Know Your Penn State Wrestlers, 2021 Edition

125 7 0
133 1 1
141 1 1.5
149 4 0
157 5 1
165 4 2
174 2 1
184 1 1
197 5 1
285 1 2
B1G Tourney

125 8 1
133 1 1
141 1 1.5
149 2 0
157 4 1
165 6 1
174 2 1
184 1 2.5
197 3 2
285 2 3
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B1G Championships
125- 7 1
133- 1 2
141- 2 1
149- 4 1
157- 4 0
165- 5 2
174- 3 1
184- 1 2
197- 4 1
285- 2 3
Big Ten

125 8 1
133 1 1.5
141 1 2
149 6 .5
157 5 0
165 6 1
174 4 2
184 1 2.5
197 5 1
Hwt 3 2
Big 10s

125 - 6 - .5
133 - 2 - 3
141 - 2 - 2.5
149 - 7 - 2
157 - 4 - 1
165 - 4 - 1.5
174 - 4 - 2
184 - 1 - 3
197 - 5 - 2
285 - 3 - 2
125 8th, 1
133 1st, 2
141 1st, 1
149 7th, 0
157 4th, 0
165 7th 2
174 4th, 2
184 1st, 2
197 7th, 2
285 2nd, 2
PICKS -- B1G Tourney 2021
5, 0.5
133 1, 1.5
141 1, 1.5
149 4, 1.5
157 5, 1
165 6, 0.5
174 3, 1.5
184 1, 2
197 3, 2
285 4, 1.5
B1G Championships
125- 4 1
133- 1 2
141- 1 2
149- 4 1
157- 4 0.5
165- 5 1
174- 2 1
184- 1 2
197- 5 1
285- 2 1.5
For those of you concerned about my well-being, due to how your B1G picks were entered, fear not, I have survived the data entry. I was wrong about how long each person's entries would take me. It was 18-19 seconds per person, so including time to move down to the next person's picks, find them on the spreadsheet, and enter the data, I think I'm out about 25 minutes.

Right now, the spreadsheet is comparing everyone's results to 0 placement and 0 bonus. Bordeaux, nerfstate and justin6 are currently in the lead. That tells me that they were a combination of the most optimistic for placement and the least optimistic for bonus points. But, the real driver was placement points.
For those of you concerned about my well-being, due to how your B1G picks were entered, fear not, I have survived the data entry. I was wrong about how long each person's entries would take me. It was 18-19 seconds per person, so including time to move down to the next person's picks, find them on the spreadsheet, and enter the data, I think I'm out about 25 minutes.

Right now, the spreadsheet is comparing everyone's results to 0 placement and 0 bonus. Bordeaux, nerfstate and justin6 are currently in the lead. That tells me that they were a combination of the most optimistic for placement and the least optimistic for bonus points. But, the real driver was placement points.
Mine are loaded too, pa. We can compare at some point before you post final results, if you want. See ya later today!!
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Since I took crap over the weekend for being slow to post results this season, I'm going to go ahead and get these posted tonight. Not to name names, Lyco, but are you happy now? :p

On the podium for the 2021 KYPSW B1G portion are sneedram rollin' in at 8; newcomer pennstpete at 7; the small, but venerable 98lber at 6; jrod at 5, KYPSW results checker RoarLions1 at 4. And, in the top three spots, steady and true Acacia, loyalandtrue loyalandtrue, and with the drum roll, turning in a winning score of 271 points, out of a possible 340, verolion! Congrats, and your bragging rights commence now.

Jayhouse and YearoftheHeisman, you tied, but I was too lazy to look up the number of posts to see who finishes one off the podium. One of you can look it up, and let everyone know. Presumably, it will be the one with more posts that tells us.

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900 points up for grabs, boys and girls...

Know Your Penn State Wrestlers Competition – Nationals 2021

Here it is, the third and final installment of the 2021 Know Your Penn State Wrestlers competition. Nationals! We will crown an NCAA Tournament Champion, and then an Overall KYPSW 2021 Champion. 900 points are available for this competition.

What You Need To Do

For each of the 9 PSU wrestlers, predict his:
(1) Place finish as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, R12, or R16+
(2) Cumulative bonus points scored, to the nearest 0.5 pts


- R12 means the wrestler reaches the “Round of 12”, but does not advance.

- R16+ means the wrestler is eliminated from the tournament within the “Round of 16” or earlier.

- All predictions must be posted in this thread by 11:00 AM Eastern on Thursday, March 21st.


For each PSU wrestler, you will be awarded “Placement Points” based on your prediction for where the wrestler places in the tournament. You will also be awarded “Bonus Points” based on your predicted number of bonus points scored by the wrestler. The scoring structure for Placement Points and Bonus Points are listed below.

Placement Points
90 points for correct prediction
80 points for prediction off by 1 place
70 points for prediction off by 2 places
55 points for prediction off by 3 places
40 points for prediction off by 4 places
20 points for prediction off by 5 places
0 points for prediction off by 6+ places


- R12 will be treated functionally as “10th place”, meaning it is considered 2 place finishes below 8th for purposes of the contest.
- R16+ will be treated functionally as “14th place”, meaning it is considered 4 place finishes below R12 and 6 place finishes below 8th for purposes of the contest.

