheerleaders are dancers. They'll be doing the same routines alongside the ladies.
Will NFL teams have a mic man too?

"Eagles fans, are you ready to rock...and...roll?!"

another reason to unplug.What the hell is happening? Male cheerleaders but stay in the locker room for the National Anthem if you don't feeling like respecting our nation. Appeasing the extreme left.
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I would expect an uptick in ticket sales for the San Fran area and cities who house the fringe.
I think the Marlins used to have some male cheerleaders w/ megaphones at Joe Robbie Stadium. They had really hot girls that would dance on the dugouts. I loved that place for Marlins games. We called it "Beer an inning Stadium".
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Actually it is. The NFL has already had men help cheerleaders with stunts just like they do at college games. These 2 cheerleaders are dancers. They'll be doing the same routines alongside the ladies.

I don't know what the "cheerleaders do" at pro games. Frankly I couldn't care less.
I don't go to a football game to watch cheerleaders.