- You predict R12, wrestler finishes R12, you score 90 pts. for correct prediction.
- You predict R12, wrestler finishes 8th, you score 70 pts. for prediction off by 2.
- You predict R12, wrestler finishes 7th, you score 55 pts. for prediction off by 3.
- You predict R12, wrestler is eliminated before reaching the Round of 16, you score 40 pts. for prediction off by 4.
- You predict R16+, wrestler loses in the Round of 16, you score 90 pts. for correct prediction.
- You predict R16+, wrestler finishes R12, you score 40 pts. for prediction off by 4.
- You predict R16+, wrestler finishes 8th, you score 0 pts. for prediction off by 6.

- You predict 6th, wrestler finishes R12, you score 40 pts. for prediction off by 4.

Bonus Points
10 points for correct prediction
8 points for prediction off by 0.5 pts
6 points for prediction off by 1.0 pts
4 points for prediction off by 1.5 pts
3 points for prediction off by 2.0 pts
2 points for prediction off by 2.5 pts
1 point for prediction off by 3.0 pts
0 points for prediction off by 3.5+ pts


- Major Decision = 1.0 bonus points

- Tech Fall = 1.5 bonus points

- Fall, Medical Forfeit, Injury Default, and Disqualification = 2.0 bonus points.

The maximum attainable score under this system is 900 points. Tiebreaker criteria are (1) most placement points, (2) most “90-point” placement predictions, (3) most “80-point” placement predictions, (4) most “70-point” placement predictions, (5) most “55-point” placement predictions, (6) most “40 point” placement predictions, (7) most “20 point” placement predictions, and (8) most message board posts.

All predictions must be posted in this thread by 11:00 AM Eastern on Thursday, March 18th.
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NCAA Tournament

125 R16+ 1.0
133 3 2
141 3 2.5
157 R12 0
165 R16+ 0
174 2 2
184 1 2.5
197 R12 1
285 5 4
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NCAA Tournament

125, R12, 1
133, 2, 2.5
141, 2, 3
157, 6, 1
165, R12, 1
174, 2, 2
184, 1, 3
197, 1, 2
285, 3, 4
I think if you do it quick enough it wont show up as edited. I've noticed that in the past.
Ah, that must be it. So, presumably, someone could edit and edit and edit during a match, changing their picks to match the results, and I'd be none the wiser.
I dont think so. I think it only works once per post and you need to do it within a few seconds of original post. I could be wrong tho.
I think you have a few minutes to edit without the "edited" mark appearing. I've caught and corrected typos/etc in my posts 2 or 3 minutes later and never got branded as an editor.

I doubt someone could do the repeated edit trick @pawrestlersintn hypothesized. Although, I think posters may be able to open a post just before the deadline and leave it open throughout a match and avoid it showing as edited. Pure speculation.

197, 1, 2

Heads up -- This seems malformed. ;)

Praying you prove prophetic tho. Would love to see Beard crush it.
125 R16+ 0.5
133 2 2.5
141 2 3
157 8 0
165 R16+ 0
174 2 1
184 1 2.5
197 R12 2
285 4 3
125 - R16 - 0.5
133 - 2 - 2.5
141 - 3 - 3
157 - 8 - 1
165 - R16 - 1
174 - 2 - 1
184 - 1 - 2.5
197 - R12 - 2
285 - 5 - 2

125: 8 1
133: 2 3
141: 1 3
157: 7 0
165: R16+ 1
174: 2 1
184: 1 4
197: R12 0
285: 5 2
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NCAA Tournament

125 rd 12, .5
133 2, 2
141 1, 3.5
157 8, 2
165 rd 16
174 3, 2.5
184 1, 3
197 8, 2
HWT 6, 3.5
NCAA Tournament

125 R12, 0
133 1, 3
141 1, 3
157 6, 0
165 R16+, 0
174 3, 2
184 1, 4
197 5, 1
285 4, 3
NCAA Tournament

125 R12, 0
133 1, 3
141 2, 3
157 6, 0
165 R16+, 4
174 3, 2
184 1, 5
197 5, 1
285 R12 3
125 R16+ 0
133 1 2.0
141 1 2.5
157 R12 0
165 R16+ 0.5
174 2 1.5
184 1 2.0
197 R12 1.0
285 4 2.5

125 R16+ 1
133 2 2.0
141 1 3.0
157 8 .5
165 R16+ 0.5
174 2 1.5
184 1 3.0
197 R16+ 1.0
285 4 2.0
Tournament Ncaa

125 r16+ 1.0
133 2 2.5
141 2 2.0
157 R16+ 1.0
165 R16+ 1.0
174 2 2.0
184 1 3.5
197 8. 2.0
285 4 4.0
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125 R16+ 1
133 1 1.5
141 1 3.0
157 8 0.5
165 R16+ 0.5
174 2 1.5
184 1 3.5
197 R12+ 1.0
285 4 2.0